/ The Azov Fortress. Fortress on the Azov coast of Crimea: photo, description, address

The Azov fortress. Fortress on the Azov coast of Crimea: photo, description, address

On the territory of Russia you can meet a hugenumber of forts of completely different eras. Many of them have been preserved in excellent condition for today, but there are also those who, unfortunately, have turned into ruins, and it remains only to guess how they really looked.

And on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov there are similar structures of interest to tourists and travelers who are fond of ancient history.

The article contains information on the mostpopular holiday destinations on the coast of this sea, each of which has its own interesting history. Also, after reading the article, you can learn about two interesting historical sites on the Azov Sea - the Azov and Arabat Fortresses.

The Azov Fortress

The village of Dolzhanskaya

Cossack village Dolzhanskaya - a popular resort, stretching at the very base of the spit Dolga (shore of the Azov Sea). This settlement refers to the Yeisk district, from Krasnodar it is removed by 236 km.

The village was founded in the middle of the 19th century by Cossack settlers who came from the Dnieper and live here to this day. Today the population is just over 7000 people.

Dolzhanskaya attracts touristssteppe climate, magnificent healing mud and mineral springs. Small depths and constant winds attract kitesurfers and windsurfers. And the service sector in the village of Dolzhanskaya is much cheaper than in the larger resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.

Относительно хорошее бюджетное место для пляжного recreation - the Sea of ​​Azov. "Dolzhanskaya fortress" - one of the good private hotels, located exactly in this village on the coast of the Azov Sea. This remarkable place is located on the picturesque Long spit, which closes the spacious Taganrog bay. This territory today has the status of a protected landscape monument.

Должанская в последние годы пользуется popularity among young people. Annually, starting from 2001, the "A-ZOV" festival is held here, gathering a huge number of fans of electronic music and extreme sports on the spit.


Azov fortress: address

Before we proceed to the description of the historical monument (the Azov fortress), we will present a brief information about the city of Azov.

On the site of a modern city the first settlementwas founded even before our era by the Greeks. It was the city of Tanais. Different nations for a thousand years sought to conquer it, since it was located in a very favorable place: the intersection of the main trade routes of Asia and Europe. Huns, Sarmatians, Pechenegs and Khazars lived here.

In the hands of Prince Vladimir, the city was in the 10th century, and in 1067 it was conquered by the Polovtsians, and since then it has the present name - Azov (translated from Turkic "Azak" means "mouth of the river").

From the earliest times Azov is an apple of discord betweenOttoman and Russian empires. The fortress walls, the remains of which have survived to this day, were built by the Don Cossacks in the years 1641-1642, during the Azov seat. Russian Azov became after the bloody Russo-Turkish wars that took place in 1768-1774.

Now the fortress of the XIV century, or rather its fragments, is one of the most attractive sights not only for locals, but also for tourists.

Dolzhanskaya fortress, the Sea of ​​Azov

Azov Fortress: description

Now from that ancient Azov fortresspractically nothing remained, only the Alekseevsky Gate and the rampart. The first has recently been restored and attracts many tourists. The place is very quiet and picturesque. Fortress walls stretched for hundreds of meters. Their width is from 5 to 30 meters. The remains of brick walls have been preserved on the crests of the ramparts, and at their base are the Alekseevsky Gate. A reminder of the past in these places of terrible historical events centuries ago, the barrels of old guns protruding menacingly from the loopholes. The Azov fortress, together with the Alekseevsky gate, is located near the old fish factory in Genoese street.

The very first thorough study of this historic structure took place during the excavation period, which was carried out in 1935.

Fortress on the Azov coast of Crimea

There is another interesting object on the coast.Azov Sea (Crimea) - Tatar-Turkish fortress, which is the only one on the peninsula. It is located two kilometers north-west of the village of Ak-Monai (the modern name is Kamenskoe). This fortification, together with the fortress of Yeni-Kale and Perekopskaya, defended the Crimea from enemy attacks from the east and north.

The fortress has an 8-angle shape, surrounded by a deep moat along the perimeter, it is possible that it was connected to the Sea of ​​Azov by an underground passage.


Fortress on the Azov coast of Crimea

По сравнению с Азовской крепостью и другими, Arabatskaya is one of the most interesting and mysterious. Of particular note is the construction structure. The main moment of principle during the construction of fortifications in the Middle Ages was the moat in front of the fortress and the earthen ramp following it. In this case, the moat was filled with water from the Sea of ​​Azov and Lake Sivash through specially laid canals. The entrance to the Arabat fortress, located on the side of the Kerch Peninsula, was blocked by powerful gates. The remaining directions were protected by walls with several rows of loopholes and tools installed in them. All this made it possible to keep the perimeter defense long enough.

The mystery of the fortress lies in the fact that there is almost no documentary information about it, and detailed scientific studies of the structure have not been conducted either.

The fortress, which was a silent witness to the tragic and turbulent events, still contains many secrets.


Fortress on the Sea of ​​Azov

The most picturesque views of the Don River delta from the banks of the Azov fortress. Building address: Rostov region, Azov, st. Genoese.

Every year on its territory is heldAll-Russian festival of military-historical clubs. It is dedicated to the Azov siege seat of the Don Cossacks in 1641. More than 10 thousand spectators come to this site to participate in costumed military performances or simply to admire this colorful spectacle.