A huge number of Russians preferarrange a holiday and celebrate holidays abroad. However, as you know, for a trip to many of the countries, a visa must be pre-arranged. In the world there is a large number of states that you can get to without such a document. So, which countries do not need a visa for Russians? About this further.
What is a visa?
What is a visa?This is, first of all, permission to cross the border of a certain state. It is a written document issued by the state in which the entry is planned. For each individual, an individual registration of such a permit is required.
The phenomenon when a foreign citizen has the rightTo cross the border of a specific state solely on such a permit is called a visa regime. In some countries of the world only such a rule of restraint of the border is established - examples of such are the European states, as well as the United States of America and Canada. To travel to which countries do not need a visa for Russians? As an answer to this question, many states can be cited as an example.
Which European countries do not need a visa forcitizens of the Russian Federation? Among them are Ukraine, Moldova, Abkhazia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republic of Belarus. In addition, the inhabitants of Russia have the opportunity to admire the beauty of the nature of Serbia, Macedonia, Kyrgyzstan, the sights of Montenegro and an unforgettable hot holiday in Turkey without an additional visa for entry into the country.
Residents of the Russian Federation have the right to stay in the territoryof the above-mentioned states for 90 calendar days. The exception to this rule is Turkey, where you can stay a little less - within 60 days.
As noted in official sources, the dataEuropean countries with a visa-free regime will remain so until they become members of the EU. In the near future, the situation with regard to this fact can sharply change, because at the moment Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey, as well as some other countries from the list provided, are actively negotiating for accession to the EU. If this happens, they will disappear from the list of countries in Europe, which do not need a visa.
If you wish to carry out your stay in the datacountries for a longer period than 90 and 60 days, travelers can apply for a long-term visa. There must be serious reasons for this, examples of such can be the conduct of work, as well as training.
Some countries located in the Africancontinent, are also free for tourists from Russia. Which countries in Africa do not need a visa? First of all, tourists from Russia should pay attention to such states with picturesque nature and interesting sights like Botswana and Burundi - staying in them for 90 days or less does not require the issuance of permission. Fans of foreign cultures and bright attractions can visit Djibouti, Gambia or Ghana.
In many countries in Africa a visa is required, but itsclearance is a very simple process that takes place right at the airport. Among such states can be identified Zambia - when you enter this country you can apply for a one-day visa, but only if the purpose of the visit is to visit the local attractions - the Victoria Falls. At the border, you can also apply for a monthly visa at the entrance to Cape Verde, Zimbabwe, Kenya and the Comoros.
Which countries in Asia do not need a visa for thosetourists who are citizens of Russia? Especially popular among such are Bangladesh, Bahrain, Nepal and Cambodia. Visa-free entry to such states is possible for a short period of time - about 15 days (in Cambodia from 1 to 12 months). Visaless countries for the Russian population are also Mongolia, Thailand, Macao and Lebanon. Here very often guests from Russia come to not just relax, but also to get acquainted with local sights.
Among tourists who are citizens of Russia,a great popularity is enjoyed by the islands, some of which are also in Asia. Among them, the list of visa-free countries is supplemented by the Maldives, Malaysia, as well as the Philippines, a stay without permission on the territory of which is possible within 30 calendar days.
To cross the borders of many Asianstates require the issuance of a visa, but this is done very quickly and for residents of Russia - according to a simplified system. An example of this can serve as Sri Lanka and India.
North America
The countries of North America also enjoy a largepopular with tourists from Russia - many prefer to arrange their stay in them or visit to explore the sights, culture. Which countries do not need a visa? First of all, travelers should pay attention to the picturesque islands of Bermuda, the Bahamas and Haiti - here you can organize a wonderful holiday, which can last up to 30 days. Provided that the trip will be of a business or tourist nature, travelers can stay in the territories of Grenada, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua without any permits.
A special attention of travelers is attracted toSaint Lucia, Dominican Republic, Cuba, as well as Jamaica - on the territory of such states, too, can be located without issuing additional permits. To cross the borders of such countries, you need a passport, money to stay in the state, as well as tickets for the return journey. In the event that the traveler is in the state in transit, he must show tickets for a trip to another country.
For citizens of the Russian Federation is also possiblevisa application under the simplified system in some countries of North America. An example of this can be Mexico, Barbados, Costa Rica, St. Vincent, and Belize.
South America
Most countries located on the territorySouth America is happy to meet tourists from Russia. That is why many of them do not require a separate entry permit. So, to which countries do Russians not need a visa? The answer to this question below.
Among all free states to enterleading positions in Russian tourism are occupied by such countries as Brazil, Argentina and Venezuela. Many travelers admit that such countries can be visited not only for a wonderful holiday, but also to explore local culture and attractions. A huge number of tourists seeking to go to Brazil during the fun carnivals.
In addition to the above, the list of visa-free countries in South America is replenished: Guyana, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, as well as the famous Panama.
Many countries in Oceania offer tourists fromRussia unimpeded entry for a certain period of stay. As a rule, the period of visa-free stay in them is limited to 30 calendar days, but for a pleasant rest this time is quite enough.
Most guests from Russia prefervisit countries such as Guam, Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia, Cook Islands, Niue, Tuvalu, and the Northern Mexican Islands. It is in the above-mentioned countries that a large number of vacation spots are concentrated, which many tour operators recommend to all fans of exotic holidays.
For unhindered entry into such visa-freecountries for Russians need to have with them a passport, return tickets, and the presence of a certain amount of money, which, by local standards, should be enough for existence.
