/ Several options for traveling by bus to the sea from Voronezh

Several options for traveling by bus to the sea from Voronezh

When the really spring days begin,there is also a suitcase mood. Increasingly, the thought comes to mind: why not leave everything and not go to sea? If not in a full vacation, then at least for the May holidays. And indeed, if fate has awarded you life in the south-western region of Russia, why not move still slightly to the south - closer to the warm sea and the dazzling sun? Especially since the bus to the sea from Voronezh is not so long and expensive to go. In this article we will consider several options for such a journey. Many tourists from Voronezh have already made their way to the resorts of Krasnodar Region on their own cars. If you do not have a car (or you do not want to hit it on the famous Russian roads), then you can use public transport.

Tours to the sea from Voronezh

We go to Yeysk

The nearest sea from Voronezh is the Azov Sea.This shallow water area with wide sandy beaches and a gentle approach to the water is suitable for recreation with children. On the Russian shores of the Azov Sea there are many resorts, but the most popular of them is Yeisk. This city is located in the south of the Taganrog Bay. In Temryuk district there are mud volcanoes and, accordingly, balneological resorts. If you are going to go by bus to the sea from Voronezh with a small child, it's better not to delay your trip. We must strive to make the path as short as possible. Therefore, it is best to choose the Sea of ​​Azov. There are two buses to Yeisk and the village of Dolzhanskaya - From Moscow and St. Petersburg. Both routes follow through Voronezh. But it should be said that these buses are not voyages, but tourist ones. In order to book a seat and buy a ticket, you should contact the travel agency.

From the Voronezh to the sea

From Voronezh to the sea in Sochi

Prior to Azov, of course, closer - about seven hundredkilometers. On the bus, overcoming this distance will take about eight hours. But to go to the Sea of ​​Azov in the May holidays is too early. And the resorts of this reservoir are much inferior to Sochi on the infrastructure. If you go to rest on the sea, then on Black. Here we have several possibilities. Firstly, a service like blah blah-car. This is a trip on a private car, the driver of which is with you along the way. The average price is one thousand seven hundred rubles from the passenger. But to find such a car on a date that is acceptable to you is quite difficult. And buses go regularly. And, unlike those passing in the direction of Yeisk, they are sent directly from Voronezh.

Directions to the resorts of Krasnodar Region

Travel agencies have already run two routes - to Anapa andAdler. If you want to go by bus to the sea from Voronezh as comfortable as possible, then it is better to contact the agency. There are several in the city. Most of the new buses with a media system, toilet and air-conditioning are available for the flight. It is not necessary to buy a ticket to the final stop. You can go to any resort you like. The Voronezh-Adler bus stops in Tuapse, Lazarevsky, Loo and Sochi. At your request, the driver can drop you off at Lermontovo or Dzhugba, Olginka, Novomikhailovsky, Agoy, Gebug, Magri, Shepsi, Asha. Volkonka, Hosta. Dagomys, Anchor and Blue Gap, Golovinka and Vardan. Route Voronezh - Anapa makes mandatory stops in Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk. At the request of the passengers, the driver can land them in Arkhipo-Osipovka, Pshad, Divnomorskoe and Kabardinka.

The nearest sea from the Voronezh

Regularity of flights, prices from where the bus leaves and where the bus arrives

Because they organize these routestravel agencies, then cars are sent only from May to September. The regularity of the cruising depends on the season. For example, in May buses run every six days. But this is in the proposal of one travel agency. Probably in the city there are a few more, sending their buses to the direction of Bolshoi Sochi. At the peak of the season on the above routes there are several daily flights. Adler's route will take about seventeen hours. The buses leave from the railway station of Voronezh, from the square. Chernyakhovsky. Tickets are sold at the ticket offices of the agencies "Lux-Tour" and "Trans-Flight". Buses arrive to the railway station in Adler or Kurortny Avenue in Anapa. How much does it cost to take the bus to the sea from Voronezh? If to Eisk, the ticket price will be about two and a half thousand rubles. Adler will cost more. The exact price depends on the travel agency. But on average the ticket costs about three and a half thousand rubles.

by bus to the sea from Voronezh

Tours to the sea from Voronezh

Many travelers recommend buyingtickets back and forth, because the resorts do not have cash offices of these travel agencies. These travel agencies provide their clients with a variety of services. After all, you can pay not only travel in the direction of Voronezh - the sea, but also the rest in general. You do not need to think about transfer to the hotel, book a room and take care of other small things. Directly to the travel agency you will be advised by a good resort hotel, boarding house or recreation center - possibly with all-inclusive meals. In this case, and travel to the desired resorts you will be cheaper. After all, you buy the whole package.