/ / Ski resort Bansko (Bulgaria). Ski resort Bansko: prices, reviews

Mountain ski resort Bansko (Bulgaria). Ski resort Bansko: prices, reviews

Winter brings dreams of snow-covered mountain slopesand opportunities to go skiing. On the eve of the most magical holiday, a trip to another country to one of the resorts will be very useful. You just need to decide on the route. And why not book a tour in Bansko? The ski resort of Bulgaria attracts many tourists - both experienced skiers and those who are just starting their friendship with this sport.

Where is Bansko

A resort that attracts many guests is locatednear the Bulgarian capital. 160 km separates it from Sofia and 110 km from Plovdiv. And only 250 km are popular Greek resorts, considered the highlight of the Aegean Sea.

ski resort of Bansko
Но ценят его не за близость к цивилизации, а за an amazing location. It stretches at the foot of Pirin Mountain from the north-eastern side. This mountain range is known to many, thanks to the Peak of Vihren, whose height is almost 3000 meters. And not only convenient trails and comfortable lifts attract tourists, but also the Pirin Nature Reserve. It was not even ignored by UNESCO and took under its protection.

Features of climate and season

Excellent conditions for recreation offersski resort Bansko (Bulgaria). Reviews of those who have been there, are full of words of admiration for the picturesque landscapes and the weather. The fact is that on three sides this city is surrounded by majestic mountain peaks. Therefore, there are practically no cold winds that prevent skiing from the mountains. But the resort is always sunny, and the temperature in the plains very rarely drops below -3 degrees. In the mountains, it can reach -15.

About Bansko say that here is the longest winter andthe shortest summer. This affects the season. The ski resort of Bansko accepts those wishing to ski on a mountain slope from mid-December to mid-April. The snow cover here reaches two meters. And when the snow begins to melt, special cannons help to prolong the season.

How to get to the famous resort

Direct flights, unfortunately, no. But thanks to the fact that the ski resort of Bansko is located in close proximity to the major cities of the country, it is not difficult to get to it.

ski resort Bansko Bulgaria reviews
Regular buses run from Sofia and Plovdiv. Travel time can be 3-4 hours. If you use a taxi, then the trip will be faster. You can get to the resort in 2 hours.

Large recreation areas

Not one, but several places at once offers a comfortable ski resort Bansko (Bulgaria). Reviews of tourists recommend to visit:

  1. Chalin Valog. One of the low areas where it will be comfortable for those who are just learning to ski, and those who have already mastered this art.
  2. Banderishka Glade. A place where excellent conditions for cross-country skiing are created. Also here you can practice biathlon.
  3. Shiligarnik. The highest area, which is comfortably located near the top of Todorin vryh. There are many trails here, where constant slalom competitions are held.

Let's talk about the routes

Many tourists choose Bansko -ski resort, reviews of which claim that he is one of the best in Europe. This reputation helped him to win a variety of routes. The length of the longest of them is 16 km.

ski resort bansko Bulgaria

The ski resort of Bansko (Bulgaria) offers its guests:

  • 5 blue trails, which will appeal to beginner skiers.
  • 9 red tracks for those who are already confidently on skis.
  • 2 black tracks, which will be appreciated by the virtuosos of skiing.

Choosing a place to rest

For you to be comfortable, you must choose a resort whose routes will match your training.

So, if you are just learning the basics of skiing, it is better to give priority to such routes as:

  1. Shiligarnik.
  2. Plateau.
  3. The ski road.
  4. Bansko.

For those who want more steepness and adrenaline, they are perfect:

  1. Balkanid.
  2. Stara Pista.
  3. Chalin Valog.
  4. Todorka.

But the masters, the real experts of this sport will pay tribute to such routes as:

  1. Banderitsa.
  2. Tsyrna is the grave.

Ski lifts for rent in Bansko

The developed infrastructure and convenience of equipped routes attract both Russians and Europeans. The ski resort of Bansko (Bulgaria) has as many as 26 lifts.

