/ / Manor "Arkhangelskoe": how to get there? Where is the museum-estate "Arkhangelsk"?

Manor "Arkhangelsk": how to get there? Where is the museum-estate "Arkhangelsk"?

Probably, many of us have heard about such an amazing place, as the estate "Arkhangelskoye". "How to get there?" - this question is often asked by those who would like to go there.

This article will acquaint you with a wonderful park, which is definitely worth visiting on your own or in the company of friends. Even children here, as a rule, like.

Readers will learn about the history of construction, aboutsome of the main sights, the secrets and what this place is living today. In addition, detailed information will be given on how to get to the Arkhangelskoye estate and the park's work schedule.

General description of the park

The Arkhangelskoye estate is aa palace and park complex of the late 18th century, on the square of which there are three parks, corresponding to different architectural styles. The luxurious Italian terraces are decorated with marble balustrades, statues and flower beds. In the regular French park you can see the covered berso galleries and geometrically trimmed trees. English landscape park is fascinating with its nature, centuries-old trees and bizarre bushes grow here.

There is a museum-estate in the suburbs, not far from Krasnogorsk. That is why the questions like "Where is the estate" Arkhangelskoe "? How to get there? "Do not require long explanations.

Arkhangelsk manor how to reach

In its territory there are many monuments of architecture:

  • the small palace "Caprice";
  • Grand Palace;
  • the temple of Michael the Archangel;
  • "Colonnade" (temple-tomb).

These places are great for a family holidayand romantic walks. On weekends wedding corteges come here, wedding surveys are held. The museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye" (photos are in the article), regardless of the season, will leave a lot of impressions.

History of the museum-estate

The history of the manor is almost five centuries old.The first mention of these places belong to 1537, when the estate belonged to the nobleman A. I. Udolatsky and was called the Ubolozie. Throughout the centuries the estate passed from one owner to another. In the late 40-ies of the XVII century, the estate was owned by F. I. Sheremetev, then transferred to the princes Odoyevsky. In the period 1681-1703 gg. The lands belonged to Prince M. Ya. Cherkassky, and afterwards to the Golitsyn family (1703-1810).

how to get to the Arkhangelsk estate

Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Golitsyn, who was indisgrace for Empress Anna Ioannovna, was deported to Moscow and before his arrest in 1736 he lived in Arkhangelsk. In 1741 the estate was returned to the son of the prince, Alexei Dmitrievich, and after that the estate passed to Nikolai Alekseevich Golitsyn. It was he who initiated the construction of a large palace and park ensemble. The architects of the buildings were the Frenchman S. Herne, the Italians Giacomo Trombaro and Giovanni Pétondi.

According to the projects of these architects were built:

  • terraces with balustrades made of marble, decorated with flower beds, sculptures and busts of ancient heroes;
  • ensemble of buildings "Caprice" with a library, an arena and a garden.

In 1810 the museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye" waspurchased by the famous collector N. B. Yusupov. The prince bought it to store his artifacts, but the war with Napoleon forced him to transfer everything to Astrakhan. Arkhangelskoe itself was later plundered.

После пожара в 1820 году имение заново restored, for which the best architects from Moscow, I. Zhukov, E. Tyurin, O. Beauvais and Giuseppe Artari were invited. After the appearance of a new park, the estate was called "Moscow-based Versailles".

Not only famous figures loved to come hereRussian culture, but also members of the royal dynasty. That's it at this time, the estate "Arkhangelskoye" is beginning to be popular, and the visitors are massively rushing there.

At the beginning of XX century in the estate of the architect P.V.Harko was renovated. Also in 1910 the painter I. I. Nivinsky restored the murals and grisails of the main house. And in 1919 the estate received the status of a historical and art museum. Between 1934 and 1937, the buildings of the Arkhangelskoye sanatorium were built here.

For 35 years (1945-1980) on the territory of the estate was a sports club CSKA.

Manor «Arkhangelskoe» - how to get to the destination?

museum manor arkhangelskoe how to reach
As practice shows, to get to the museum fromMoscow can be without any problems. For example, by public transport, which runs from the Tushinskaya metro station (bus No. 549, march taxi No. 151). In the absence of traffic jams on the road, travel time will be only 30 minutes.

Absolutely different categories of citizens year-rounddraws to itself the museum-estate "Arkhangelsk". How to get there to those who prefer comfort or outdoor recreation in the company of small children? By car, you need to drive along Novorizhskoye Highway, then at the interchange, 3 km from the Moscow Ring Road, turn onto the Ilyinsky highway and drive about 3 km towards Ilinsky.

Time and price

Wonderful estate "Arkhangelsk" ... How to get toThis amazing park was described in detail above, but for a comfortable visit this, of course, will not be enough. In order to avoid annoying oversights, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation time of the object.

In the period from May to October, the park waits for visitors from 10.00 to 21.00, exhibitions are open from 10.30 to 17.00. On weekends and public holidays - until 18.00.

museum estate Arkhangelsk

In the period from October to April, the park is open from 10.00 to 18.00, exhibitions - from 10.30 to 16.00. On weekends and public holidays - until 17.00.

Non-working days - Mon., Tue., The last Wednesday of each month - sanitary day.

The cost of entrance to the park - 100 rubles

Экскурсии:Grand Palace - 50 rubles; Colonnade - 80 rubles; Office outbuilding - 100 rubles; Gonzago Theater - 200 rubles (visit only with a tour group). Photographing in the museum premises - 50 rubles.

Manor Secrets

Arkhangelskoe manor
There is a legend that lives in the manoradduction of the daughter of N. Yusupov Tatiana, who died of tuberculosis in her youth. On her grave was a monument in the form of an angel with spread wings, made of Carrara marble. After the death of the prince, this statue was transferred to the building for safety, but many local residents claim that they often see a monument on the girl’s grave.

Manor today

Today, the manor has two territoriesseparated Ilinskoe highway. One of them is now fenced and is guarded, the entrance to it is paid. The other part, which includes the Gonzago Theater and the Apollo Grove, is free to visit. After the restoration works, many palace and exhibition halls are open, concerts and festivals are held.

Not far from the manor is the Museum of technology Zadorozhny. And in 2005, next to the estate, it was decided to begin construction of an elite residential complex “Rublevo-Arkhangelskoye”.

Main Attractions

Усадьба является уникальным памятником русской artistic culture. In the Grand Palace, created in the 80s. XVIII century, housed the famous library and art gallery of Prince Yusupov. At the end of the 18th century, according to the design of D. Trombaro, terraces with balustrades, flower gardens and sculptures were erected in front of the palace. The palace ensemble surrounds the park.

Museum Manor Arkhangelskoe photo

In the 60s of the XVII century on the site of the church of the XVI centuryThe temple of Michael the Archangel was built. The Gonzago Theater, created in 1817-1818, still contains works by artist P. Gonzago. The tomb "Colonnade", which was not used for its intended purpose, was built in 1909-1916. after the death of one of the princes Yusupov.

In 1919, on the basis of the estate was createdMuseum Reserve, the museum fund of which includes unique collections of paintings of the XVII-XIX centuries. foreign and domestic masters, literature and decorative arts.

Festivals and holidays

Ежегодно здесь проводится фестиваль «Усадьба Jazz ”, which pleases jazz lovers by meeting with foreign and Russian musicians. Also in early June, the first festival “Masterpieces of Baroque” was held, where classical music sounded. The organizers hope that such concerts will become a tradition.