/ / Should I go to Paris in January: weather, shopping, reviews

Should I go to Paris in January: the weather, shopping, reviews

A trip to Paris in January is an opportunity.to see the city in a festive setting, beautiful and elegant: light elegant touches in the everyday picture - several bright balls on evergreen trees, flower arrangements on the parapets of bridges, in shops, cafes. But in the evening and at night, Paris seems to explode with fantastic lights and illuminations, acquiring a fabulous view.

to paris in january

January in Paris is unpredictable - so say weather forecasters

What is the weather in Paris in January? Unpredictable. It can be warm - up to +12aboutC degrees and higher.Who watched the beautiful film “Man and Woman”, he remembers the walk of the heroine to the amazing music of Francis Ley through the winter Paris by green lawns and a small pond with white swans swimming. If you are lucky with the weather, you can see the city just like this: sunny, green in the trees and smiles of flowers.

But most often Paris meets with rains, overcast skies and sometimes real snowy winters. January average temperatures: -4aboutC, night -3aboutC. But these are average data.Therefore, gathering in Paris in January, do not forget to put in luggage things designed for any weather: warm windproof, hats, gloves, umbrellas and, of course, comfortable waterproof shoes with non-slip soles.

Walks in winter Paris

Попав в заснеженный Париж и огорчившись, что не can be seen because of the hanging clouds of the main landmark of the city - the Eiffel Tower, you suddenly see the top of the tower above the dense layer of clouds - this sun looked out for a few minutes and gives unforgettable minutes for which you can forgive the weather for any inconvenience.

Tired of walking in the snowy city?Sit down with a cup of hot coffee at a table of a street cafe (they are heated in winter in Paris), admire fresh flowers or bright balls in a white snow cap.

Many more surprises will present Paris in January -reviews and photographs of tourists captured and jet fountains against the background of snow-covered pyramids at the Louvre, and the birds, in perplexity, gliding along a frozen pond.

Paris weather in January

Париж дарит российским туристам открытия, causing pride in our country and its culture: the most beautiful bridge of the French capital is the bridge of Alexander III. There is Stravinsky Square, Sevastopol Boulevard, Lev Tolstoy Square, Rimsky-Korsakov dead end, many streets in honor of great people: Peter the Great, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, and cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Peterhof, Kronstadt, Odessa.

We buy air tickets Moscow-Paris

Faster and easier to fly straight to Parisflight from Moscow airport in just 4 hours. But we must be prepared for the fact that due to bad weather, flights to Paris in January may be delayed. In addition, direct flight - the most expensive. Tourists give tips on bargain tickets:

  • take tickets for flights with a transfer, which will cost almost two times cheaper than a direct flight;
  • purchase airline tickets for both flights. If the flight is late due to weather conditions, the airline takes care of any further flights to Paris;
  • immediately book tickets there and back.

It is better to purchase tickets in advance, tracking possible discounts and last-minute tours. The cost of tickets depends on the number when the departure is planned:

  • the most expensive tickets to Paris in January - 2 and 3 January, the cheapest - January 13 and at the end of the month;
  • from Paris the most expensive - January 5-8, the cheapest - from the middle to the end of the month.

How else can you get to Paris?

Another way to get to Paris:fly to some European city and transfer there by high-speed train to Paris. Or vice versa: first by train, and then by plane. You can spend the whole journey from Moscow to Paris in a train, it will take 37 hours. Ticket price: coupe - 20 470 rubles, suites - 28 398 rubles.

Other ground transportation that will deliver fromMoscow to Paris - a bus: twice a week, a comfortable bus departs from the Varshavskaya bus station, it takes about 48 hours to travel, the cost of the ticket is 7,840 rubles, and there are 14,900 rubles at both ends.

Tours to Paris to choose from

January is considered a low tourist seasonoffering cheaper plane tickets and hotel discounts. All travel agencies make significant discounts on tours. So, tours to Paris in January (with round-trip flight and hotel accommodation) cost: for 5 nights - from 30,000 rubles, for 7 nights - from 33,000 rubles.

paris january reviews

You can purchase guided tours in the price.which, in addition to the flight, transfer and accommodation at the hotel includes bus and walking tours in Paris and the surrounding area, visits to museums. The cost of 8-day tours costs from 35,000 to 60,000 rubles. Themes are very different:

  • "Paris for all!".
  • "Walk around Paris".
  • "Paris is a classic."
  • "Royal Paris".
  • "Paris and the castles of the Loire."
  • "Fontainebleau plus Versailles."

Several tours are offered for traveling with children:

  • "Paris holidays".
  • "Paris for Children."
  • "Paris + Disneyland".

