Remember how the heroes of the famous Soviet movie critic"Moscow does not believe in tears," which appeared on the screen almost 35 years ago, argued over whether the theater would destroy the theater or not? As you can see, the theater is alive! And this is the best answer to the pessimists who claim that the Internet will soon replace the print media. Moreover, new magazines are constantly appearing, and some periodicals have been able to attract the audience for many years, to meet the needs of which circulations of several hundred thousand or even millions of copies are required.
A bit of history
As you know, the magazine is printedPeriodic edition, which, according to GOST, must have a permanent rubrication. By the way, the idea of notifying fellow scientists and the general public about new discoveries first occurred to the Frenchman Denis de Sallo. It was he, with the approval of the all-powerful minister Colbert, published in 1665 the "Journal des Savants", which a century later Voltaire called the prototype of all such publications. By the way, it was Salo who introduced the concept of feedback, inviting readers to "send their comments so that they were also published in the journal," and began to put illustrations, including very large ones. The world's first periodical very quickly gained popularity among the reading public. Therefore, it is not surprising that by the end of the 17th century there were already about fifty journals in France in different directions.
The most widely distributed magazine in the world
Как известно, большинство супердостижений в various fields are published in the Guinness Book of Records. So, it claims that the Watchtower, the most widely distributed magazine in the world, has a circulation of 40,000,000 and is published in more than 180 languages. Since 1879, its publisher has been the notorious organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, the magazine has been sent to 236 countries of the world where communities of followers of this organization operate legally or illegally. True, in this case the title “the most widely distributed magazine in the world” does not mean at all that the Watchtower is incredibly popular.
Ведь известно, что очень часто “свидетелям” one has to go on various tricks in order to convince some “soul” that, in their opinion, needs salvation, read it, or at least agree to take a leaf. In any case, at present, the permission to distribute the Watchtower on the territory of our country has been canceled, so this magazine is often attempted to be illegally brought to Russia, especially since the members of this organization have extensive experience of this kind of activity. Indeed, for more than 140 years of existence, they have been constantly persecuted by the authorities.
As for the content of the publication, it is enoughsay that in the first issue of the Watchtower magazine for 1879, the main goal of the publication was declared “to help readers realize that the world is experiencing its last days”. As they say, no comment!
Popular magazines of Russia
To date, among the publications of ourthe country’s palm in terms of the number of readers belongs to the TV guide “Antenna-Telesem”. Its weekly circulation is 4,077,288 copies. Of course, this is not enough to claim the title of “the most widely distributed magazine in the world,” but the figure is still quite impressive. The geographical coverage of the publication is also solid, including 72 cities of Russia and 4 cities in the Baltic States and the CIS. In this magazine, readers can read the TV program, learn more about the lives of stars, find a huge number of crosswords and puzzles, as well as get tips that will be useful in housekeeping.
В числе самых тиражных можно отметить также такие Russian magazines, such as “Everything for Women”, “Domashny Ochag”, “My Beloved Dacha”, “Secrets of the Stars”, etc. In addition, there are Russian versions of world-famous magazines that have an audience in our country of several hundreds person.
Printed editions for ladies and girls
The first Russian women's magazine was published in 1779.year He set his goal to acquaint girls and women with the latest fashion and teach good manners. A little later, from the beginning of the 19th century, literary and entertainment magazines began to be published, and in the 1860s corners of gossip began to appear in print publications for women. In addition, the emergence of cinema led to the emergence of interest in the life of stars and gave rise to such a phenomenon as the paparazzi.
And even in Soviet times, originally created inFor propaganda purposes, the magazines “Worker” and “Peasant Woman” published articles on home economics, the psychology of family relations, and handicraft tips. But the real revolution in the women's press took place in 1989. After all, it was then that the Burda Fashion women's magazine began to be issued in the USSR.
Popular glossy magazines for ladies published in Russia
Today in our country, you can buy periodicals for women of several directions:
- family life, such as "Liza", "Peasant", "Home";
- elite, for example, “Cosmopolitan”, “Elle”, “Marie Claire”, “Harper’s Bazaar”;
- for young girls (“Elle Girl” and “Lisa. Girl”);
- for moms, for example, “Lisa. My child";
- women’s health (“Women's Health”, “Beauty & Health”).
In addition, they are very popular.interest magazines, especially sewing, as well as knitting magazines. For example, for many years Russians have been looking for schemes for their handicraft work and photographs of current models in Sabrina.
The most popular magazine for real men
By far the most famous periodicThe publication for the representatives of the strong half of humanity is “Playboy”, the first issue of which was published in 1953. Although most people associate it with half-dressed beauties, in different years the works of Arthur Clarke, Stephen King, Jan Fleming, Stanislav Lem and others were printed there. As for Russia, the first Russian men's magazine - “Medved” - appeared in 1995. However, it existed only until 2011. Today, in our country, besides “Playboy”, “Maxim”, “Men" s Health Russia "and" GQ "are among the most popular publications of this kind.
Magazines for children's audiences
“Murzilka” and “Funny Pictures” - these namesfamiliar to many from childhood. In general, children's magazines in our country have always been very popular. Suffice it to say that the same “Murzilka”, the first issue of which was published in the distant 1924, was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the oldest of the currently existing children's publications. Moreover, it continues to be produced with a circulation of 85,000 copies, which is quite large for children's periodicals.
The most popular literary magazines in our country
Idea to print literary works inPeriodicals appeared in 1668 with a group of Italian writers. The magazine they published was called “Il Giornale de" Letterati ", which translates as" Journal of Writers. "Later collegues from England and France followed their example. As for Russia, AP Sumarokov’s magazine is considered one of the first such publications However, they became really popular in the 19th century, when representatives of the Golden Age of Russian literature began to be printed in them. As for modern times, listing the names of famous magazines of this kind, it should be noted “Spark”, “New World”, “Foreign Literature” and Friendship of peoples ".