/ / Lakes of Sverdlovsk region: Peschanoe - small Switzerland on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg

Lakes of the Sverdlovsk region: Peschanoe - small Switzerland on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg

Karelia is rightly called the country of thousands of lakes.Well, no one argues with this. However, to buy, sunbathe on the beach or fish, do not necessarily go on a long journey. We have many places in the country where you can also organize an excellent beach holiday on the shore of a picturesque lake. Sverdlovsk region is not an exception. Only in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg there are more than a dozen beaches where you can have a great time - swim, sunbathe, go for a boat or jet ski. If you are attracted to the lakes of the Sverdlovsk region, Peschanoe is probably the most optimal option. At least for the reason that it is almost in the city.

Lake Sverdlovsk region sandy

Despite its name, the bottom of the lake and most of its coastline are stony. So the name of the reservoir is not entirely true.

Площадь поверхности Песчаного не превышает и half a square kilometer. The length of the coastline is approximately two and a half kilometers. The average depth of the reservoir is about one meter, although in some places it can reach a mark of 3.5 meters. From the lake flows only one small rivulet - Berezovka, and the Black Creek flows into it. However, like other lakes in the Sverdlovsk region, Sandy feeds on surface and underground waters. In form it resembles a rectangle with dimensions of 800x500 meters.

Like many other lakes in the Sverdlovsk Region,Sandy has the status of a hydrological monument of nature of regional importance. Responsibility for its content is assigned to the Ural State Forestry Academy.

lake sandy Sverdlovsk region

History of Peschanoe Lake

Сейчас довольно трудно достоверно установить, when the Peschanoe Lake was formed. Sverdlovsk region, according to scientists, once was at the bottom of a large lake, in size not inferior to the sea. The reason for this was a huge glacier that prevented the waters of the Ob and the Yenisei from reaching the Arctic Ocean. The liquid accumulated at the edge of the glacier formed this large natural reservoir. Over time, the water left, leaving a deposit at the bottom, including sand, which is now on the shores of Peschanoe Lake.

If we talk about a later period, thenOn the shore of Peschanoye lake in July 1951 the sports and recreational base "Burevestnik" of the USTU-UPI was established, later renamed the "Peschanoe" sports and recreation complex. Then there was a recreation center for the Forestry Institute and a pioneer camp. After the summer houses began to be intensively built around the lake in 1970, the waters of Peschanoye Lake became contaminated. And this was expressed not only in the intensive "flowering" and silting of the bottom, but also in the deterioration of bacteriological parameters. In the second half of the nineties, the eastern part of the coast was partially cleared and landscaped, but since that time entry into this territory has become paid. So, to get to the Peschanoye Lake, sometimes many kilometers of traffic jams are built. Especially it is typical for summer days off.

And yet Lake Sandy enjoys extremepopular with local tourists and vacationers. Its waters are distinguished by their transparency, and on the coast there are many beaches, separated by the beds of small streams and heaps of massive granite boulders.

According to most tourists who visited the lakeSandy (Sverdlovsk region), photos of local neighborhoods strikingly resemble Switzerland - the same low, wooded mountains. To the north of the lake there is the Pshenichnaya mountain, which has a height of 427 m, and the picturesque mountain Ostraya adjoined to its western outskirts.

In addition, like many other famous lakesSverdlovsk region, Sandy is popular among local fishermen. There are minnows, crucian carp, perch, chebak, pike in the lake. Although, compared with other bodies of water, the fish here are much smaller.

lake sandy sverdlovsk region photo

How to get to Lake Peschanoe?

The pond is located near the regional center ofYekaterinburg. To get to the place, you must move along the Moscow road in the direction of n. Severka, behind which there is an asphalt road leading directly to the lake.

As for public transport, it is best to get here by train, the next to the station. Severka (direction Kuzino, Shalya, Shamar), and then walk about four kilometers.