/ / Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills. Description, excursions

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory. Description, excursions

The Botanical Garden of Moscow State University has two branches:one on the Sparrow Hills, the other - "Pharmaceutical Garden" - on Mira Avenue. The latter was previously the main and only and existed in the 18th century. In the Sparrow Hills in Soviet times, more than half a century ago, a new one was created.

Botanical Garden on Sparrow Hills

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills - newand now the main territory of the university botanical garden. It was founded in 1951. New Botsad MSU was founded at the same time as the construction of new buildings of Moscow State University was underway. Its territory is located just near the training complex.

botsad mgu on sparrow hills

When the MSU botsad on Sparrow Hills is onlybegan to equip, it was divided into several sectors: systematics and geography of plants, flora and the protection of the gene pool, dendrology, garden plants. Material for him was collected from various places in the USSR and other parts of the world, such as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Pamirs, the Far East, Japan, North America and others.

Rock garden

Ботанический сад МГУ на Воробьевых горах имеет many different collections of plants. The central and honorable place among them is occupied by rock garden - an artificially created imitation of mountain systems. These are small hills on an area of ​​1 hectare, planted with various plants. In total, about 700 species grow here. Built a rock garden in the 50s, it is considered a benchmark in landscape art.

Botanical Garden mgu on the Sparrow Hills
It has many expositions:"Far East", "Western Europe", "Carpathians", "Crimea", "Caucasus", "Central Asia", "Mediterranean", as well as "Polar Exposition". In the center there is a small lake, a rock nearby, rising 6 meters above the water. One side of the rock is covered with a Cossack juniper. In the Central Asian exposition in late spring and early summer you can see blooming wild peonies, tulips, unions, and bulbous ones. On the hill dedicated to the Caucasus, you can see a beautiful pink almond blossom of Georgian, openwork purple inflorescences of wide-leaved Kermek. Admire the yellowish flowers of peonies Mlokosevich and other species of this plant or bright scarlet poppy oriental. At the exposition, which represents mountain Siberia, one can see a bright orange Siberian swimsuit, popularly called “lights”. Fir-trees and pines growing in the Siberian taiga are also available here. The bright pink flowers of the Daurian rhododendron, which in the spring cover the Altai Mountains and are called the maralberry, enchant the eye. At the site dedicated to the Far East, one can see a lot of woody plants characteristic of this part of Russia. Kurilian bamboo looks unusual. On one of the hills, where polar-alpine plants once grew, is now one of the typical species from North America.

And one of the most beautiful places in the garden is a reservoir imitating a mountain lake. Since the beginning of summer, various types of water lilies bloom here, the color of which varies from pure white to dark pink.


The Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on the Sparrow Hills has,In addition, a huge collection of woody plants. It occupies the largest plot. Its area is 10 hectares. Placed plants in it on a geographical basis. When creating it was assumed that a person, getting here, as it passes through different natural zones on our planet. Alley on the arboretum leads from north to south. One half is devoted to Asia, the other to Europe and America. Here you can see coniferous, mixed, deciduous and highland forests. Mainly collected collections from areas of temperate climate, as they are able to grow in open ground. These are woody plants growing throughout the former Soviet Union. Of the overseas, North American and Japanese species have taken root here.


Ботанический сад МГУ на Воробьевых горах проводит many excursions. On the official website, you can choose excursions as a group, and for individual visits. There is also a specific schedule, with the help of which you can find out what time to come and what kind of exposure you can get. The tour is held in all weather conditions, and even if only one visitor comes.

botanical garden mgu
Full price - 300 rubles. Slightly less for schoolchildren, students and other beneficiaries - 200. If with a curator, then a full ticket will cost 600 rubles. This tour lasts 2 hours.

There are two types of excursions: general and thematic.The first involves viewing the most beautiful sights of the garden, such as rock garden, arboretum or a collection of ornamental plants. Thematic excursion involves the choice of one exposure.

"Pharmaceutical garden"

The oldest botanical garden of Moscow State University hasname "Pharmaceutical garden", it was created in 1706, still by decree of Emperor Peter the Great and is located on Prospect Mira. In the greenhouses here grow plants of tropical and subtropical latitudes.

botsad mgu
Plants collected from around the world.Here you can see the majestic palm trees and fantastic orchids, many cacti and lianas. Reconstruction of greenhouses began in the late 20th century. It is necessary today as well, since the MSU botsad and its buildings are in a deplorable state.