/ / Abkhazia: caves to be visited. Interesting facts and photos

Abkhazia: caves to be visited. Interesting facts and photos

Incredibly popular uniquecaves in Abkhazia formed millions of years ago. No wonder the country of the picturesque resorts and snow-capped peaks is called a paradise for all lovers of the underworld, because there are descents for beginners and professionals. Today, our story will be about the famous sights of the region, attracting a huge number of tourists.

Natural miracle

Perhaps the most famous is opened in 1961.year the largest cave in the republic. Athos (Abkhazia), located on the Black Sea coast, is famous not only for its picturesque landscapes, but also for the spiritual significance of the monastery and the wonderful natural wonder.

Находящаяся в недрах Иверской горы For a long time, the landmark was unknown to the general public, although the locals knew about a frightening bottomless well, where no daredevil dared to descend. And only 55 years ago, the world-famous cave was discovered.

Athos caves in Abkhazia

At first, scientists suffered a terrible disappointment.Having reached the bottom, the researchers found unremarkable walls of clay, but later a stunningly beautiful room was found, which delighted speleologists who had seen a lot. As it turned out, the Athos caves in Abkhazia concealed the most real treasures that everyone can inspect today.

Fascinating tour

Fourteen years it took to equipNovy Afon cave and provide a comfortable descent into the ground. Four entrances lead to the natural creation, three of which are artificially created, and the only natural opening is located in the vault of the “Anakopia” hall.

Сейчас вход в подземное царство расположен в administrative building, where you can buy souvenirs with the symbols of the most famous cave in Abkhazia (photo presented in the article), CDs with stories about a unique world and eat in the dining room before an exciting journey.

Abkhazia caves

Interestingly, to the underground tourist hallsdelivers the electric train through a special transport tunnel. The length of the route is about two kilometers, but not all grottoes are available for viewing unprepared visitors.

It should be noted that after the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict the names of the halls were changed.

"Anakopiya" ("Abkhazia")

The first hall available for viewing is the mostdeep. The length of Anakopia, having the shape of an elongated bag, is about 150 meters. Interest is the unusual bottom, covered with powerful stone blocks and clay pieces, formed after the destruction of limestone.

cave athos abkhazia

This gray room is not surprising colors, but strict tonewalls and the vault of the grotto enlivens only a spotlight with a greenish tint. By its light, the muddy waters of underground lakes hiding in the dark play with emerald flowers. Often this hall was flooded with boiling water that overflowed and reached a limestone vault, which made visiting the cave in Abkhazia impossible, and only after the construction of the drain was the problem solved.

Hall of Mahajirs (Hall of Georgian cavers)

Самый большой зал, когда-то названный в честь pioneers, extends to 260 meters. Divided into several parts by huge boulders, it will surprise with clay ravines and of unknown origin with a funnel filled not with water, but with liquid mud. Periodically, the basin opens, and from there a muddy lake rises, leaving a few hours down.

In the middle of the crater is a mountain of white calcium,which looks completely unreal. The hall differs from others in a fantastic landscape resembling the surface of another planet. Here is a long and high cave bridge, built for the safety of visitors. A 120-meter flyover takes place during floods, and after viewing the hall, an illuminated observation deck opens where you can take beautiful photos and relax under the soft music that flows.

"Narta" (Clay Hall)

In the next room, living beings were discoveredwhat sets him apart from the rest. In the waters of an underground lake translucent crustaceans and a three-sided beetle without eyes live, which the lack of organs of sight does not prevent them from swimming and climbing along uneven walls.

Все пещерные озера, связанные между собой, form a single system with the river Mtsyrkhoy. And through this hall, covered with clay layers, comes the main stream of water, which floods part of the cave in Abkhazia.

"Apsny" ("Tbilisi")

Краски подземного царства становятся ярче ближе к surface. The light of the lamps falls on the crystals, acquiring the most incredible shades. The bright hall, reminiscent of a fairy-tale palace, is famous for its clusters of stalactites. The magical landscape of the unique grotto, iridescent in different colors, leaves a lasting impression.

In the center of the beautiful "Apsny" is frozenCalcium Falls, not reaching the floor just a few meters. From the stunning spectacle of the visitors, who are imbued with the greatness of Mother Nature, the spirit freezes with delight.

More than two million years, few people knew about the natural wonder of New Athos, and now tourists are rushing from all over the globe to enjoy the underground beauty of the largest cave in Abkhazia.

The deepest cave in the world

Not all natural masterpieces can be viewed withoutspecial equipment. In the republic there are several most difficult caves for researchers, and one of them is a local landmark, opened in 1960.

The underground kingdom located in the Gagra Rangeis a whole system of vertical wells connected by galleries. There are no tourist routes, so it is recommended to go down only as part of a professional group.

crows cave in abkhazia

Branched Crow Cave in Abkhazia,a large-scale study which began at the beginning of this century is recognized as the deepest in the world. For many years, this title was worn by French dungeons stretching 1600 meters into the bowels of the earth.

Speleological expeditions on the Arabica massifwere carried out several times a year, and after each study, scientists declared their entry into a new depth. The cave entrance is located at an altitude of approximately 2,200 meters above sea level.


Еще одна популярная горная красавица находится в the village of Otap. Remote from the main tourist routes, it still attracts thousands of travelers who confess that this is the real kingdom of lime growths. Stalactites stretching to the floor, columns of stalagmats and magic galleries of stalagmites make an indelible impression. It seems that the guests of the Abrskiles have fallen into a wonderful fairy tale, from which you do not want to get out.

caves in Abkhazia

Vorontsov caves

Located in Khostinsky district undergroundsolar Abkhazia is famous for having 14 entrances. The caves connected with each other are replete with archaeological finds. At various times, scientists have discovered the sites of ancient people and the bones of primitive man. Many grottoes will admire many-stalactites and underground waterfalls.

caves in Abkhazia photo

Excursions to the underground tale

К сожалению, огромное количество природных masterpieces go unnoticed, and many unique caves are known to a small circle of specialists. It is not safe to go alone to many bottomless wells, and those who want to try their hand should remember about high humidity and low temperature.

The best way to see firsthand the numerouscaves of Abkhazia - an excursion that can be ordered in advance. Entertainment programs for holidaymakers include a tour of the most interesting sights of the country.

A trip to the cave equipped to visit will open the door to an unknown world, which will give vivid impressions of a close acquaintance with an underground fairy tale.