/ / Warm Turkey. Pamukkale and its healing waters

Warm Turkey. Pamukkale and its healing waters

Unusual and attractive in the touristplan of the country these days is Turkey. Pamukkale on its territory is a very popular resort. Many people, going to this hot power, dream of a sea holiday, of beautiful rosaries and a variety of local cuisine. However in whatever city you go, you should definitely visit Pamukkale, the place where natural hot springs from the ground are able to cure any disease. Their temperature ranges from 30 to 100 degrees Celsius, and at the same time it contains a record amount of calcium. We will now talk about all the delights of this unusually resort area, however, only Turkey itself will be able to give more information about this.

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Pamukkale is located near the city of Denizli, fromwhich regularly sends free buses to the area. You can also reach sources via Izmir, but keep in mind that between these two points the distance is more than 200 km. Unfortunately, there is no direct communication with Istanbul.

It should also be noted that such material asnatural cotton, the whole of Turkey is famous. Pamukkale is the main production center for this property, so you can buy clothes, home textiles and decor elements made of the finest natural fibers along the way. All products, of course, are handmade.

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Now back to the main, because the mainthe purpose of this resort is treatment. Here people with skin diseases, with rickets, cardiovascular abnormalities, as well as those who have been prescribed by a psychotherapist for intensive therapy with healing baths come here. After all, according to doctors all over the world, only the hot waters of Pamukkale can cure almost any illness. Turkey (prices for holidays are acceptable for any average family), is famous for this region for more than 500 years. Treated here came the ancient rulers of various powers, and people of our time.

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You can also visit sources in order toprevention and rehabilitation, because this is really an amazing creation of nature, which Turkey can boast of. Pamukkale is the so-called terrace, formed from stones, along which flows from different origins and temperatures water. Here there are sulfur baths, which are taken with various skin ailments, and "colorful" waterfalls, designed to prevent joint and bone diseases. Also rejuvenating procedures in this region are popular.

There are various entertainments andplaces of interest near Pamukkale. Turkey (reviews of the country only prove this) in the distant past, often obeyed the rulers of the ancient world. So, in this area there are still cities of Ephesus and Hieropolis, in which the sights of those times were preserved. Among them are the Temple of Apollo, the Amphitheater and the Necropolis, near which are the graves of ancient soldiers, rulers and generals. One can not overlook one of the main attractions of Hieropolis - "Cleopatra's Pool". This is a natural bath filled with water with a temperature of 35 degrees. There are concentrated a record amount of magnesium, calcium and sulfates, which allow you to recover from diseases, and improve your health, and rejuvenate.