/ / Popular night clubs of Kaliningrad

Popular night clubs in Kaliningrad

Today we will tell about night clubsKaliningrad. Each of them is interesting in its own way. Some are located in the center, others - in more remote areas. In our article we will consider the most popular clubs in Kaliningrad. After reviewing the list, you can choose for yourself a good institution for recreation.

clubs of Kaliningrad

Club "Planet" (Kaliningrad)

Located this institution at the address: st.Chernyakhovsky, 26. The club is open on Friday and Saturday from six in the evening until six in the morning. This institution is an entertainment complex in which you can fully relax.

It serves a delicious variety of dishes, includingincluding pizza. Cozy friendly atmosphere can not please the guests of the institution. Dance floor in a big club. Professional DJs who skillfully mix contemporary music and hits of the nineties perform in the institution. The club often hosts concerts of various famous performers.


Continuing to describe the clubs of Kaliningrad, tellabout "Amsterdam". This place is located at: Lithuanian Val, 38. This club is open six days a week. From Monday to Friday, the restaurant operates as a restaurant from 12 o'clock. Schedule for Saturday - from 10 pm to six in the morning.

Relaxed atmosphere and trendy musicmotifs delight guests. With club cards you can get a discount on tickets for a concert of any performer who performs in Amsterdam. The institution has a dress code.

Night club "Best"

He works on Friday and Saturday from ten in the evening andtill six in the morning. This institution is considered one of the best in the city. Prices here are available, the level of service is high. What else I would like to note is the interior. He is very stylish here. The music is great. The club serves delicious specialty cocktails. In the institution, even the most demanding guest will find what he likes. The club has a dress code.


Describing the clubs of Kaliningrad, it is impossible not to mentionabout this place. The place is a very popular place on weekends, there is a full house here during this period. The club is located on the street Dmitry Donskoy 19. Open from 23:00 to 5:30.

club planet Kaliningrad

Not only young people come to this club.Here you can meet and representatives of the older generation who want to make new acquaintances, talk. The club employs professional DJs. There are often held various shows and concerts. You can book tables in advance.

Club "Universal"

The club is located on Mira Avenue 33. The institution is open from Friday to Saturday from 23:00 to five in the morning.

night clubs of Kaliningrad

The club is located on two floors.There are two dance floors. In the institution you can sit on the cozy sofas and smoke hookah. In the club you can listen to music of different styles. For girls, admission is free until one in the morning. After three hours, anyone can enter the institution, and you don’t have to pay for the visit. The menu offers a variety of interesting dishes. In the institution you can have a good time, dance and watch performances of girls.


Now you know what the most popular clubs in Kaliningrad are. We hope that you will be able to choose for yourself a suitable institution. Enjoy your stay!