/ / Where is Odessa, and what is it famous for?

Where Odessa is and what it is famous for

It is difficult to find a person who would neverI heard about the existence of this city. And even the one who was not fortunate enough to visit him, is perfectly informed about where Odessa is. Of course, on the shores of the Black Sea.

From the history

This city was founded in 1794 by willEmpress Empress Catherine II. His bookmark on the site of the ancient Turkish village of Hajibey marked the consolidation of the borders of the empire on the Black Sea coast. Soon after founding, the city became the administrative center of Novorossia. And during the nineteenth century it became the largest Russian port and the fourth most populated city in the country. Odessa has become a kind of a facade of Russia, deployed in a southerly direction. Through it there were trade routes to the countries located on the Mediterranean coast. The city quickly gained a prominent role in the country's economic, political and cultural-social life. It was hard to believe that where the city of Odessa is located, a few decades ago there was a deserted shore. Among other things, Odessa quickly becameIt is popular as one of the places of summer holidays for a wealthy audience. Throughout the nineteenth century, railroads in the south of Russia were intensively built, which ensured a reliable transport connection to the port with all major cities, not only Russia but also Europe.

where is Odessa

Where is Odessa on the map

Город расположен на берегу Одесского залива Black Sea. In ancient times in this place was located the Greek colony. It is her Odessa owes her name, which she was awarded in St. Petersburg with the approval of Catherine II. Favorable geographical position of the city makes it not only the largest commercial port, but also the center of the Black Sea resort zone, which each season attracts many tourists. Many people do not need to explain where Odessa is. They have been here many times and with pleasure return to this shore every summer. There are excellent beaches, affordable prices and a legendary city, which is always glad to guests. According to its geographical location, the Odessa region remains the closest tourist destination for Russia and Ukraine to the beach holiday.

 where is Odessa on the map

Main Attractions

Despite the fact that the history of Odessa includesa little more than two centuries, the city is very expressive in its appearance and has many historical and architectural sights. And there is nothing surprising in it - the best architects and artists of the time put their hand to its construction. In the historical center of the city a number of buildings made in the style of classicism and modernism can be attributed to the category of unique ones without exaggeration. It is well known where Odessa is located, and in such an authoritative international organization as UNESCO. Now the question of including a number of architectural ensembles of the city on the World Heritage List is being considered. This is primarily about the Primorsky Boulevard, the Duke de Richelieu Square, the Opera House and the Potemkin Stairs. On this famous staircase, by the way, in 1925 a number of key episodes of such a masterpiece of world cinematography as "Battleship Potemkin" by the famous Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein were shot.

where is the city of Odessa

Cultural atmosphere

The population of Odessa is multinational.Since the foundation of the city, Russians, Ukrainians, Jews, Greeks and Tatars peacefully live next door to each other. And from this polyethnicity in the city a unique cultural environment was formed. An inexpressible Odessa aura and a unique sense of humor from Odessa are widely known in all countries of the world, where they understand the Russian language. There is even such an international organization as the "World Club of Odessites", an honorary membership in which many outstanding figures of the world are proud. To assess the sense of humor of the inhabitants of this city, it is enough just to take an interest on the street: "Where is Privoz located in Odessa?". The variety of answers to this simple question is always pleasantly surprising. In this city for a long time lived and created many giants of Russian culture - from Pushkin to Vysotsky inclusive. And without Odessa, their work would be a little different.

where is the delivery in Odessa

Tourist service

Every year there are many who want to make up fora gap in their education and go to practice to find out - where Odessa is. And she is always glad to the guests and very interested in that they come as much as possible. The reception of tourists in Odessa is one of the most important branches of the local economy. It is aimed at both the infrastructure, widely developed all over the coast, and ordinary Odessa citizens. They willingly rent their homes to visitors for the summer season. For many, especially people of retirement age, this is a very significant income item. But supply of housing on the market often exceeds demand for it, and this circumstance provides a relatively low price level.