Bansko ski resort reviews

  • First of all, I would like to mention the gondola-type cable car on the Bansko-Banderishka route. It is designed for 8 passengers.
  • 8 chair lifts equipped with removable cabins. 5 of them are 4-seater, the rest - 3-seater.
  • 17 drag lifts.

In addition, there is a halfpipe, where you can do jumps and perform various tricks. Snowboarders also will not go idle. Especially for them a park has been created, and equipment can be rented.

In addition, the resort offers a test of strength in biathlon, you can also visit the gym and pool.

Features of children's activities

If you choose Bansko ski resort(Bulgaria), bring your children. Little travelers will not be deprived of attention. Especially for them there are lifts. And at the station Banderishka Polyana there is even a ski kindergarten. There you can take a child if he is already over 4 years old. Also in this recreation area are the best attractions for children: moving paths, ski carousels.

Bansko ski resort: hotels

Problems with the choice of temporary residence you should not have. 306 hotels open their doors to guests of Bansko.

ski resort Bansko Bulgaria prices
They are presented here a variety of variations and level of service. Do not look at the number of stars, the service is almost everywhere at altitude.

Where to stay?

  • You can choose both modest hotels with a minimum number of services and luxury hotel complexes.
  • At your service the apartment hotels having huge apartments and representing mini-apartments.
  • If you want peace and privacy, you can choose boutique hotels. They have an interesting design and a small number of rooms.
  • Those who come here not only to ski, but also improve their health, can safely choose the SPA-hotels. There are a lot of them in Bansko.
  • You can stay at the hostel and not think about food-related issues.

Whatever you choose, the ski resort of Bansko will not disappoint you.

What to do on vacation?

If you don't like to spend your evenings alone,At your service various apres-ski. You can go to the disco or one of the many taverns. Dedo Pene enjoys special popularity not only among locals, but also among tourists. There you can taste not only surprisingly tasty Bulgarian wine, but also such dishes as “Banski Starets”, “Sujuk”, “Kalama”. You will love it.

ski resort bansko hotels

And you can visit the thermal pools.After all, Bansko is also a spa resort. Underground mineral waters have healing properties. The temperature of some of them can reach +42 degrees.

We study sights

The ski resort of Bansko is also considered one of the most beautiful historical towns. Those who prefer educational tourism will find a lot of interesting things here.

  • To admire the remains of ancient fortresses, you can make a trip to Staroto Gradische or to Yulen.
  • In the nearby Melnik there are sandy pyramids, which also deserve attention. Also there are sold the best Bulgarian wines.
  • In the very Bansko, you can visit the church of the HolyTrinity. You will not be indifferent to its decoration. Icons, murals, wood carvings are admired by the masters of the past. A very close to the bell tower. Two buildings create a single harmonious ensemble.
  • The Church of the Holy is not inferior in beauty and grandeurThe Assumption. Many tourists visit it to admire the carved iconostasis. The spectacle is really fascinating. And the building itself is a vivid evidence of the architecture of the Bulgarian Revival period.
    tour to bansko ski resort
  • Lovers of poetry are sure to be interested.House Museum of Nikola Vaptsarov. This is the only Bulgarian poet who managed to get the International Peace Prize. 3 times the house was reconstructed, but the color of the past was clearly preserved in it. The museum has 3 halls: 2 of them introduce the poet’s biography, and one is represented by a video hall.
  • Pirin National Park will charm youunique caves. Be sure to visit Banderitsatu and Kazan. After all, they are considered the deepest in Bulgaria. Traveling on them is exciting and exciting.

Do not deny yourself the opportunity to have a good rest andTo ski. After all, it is for this that there is a ski resort Bansko (Bulgaria). Prices for a ticket are very reasonable. For the rest of one person during the week you are invited to pay about 19 thousand rubles. This amount includes airfare and transfer to the hotel, medical insurance, room and board (free breakfast). Not so much the cost, if you imagine how much entertainment is waiting for you at the resort.