/ / Consulates, visa centers and the Greek embassy in Russia - in which cities are they located?

Consulates, visa centers and the Greek Embassy in Russia - in what cities are they located?

Греция – это замечательная страна, которая is very attractive to many tourists. And the Russians are no exception. In order to obtain a visa, which is a permit to enter this country, you need to contact the Embassy of Greece. In Russia, it is one, but there are also consulates and visa centers. Well, all this should be described in more detail.

Greek Embassy in Russia

Where to go?

The Greek Embassy in Russia is, of course,in Moscow. To be more precise, in Leontievsky Lane, 4 (index 125009). A commercial department is located on Spiridonovka, 14. Interestingly, the embassy is located inside the main house of the city estate of the princes Meschersky. And the building of the General Consulate was built at all in 1903. True, then it was the P.P. Boytsova.

In general, for a visa must go to Moscow. But it is not convenient for everyone. Because there is still a General Consulate in St. Petersburg. It is located on Prospect Chernyshevsky, at number 17.

But residents of southern Russia will be comfortablecontact the Consulate, located in Novorossiysk, on Mira Street (house number 13). But that's not all. The embassy and consulates of Greece in Russia are very conveniently distributed - a resident of every part of our large country can turn to what is closest to him. There is even something that is located in Kaliningrad. This consulate was located on Ogarev Street, at number 33.

Greek Embassy in Moscow address

Visa centers

This is not the consulate or the Greek embassy.In Russia, however, there are quite a few such centers. These are commercial organizations that benefit from the total number of issued visas. They greatly facilitate the work of embassies, as they themselves are engaged in the preparation and verification of documents and make life easier for potential tourists. True, they take a lot of money for it. If the consular fee for issuing a 90-day visa at the embassy is 35 euros, then in the center for permission to stay in the country for 21 days will have to pay 110 €.

Такие центры есть повсеместно.And sometimes it is really more profitable for a person to go there, and not to overpay, in order to get to another city and to do this red tape there. Peter, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Sochi, Vladivostok, Ufa, Khabarovsk, Krasnodar - this is not the whole list of places where there are visa centers. At the moment there are 28 cities with Greek visa centers. And it is very convenient for many people, because they do not need to go to the Greek Embassy in Russia.

The list of documents for the visa

Briefly worth telling about what you needpresent at the consulate for the coveted “Schengen”. In any case, you need a valid passport and a copy of the old (if any). Internal passport pages are also required to scan and provide photocopies. The application form must also be filled out and presented along with two photos of 35 by 45 mm format. You also need confirmation of booking hotels or an invitation from the host party (relatives, for example), the availability of air tickets, medical insurance and bank statement. It should be a sufficient amount. At least 70 euros per day of stay. And still need to show a certificate from work or from the dean's office (for students). All this requires the presentation of the Greek Embassy in Moscow, the address of which was provided above, and the consulate. Visa centers often take the task of processing and collecting documents for themselves, only for this you will need to pay a considerable amount.

Embassy and consulates of Greece in Russia

Interesting nuance

In rare cases, applying for a visa at the embassynot required. Namely, from June 7 to September 30. During this period, the islands of Samos, Kos, Chios, Lesbos and Rhodes can be reached without a visa - but only if the person arrives from Turkey on the ferry. The main thing is that the traveler has two necessary things with him. This is a ticket for the ferry and hotel reservations. Tours should be purchased from a travel company operating in Turkey. A day before the departure of the ferry to the company, you must send a copy of your passport, an application for a 1-fold visa and photo. And when a person arrives on the island, he will provide the originals and pay 35 euros for the service. Clever scheme, but requires less care.