Business cards of the French capital

If you are yourself acquainted with the city, thenThis raises the question of what to see in Paris in January. There are five places in the opinion of tourists associated with the French capital:

  • The Eiffel Tower.
  • Louvre
  • Notre Dame Cathedral.
  • Triumphal Arch.
  • Champs Elysees.

The Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower, received almost immediately afterthe construction of the second name - "Iron Lady", in the first month of the year is struck by festive illuminations, and those who celebrated New Year in the capital are remembered against the backdrop of a stunning salute. The weather in Paris in January does not always allow you to see the 324-meter tower entirely and climb on the high-speed elevator or on foot to the observation deck, from where the whole city is in full view. But there is an opportunity to make out near it the openwork design, go skating on the rink (free of charge, around the clock), flooded on the platform of the tower, located 50 meters above the ground.

tours to paris in january

The Louvre

Paris in January is attractive by the absence orin small queues to museums, the opportunity to calmly contemplate masterpieces, moving, without haste, from one exhibit to another. The exception is the Louvre: even in January you will have to stand in a queue to get into this museum. But the smile of Mona Lisa and the wings of Nika of Samothrace will reward your expectation.

Notre Dame de Paris

Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral of Notre Dame -Gothic cathedral, striking and architecture of the building, and stained glass windows, and interior design. This is a functioning Catholic church, services are held here, accompanied by the sounds of an old organ. The cathedral contains a Christian shrine - the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

Main street of the city

The 50-meter-high Triumphal Arch was erected alongNapoleon’s order, and the bas-reliefs that adorn it, tell of his victories, and the arch itself is one of the finest decorations of Paris. From the Arc de Triomphe begin the 2-kilometer Champs-Elysées, surrounded by parks, shops and cafes. Parisians traditionally celebrate the New Year on the Champs Elysees, and in January the festive illumination still colors the main street of Paris.

shopping in paris in january

Disneyland - a trip to a magical land

A trip to Disneyland in Paris in January, according to tourists, is not the best time, but delight and pleasure are guaranteed. Here are 5 parks:

  • The main road.
  • Borderland.
  • Country of Adventure.
  • Country of discovery.
  • Fantasy country.

Вечером в Диснейленде начинается настоящая сказка:fireworks and a light show near Sleeping Beauty Castle, which projects Disney cartoons characters, the backlighting of the castle is constantly changing, and if it is snowing at this time - an incredible magic!

what to see in paris in january

Travelers should take into account that the Parkentertainment is not in Paris itself, but in the town of Marne-la-Valais (Marne-la-Vallee Chessy). You can buy a single ticket to Disneyland, which includes the cost of travel on special buses: Disneyland Paris Express (Disneyland Paris Express) or Citirama (Cityrama). You can get to the park on the RER (high-speed train). This type of transport, according to tourists, the fastest and cheapest.

Диснейленд – это не только огромный парк entertainment, but also related infrastructure: shops, restaurants, cafes, snack bars, hotels, even ranches and wigwams. All buildings are unique not only in architecture, but also in interior, each is a continuation of a fairy tale.

January - the month of sales and high fashion

Seasonal monthly sales are held twice a year in Paris, when clothes, shoes, accessories, including branded ones, can be bought in almost all stores with significant discounts.

Winter sales begin on the second Wednesday of January, in 2018 they will be held from January 10 to February 13. Travel tips in Paris in January will help:

  1. So, at the beginning of sales discounts are minimal - 10-20%, next week - 35-50%, at the third - 70-75%, by the end reach 80-90%.
  2. It is better to make purchases in the morning and at lunchtime, when there are fewer shoppers in the shops - after all, fashionable women from different countries come to the sales.
  3. Do not devote shopping days off.
  4. Ideal places for shopping, according to tourists- Outlets (shopping centers for sales). The most popular are: La Vallee Village (near Disneyland) and Usines Center Paris Nord (near Charles de Gaulle airport).

В разгар зимней распродажи в Париже проходит the event, which attracts film stars and pop stars - High Fashion Week. It shows the trends of the upcoming spring-summer season. But you can get to these shows only with special invitation cards.

disneyland in paris in january


For some, Paris is a dream, and to the capital of France they arego, having absorbed from books, films, songs, the Internet all the available information about this city. For others, a trip to Paris is a tick in a series of cities seen: here I was. There are those who were skeptical of all the ordinary epithets of the city: “Gray Rose” (M. Voloshin), “Holiday that is always with you” (E. Hemingway), and the phrase “To See Paris and Die” by I. Ehrenburg is considered by many to be vulgar . So you can categorize reviews of tourists who first visited Paris. The result is the same: many dream to see him again.