/ / Trips and validity of the passport

Tourist trips and the validity of the passport

Many of us dream to visit different countries of the world.Travel is always interesting. Today to go to another country is not a big deal. The main thing is to collect and issue the necessary documents, buy a ticket and you can go for new impressions.

For those who often and often abroad,traveling and obtaining the necessary documents is not a big deal. These people are experienced and know where to start and where to go. Those who decide to travel for the first time, face some difficulties, primarily because of ignorance.
Самым главным документом для поездки за границу is a passport. Its design is worth doing in advance. For this, you will need to collect and provide some documents. This is a passport of the Russian Federation, the original or a copy of the employment record, a military ID for military service, two photos, a copy of the pension certificate, if available. In addition, you will need to write an application for the issuance of a passport and pay the state fee. It seems that the procedure is not complicated. The main thing is to submit all the necessary documents. Typically, the time of issuance of the passport does not exceed one month. This will be your main document during your stay abroad.

There is also the validity of the passport.The previously issued document was valid for up to five years. The validity of the passport of the new sample extended by 10 years. If you want to get a new sample document, you must provide an old international passport.

Traveling to different countries do not forgetabout some of the features of this document. Validity of passport for a trip to each individual country is different. Each country has its own requirements not only for the period of validity, but also for the international passport itself. To obtain a visa, you must follow some recommendations. For example, for a trip to Austria, the period of validity of the passport may end no earlier than three months after returning home. At the same time in the passport itself there should be at least one page clean, although it is preferable if there are three of them.

Going on a trip you need to find out allnecessary information on the preparation of documents. Because each country has its own requirements for their design. Be sure to pay attention to the validity of the passport. If necessary, you should extend it in advance or get a new document.
Так как оформление занимает некоторое время, то start it in advance. If you want to spend a holiday abroad, then do not rush to buy a ticket before preparing all the documents. You can simply visit a travel agency and inquire about tours available. If you have not yet decided on the country where you would like to go, then the operators will certainly help you. When the passport will be in your hands, you can buy a ticket and decide on the date of departure.

Путешествие по миру - это всегда приятно и fascinatingly. You can learn a lot of interesting things from the life of other nations. In the world a huge number of attractions and monuments of architecture. Many see their dreams. Going on a trip you need to find out what is remarkable in this country, what you should pay attention to. Visiting various countries you can significantly expand your horizons. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation in a foreign country, study its manners and customs.

Of course, the most important is legalside trip. If all the necessary documents, namely, the international passport, were issued correctly, and the travel agency is well organized trip, then nothing will spoil your holiday. It must be remembered that in each country there is an embassy of Russia, which you can always contact to get help and support.