There are a lot of beautiful places in the world, where by all meansIt is necessary to visit all once in a lifetime. There are some who are dangerous in life. One of these places is Snake Island. Magnificent nature, clear blue water could make it a wonderful resort. However, you definitely will not take a vacation here. Here you will not find either fashionable hotels or shops. No one lives on the island: neither humans nor mammals. The whole territory is covered with forests and stones.
There is a lighthouse on the island.He works in automatic mode. The authorities have officially forbidden even to approach this accursed place. Formerly, caretakers lived here, some even with families. However, all of them died from snake bites. It was impossible to escape from the reptiles. Do not help people even tightly closed doors and windows. The story of one amateur tickling nerves is widely known. He sailed to Snake Island to taste bananas, to sail home he was not destined.
The local inhabitants are extremely aggressive. They skillfully disguise themselves and practically merge with grass, stones. They are able to remain immobile for a long time, waiting for a new victim.
Snake Island is not the only place wherethese dangerous creatures are found. They can be found elsewhere in South America. They are able to lurk in the grass and suddenly attack a person. It is easy to imagine what danger awaits anyone who came to the Serpentine Island.
Змеиный остров – это по-настоящему адское место.He would ideally have approached the role of scenery for horror films. And this characteristic is far from exaggerated. Brave people, trying to get close to the shore, could watch the stones with snake balls. Such a sight frightens off even the most fearless.
Despite the horror that inspires Snake Islandpeople, it is the unique, the largest on earth natural serpentarium. According to numerous requests of ecologists, the island has been recognized as a reserve since 1985 and taken under state protection.