/ / Japan. Nature of Japan: Description

Japan. Nature of Japan: description

Unusually charming country of Japan!The nature of Japan is fascinating from the first minute. You can talk about it tirelessly - it is so diverse and beautiful. Sakura blooming in the spring, an abundance of flowers in the summer, bright maples in the fall, the purest snow cover in the winter - this is only a small piece of Japanese charm.

japan japan nature

general review

Japan's wildlife has been shaped bythe fact that the country has an island position. The state is located on the stratovolcanic archipelago, which is located off the Pacific coast of Asia, and belongs to the zone with four temperature seasons. The climate here depends on seasonal winds, in winter blowing from the continent, and in summer in the opposite direction.

The country of mountains and forests is Japan.The nature of Japan is rich in vegetation: coniferous trees dominate in the north, mixed forests in the central part, and subtropical in the south. Mountain and forest occupy more than two thirds of the state. Often they are unsuitable for living, farming and industrial development due to frequent landslides, typhoons, earthquakes. Although it should be noted that the natural vegetation has been able to survive well in densely populated areas. Artificial stands occupy one third of the territory.


What vegetation is remarkable for Japan?The nature of Japan is very different. There are about 2,750 species of all kinds of plants, of which there are many endemics. In general, the flora of this country is similar to the vegetation of East China. On the island of Kos, almost evergreen subtropical forests reach the ridges of the mountains, in the tree layer of which different types of oak (myrzynolistnye, and holly, etc.) stand, castanopsis, camellia, camphor laurel, pasania, anise tree (badian), magnolia. Abundant undergrowth mainly consists of ferns, it is rich in epiphytes and lianas.

japan wildlife

Description of Japan’s nature in its southern partswithout the mention of tropical palms, which grows here very much. Also found cycad, arena, footpod, liviston, cyate tree. On sandy soils you can see a densely flowered pine.

The northern areas of the country are covered with coniferous forests,which are similar to our Far East. It mainly grows fir and spruce. When moving in a southerly direction, beeches, oaks, maples begin to appear, further - pines and cypresses, then - Japanese magnolias. Artificial vegetation prevails on the mountain slopes of the southern islands and Hokkaido. Larch is found here and there, the Sakhalin fir and the Hokkaido spruce are common.

In the very south of the country, there are evergreen multi-tiered forests rich in endemics. There are many lianas, ferns, you can see palm trees, banana trees and even ficuses.

Nature of Japan. Sakura

This is a favorite Japanese tree, floweringwhich every year all residents of the country admire during the festival Hanami. It takes place, as a rule, in early spring - in the middle-end of March (the date of the celebration is different every year). The celebration begins in the capital, Tokyo, and then continues in other cities and villages. People from all over the world come to this event to see with their own eyes how beautiful the nature of Japan is.

nature japan sakura

Photos and posters depicting not yetThe blossomed sakura buds are hung everywhere around the festival. But Hanami is a very short treat: Japanese cherry blossoms only seven or ten days, after which the petals fall.


The fauna of the country is also characterizedmany species. On Hokkaido there are sables, weasels, brown bears, ermines. Also here, like on the island of Honshu, there are foxes, otters, wolves, raccoon dogs, hares, badgers. Japanese macaques, giant salamanders, black bears, and antelopes inhabit south of the Sangar Strait. Tropical fauna prevails south of the Togara Strait.

Богата и птицами природа Японии (фото ниже).Tits, cranes, blackbirds, starlings, eagles, hawks, woodpeckers, swallows, black grouse, storks, owls are found here. There are a lot of marine birds around the ocean shores. In the rivers and lakes are found lamprey, carp, eels, catfish, artificially bred salmon. Commercial fish are abundant in coastal waters: tuna, Pacific herring, flounder and cod. Also there are shrimps, crabs, oysters.

japan nature photo

Volcanoes and mountains. Japan

The nature of Japan is largely predeterminedspecific relief: about 71 percent of the total land surface here is occupied by mountains, and they are quite high: there are specimens with a height of more than three thousand meters. The most famous mountain of the country is deservedly considered Fujiyama, located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi. This peak reaches a height of 3776 meters, which makes it the highest point in Japan. Fuji is not just a mountain, but a sleeping volcano, but since it is still young, there is always the likelihood of awakening.

In general, very many mountains of the country arevolcanoes. On the archipelago, there are about two hundred, of which 67 are active or sleeping. Currently, fiery mountains such as Asama, Miharayama, Sakurajima and Asosan are showing significant activity. The last of the volcanoes listed is on Kyushu Island. Due to the large number of eruptions (more than seventy) far beyond the borders of the Japanese state, the glory of this fiery mountain has spread.

Due to such mountain formations in Japan there are manyall sorts of mineral springs (including hot). Some tourists come to the Land of the Rising Sun just for their sake, because such bathing, such sources are a real panacea for many diseases.


description of the nature of Japan
Традиционная Япония – это туманные горы, водоемы with splashing carps, reserved valleys hidden in dense forests. According to old paintings, prints and books, this country seems to be just that. Of course, modern Japan is largely different. But the locals honor and protect the natural beauty of the country, considering it a valuable and important resource. New generations of Japanese are brought up in the spirit of ancient traditions, and this means that this corner of the Earth will delight us for its unsurpassed beauties for a long time.