In some states for residents of RussiaThere is a simplified system for obtaining a visa. However, its use is possible only if the purpose of the visit to the country is tourism. To confirm this, travelers are obliged to present upon arrival a voucher, which indicates the duration of their stay at the resort. Examples of such countries are the Palau Islands, Pitcairn, French Polynesia, the island of Tonga, and Fiji.
For residents of Russia there is a possibilityfree entry to the CIS countries. This procedure can be carried out in the presence of an international passport, the validity of which will not be less than the period during which you plan to stay in a foreign country.
В какие страны не нужна виза для путешественников from Russia? First of all, this is Azerbaijan - in this state, residents of Russia can stay for 90 calendar days, which is enough for leisure, business, and also for visiting the most interesting places, which are many in the country's cities. The same rules apply to Armenia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. For a whole year, Russians can freely stay in Georgia.
Leisure Countries
Many lovers of exotic holidays abroadoften asked questions about which countries of rest do not need a visa? Among them, Turkey attracts a lot of attention from vacationers, which was already mentioned earlier - you can stay for 60 days without a visa on the territory of this state. A huge number of travelers recently prefer to visit the holy lands of Israel. This also does not require this type of document, but instead it is necessary to provide an insurance policy.
Beautiful exotic options can beBahamas, Vietnam, Dominican Republic. Many tourists living on the territory of the Russian Federation prefer to use the possibility of a visa-free regime, going on holiday to hot exotic countries.
Countries that can be visited on the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
In a small number of countries of the world citizensThe Russian Federation may enter with an internal passport without an international one. This list consists of six states, but the policy does not stand still, so it can be replenished at any time by new powers. Currently, residents of the Russian Federation have the right to visit Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Abkhazia, Armenia, South Ossetia and the Republic of Belarus without a passport.
With regard to the possible period of stay, in Abkhazia, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Russians can stay for 90 calendar days, and in the rest - indefinitely.
Many tourists who wish to visit the SouthOssetia or Abkhazia should pay attention to the fact that after this event they may have problems with entering Georgia - in practice they are quite common.
Entry with visas of other states
Russian citizens have the opportunity to entersome countries with visas of other states. An example of this is Ireland, which can be reached with a UK visa or Oman, for which a permit to enter the UAE is enough. With a Schengen visa, you can visit countries such as Croatia and French Guiana.
What is required for entry without a visa
Во все страны, которые пускают на свою территорию tourists without a visa, establish some other conditions, insignificant for travelers, in the presence of which it is possible to cross the border. Among those, the most common is the presence of a passport - this requirement is necessary in almost all cases, with the exception of a visit to countries where it is possible to have an internal document certifying that they belong to Russian citizenship (6 states).
In addition to having a passport for visa-freeBorder crossings often require return tickets. There are cases when travelers are in transit in the country and have a goal to continue their journey. In this case, it suffices to present a ticket for a flight to another state.
Presentation of the availability of funds required forresidence for the period of stay in the country is also one of the most common requirements in the case of visa-free border crossing. The amount of such in each state is determined separately, based on its level of development. For example, staying in Botswana for one person for a week is possible, provided that he has 300 dollars with him.
In some countries, it is necessary to require confirmation of the availability of a place to stay or the presentation of a voucher, on the basis of which a tourist visit is carried out.
Some countries may provide visa-free travel.transit, which allows you to move around the state without issuing a visa and not showing any other documents, except those that confirm the fact of the traveler’s movement to another country. Examples of such can be: Brunei (72 hours), Singapore (96 hours), United Kingdom (24 hours), Bulgaria (36 hours), China (72 hours). Many tourists who make long trips will certainly take advantage of this opportunity and visit the sights and the most interesting places.
Which countries do not need a visa for Belarus?
If the list of countries that can visitRussians, who do not have a visa, are more or less determined, you can deal with the residents of other states who can visit the citizens of the neighboring countries of Russia. Of course, many tourists from the Republic of Belarus are interested in the list of places they can visit without having a special permit.
Итак, в какие страны белорусам не нужна виза?First of all, citizens of this Republic have the right to freely enter Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Brazil, Venezuela, Georgia, Egypt, Vietnam, Jordan and Israel. These regions are the most popular among Belarusian tourists. Among the popular islands for a long period are the Bahamas, Cyprus and Cuba.
A huge number of fans exploringattractions and local cultures peculiar to other nations, prefer to go to China, Malaysia, Serbia and Singapore - in these countries, according to most travelers, you can learn a lot of new things and see the most unusual phenomena.
Among those countries that do not need a visa for Belarusians, of course, is Russia, which is visited by the majority of the country's population.
For Ukrainians
For residents of Ukraine there is also a certainlist of countries that they can visit without a special permit - a visa. So which countries do not need a visa for Ukrainians? Among these, the most popular are: Georgia, Israel, Kyrgyzstan, Costa Rica, Moldova, Macedonia, United Arab Emirates (only for owners of biometric passports valid for more than six months), Seychelles, Spitsbergen, Chile. Among the less popular, but those that can be visited without a visa, should be highlighted: Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Western Sahara, Grenada, Namibia, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ecuador.
Among the countries in which it is customary to arrangeexotic vacations, there are also a few that offer short stays for tourism and without special permission. Among them are such as Turkey, Jamaica, Ecuador.
Ukraine also has the right to visit the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation without an individual visa.
Which European countries do not need a visa for Ukrainians?Among those are such countries as: Greece, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Sweden, Estonia, France, Czech Republic, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Cyprus, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Finland, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Hungary and Germany. The availability of a basic document for a trip (biometric passport) to these countries is not enough. In addition to his presentation, the tourist must justify his goal with which he arrives in the country. The traveler should also have with him the amount of money necessary for living, based on the calculations of each state separately.