/ / Hotel Woraburi Phuket Resort Spa 4 *: overview, description, features and reviews of tourists.

Hotel Woraburi Phuket Resort Spa 4 *: review, description, characteristics and reviews of tourists

If you are used to comfortable rest andAs a place for a holiday, choose the Thai island of Phuket, Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa 4 * can be a very suitable option for you to stay.

woraburi phuket resort spa 4

General description, location, photo

"Bob Phurik Resort & Spa" is located across the road from the famous Karon Beach. The distance to the nearest international airport is 48 kilometers.

Отель состоит из нескольких четырехэтажных buildings in which there are 205 comfortable rooms. There are apartments of the following categories: superior, deluxe, junior suite and suite. Regardless of the type, all rooms have comfortable furniture, air conditioning, TV with Russian-speaking channels, safe, minibar, hairdryer, bathroom, balcony or terrace.

The hotel’s small grounds include a swimming pool and sun terrace, a restaurant, a bar, parking and a spa.

woraburi phuket resort spa 4 phuket karon

Hotel Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa 4 *: reviews of Russian tourists

Many travelers know from experiencehow important it is to approach the issue of planning a trip abroad with full responsibility. After all, this will avoid a lot of difficulties and problems during the holidays. Special attention should be paid by experienced tourists to choosing a hotel where you plan to spend a few days or even weeks. After all, this will greatly affect the quality of your holiday and the impressions left by it. An invaluable help for those who are looking for a suitable hotel, provides collection and analysis of reviews of real people who have already visited the place of interest to you. After all, former guests in their comments are trying to touch not only the obvious advantages of this or that hotel, but also to talk about its shortcomings, which you may encounter while staying here. To save you time, we offer you to get acquainted with the generalized reviews of Russian travelers who have recently stayed at Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa 4 * (Phuket, Karon Beach). Immediately, we note that the majority of our compatriots really liked the hotel. According to them, it is a great combination of price and quality. But we will learn about everything in more detail.

woraburi resort spa karon beach 4 phuket

Residential fund

Апартаментами, предложенными им в отеле «Ворабури Phuket Resort & Spa, almost all travelers were satisfied. They note that the rooms here are quite spacious, pleasantly decorated, with good comfortable furniture and well-working appliances. Some guests, however, do not exclude that the hotel will soon require an update, but in general everything is still quite decent. Also, tourists liked that the apartments have large furnished balconies. Most of them overlook the pool. But some rooms have sea views. Our compatriots were quite pleased with the sound insulation in the apartments. According to them, no extraneous sounds when the balcony door is closed will not bother you.

the Internet

This question worries, perhaps, the overwhelmingmost modern travelers. As for the Woraburi Resort & Spa Karon Beach 4 * (Phuket), the free wireless Internet access to its guests can use in the lobby near the reception. Also, our compatriots note that Wi-Fi sometimes “catches” in rooms located near the reception, as well as by the pool.

hotel woraburi phuket resort spa 4


В целом постояльцы «Ворабури Резорт» к работе hotel maids did not make any special claims. True, some guests noted that sometimes in their rooms they forgot to wipe dust, take out rubbish or change towels and bed linen. However, it was possible to remind about this maid, if you meet her on the floor, or else inform the administrator at the reception.

The rest, as noted by tourists, cleaningcarried out daily, towels and linens were updated several times a week. Also, according to the guests, sometimes when they returned to the room, they found funny figurines of towels and petals in the form of hearts, swans, etc., on their beds. In addition, as they were consumed, the maids replenished their bathing supplies and the contents of the minibar. Also, every day you will be brought a couple of small bottles of drinking water. Minibar, according to our compatriots, can be used for a fee. Price list is available in the room. Free drinking water is provided.


Как отмечают наши соотечественники, сотрудники this hotel quickly and willingly respond to the requests and wishes of guests. So, for example, if something in your room fails, then after applying to the reception the malfunction will be quickly resolved.

phuket woraburi phuket resort spa 4

Arrival, departure

По словам туристов, заселение новоприбывших Guests at Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa 4 *, reviews of which we are considering, begin after two o'clock in the afternoon. Therefore, if you arrive at the hotel in the morning, then be prepared for the fact that the keys to your room will be handed to you only a few hours later. However, this time is not necessary to spend, missing in the lobby near the reception. So, you can leave your bags and suitcases near the reception and go to the pool or go straight to the beach. In addition, be prepared for the fact that when you check in you will be asked to make a deposit. Its size is about 100 dollars. Will return it to you on the day of departure.

When you depart, you should releasenumber until noon. If your departure from the hotel is scheduled in the evening, you can extend your stay for an additional fee. However, it is advisable to notify the administrator at the reception about such an intention.

woraburi phuket resort spa 4 reviews


The cost of living in the "Boburi Phuket Resort &Spa "includes breakfast only. According to our compatriots, in the mornings the food here is quite varied and tasty. So, in the hotel’s restaurant for breakfast you can eat fried eggs right in front of you or scrambled eggs (you can order stuffing to your taste), pastries, mussels, cereals, fresh fruit, sausages, rice, noodles, soup and meat dishes. It also offers guests - milk, tea, coffee, juices.

В течение дня можно питаться как в ресторане Woraburi Phuket Resort & Spa 4 *, and in the cafe next door. According to our compatriots, they cook the hotel very tasty, but the prices here are somewhat higher than in the establishments located around the hotel. In addition, experienced guests pay attention that an invoice at the restaurant "Voraburi Phuket Resort & Spa" will already include a tax and a tip.

With regard to food outside the hotel, thentourists note that the choice of places here is very wide. So, you can try a variety of Thai dishes, and if you want to eat your usual food. After all, in almost every cafe in addition to traditional dishes, they also serve pasta, pizza, and other dishes that are familiar to us. In addition, our compatriots advise at least once to visit the local market, where you can buy fresh fish and seafood. You can prepare them in a nearby restaurant for a small surcharge.

In addition, many travelers withwith pleasure they bought various dishes in the so-called makashnits (mobile kiosks). Here you can try delicious pancakes, kebabs made from fish and seafood, etc. Our compatriots say that you should not be afraid to buy such food, as it is eaten by local residents. Therefore, you will have no stomach problems.

hotel woraburi phuket resort spa 4 reviews


The big plus of the "Worabury Phuket Resort & Spa", byThe opinion of many tourists is its location near Karon Beach. This beach is considered the best on the island. You can reach it from the hotel in literally five minutes at a leisurely pace. The beach here is big, wide, with fine white sand, which pleasantly creaks under your feet when walking. Sun beds and umbrellas are not here, since from last year their placement has been prohibited by the local government. Tourists can sit directly on the sand, bed mat or towel. You can buy a mat, as well as a beach umbrella in one of the neighboring shops or directly on the beach from merchants regularly passing here.

As for the sea, it is here, according totravelers rather restless. So, to fully swim here is unlikely to turn out because of the constant enough strong waves. However, many people liked to jump on the waves. If you want to swim, then you can go to the nearby Kata Beach. To reach it from the hotel, according to our compatriots, it is possible in 20 minutes. You can also reach it, as well as other beaches on the island, by taxi, tuk-tuk or a rented scooter.