/ / Alberta in Canada welcoming immigrants

Alberta province in Canada welcoming immigrants

In the west of Canada is one of the mostprosperous provinces, which got its name in honor of the wife of the governor-general of the country and the daughter of Queen Victoria - Louise Carolina Alberta. Therefore, this region, the fourth largest, is often called the province of the princess.

The economic growth

Здесь тепло встречают иммигрантов, ведь благодаря their work and was built Alberta, in which more than 3.7 million people live. They are provided with unlimited business opportunities. Now the region is developing economically very quickly, and the unemployment rate is only four percent.

Alberta Canada

Alberta (Canada) is an attractiveplace to do business. Here, various companies open their representative offices, which are attracted by qualified labor, low taxes and production costs, and the authorities of the region support free competition and create favorable conditions for new producers.

Oil production leader

Alberta Province is a real energyCanada’s pantry, as it is the center of the country's gas and oil business. It occupies part of the plateau of the same name, rich in mineral deposits.

In the 1930s, the territory wasoil fields were discovered, and in 1947, the Leduc field. At present, the Klondike reached out to work, and its influx allowed the region to make a sharp economic leap. The province produces gas, rock salt, sulfur, iron ore, lignite.

Plateau settlement

Когда-то, около 10 тысяч лет назад, плато Alberta was a huge glacier. After warming in the south, it turned into a desert, and primitive people settled on the terrain, for many centuries experienced tremendous difficulties: it was unbearably hot in summer and extremely cold in winter. It is believed that the first inhabitants, who appeared where Alberta is now located, moved from the territory of modern Siberia, first to Alaska, and then arrived in North America.

cities province alberta canada

Это один из самых привлекательных для проживания However, there are serious environmental problems in the economically developed region. For example, the waters of Athabasca Lake are poisoned by mercury, and various harmful substances are found in the meat of wild animals.

Four natural areas

For the traveler, Alberta isuniversal terrain, which lies in four natural zones. Many are attracted by the diverse landscape, and if you go around the whole territory, you can see prairies, rocks, dense forests and glaciers.

В занимающем огромную территорию регионе cold weather prevails, but in the south the frost is not so severe. The winters are long and the summer is short. Locals joke about the often changing weather: “If you don’t like something, then wait a few minutes.”

Nature of the province

Formed during the construction of the damThe picturesque lake Abraham (Abraham) attracts the attention of all lovers of natural beauty. In winter, its surface is speckled with openwork patterns, which consist of frozen air bubbles.

Canadian Alberta

Wood Buffalo National Park is the largest in all of North America. It was created to save a herd of buffalo.

The province of Alberta (Canada) is famous for the international park of the world Waterton-Glacier, which differs from all others by abrupt transitions from prairies to mountains.

Jasper, protected by UNESCO, is one of the most visited sites in the country. Here you can admire the clear lakes, huge glaciers, magnificent waterfalls, picturesque canyons.

Cities of Alberta (Canada)

The capital of the province is Edmonton - a cityextremely rich in landmarks. Here are the Royal Museum, a huge zoo, an art gallery and a giant shopping center, recognized as the largest in the world. The capital of oil boasts a beautiful planetarium. It hosts a theater festival, winter holidays of light and ice sculpture.

Самым большим городом считается Калгари, named after the bay in Scotland. The settlement, which preserved the spirit of its first inhabitants, is recognized as the business center of the country. Tourists rush here to the annual cowboy festival to take part in a real rodeo, visit the amazing Calgary Zoo`s Prehistoric Park, where you can admire the remains of dinosaurs and get acquainted with a variety of prehistoric plants.


The beauty of the local nature and numerousattractions attract tourists from all over the world. The Canadian province of Alberta gives an unforgettable experience to all guests who leave here a piece of their soul.