Oster Gregory: Children with Love

Oster Grigory Bentsionovich is well known inRussia and neighboring countries. Books written by him can be found in every house where a child lives. They are on the shelves of all more or less large bookstores. Many generations, who grew up on his poems and fairy tales, still love them and read to their children and grandchildren.

The future famous Soviet writer was born inOdessa in 1947. His childhood was spent in sunny Yalta. After graduating from high school, he entered military service. After graduating from the Navy and moving to Moscow, he studied at the local literary institute. He graduated from the school, already being a famous children's writer. Since then, Oster Gregory is working on the creation of beautiful poems, fairy tales, scripts for cartoons.

The cycle of "38 Parrots"

harmful advice of Grigory Oster
The writer created scripts for tenanimated films telling the audience about the fun adventures of the naughty Monkey, a serious Sloth, a reasonable Parrot and Boa constrictor, constantly thinking about something. The cycle got its name from the first series, which tells how animals measured the length of Boa. It was released in 1976 and since then it has been regularly broadcast by various national children's TV channels. In addition to it, the cycle includes nine more episodes, the latter was released in 1991.

The cycle "Kitten named Gav"

fairy tales of Grigory Oster
Oster Grigory made a screenwriter for anotherknown to all Soviet children cycle, in which viewers are introduced to the kitten with the sonorous name of Gav and his faithful friend Sharik. Cartoons about the adventures of two bosom friends teach young spectators what it means to be real friends, as adults need to take care of children. The first series was published in 1976, the last in 1982. In total, the cycle includes five cartoons.

"Fairy tale with details"

Tales of Gregory Oster, according to himselfwriter, are his best creation, but for some reason do not enjoy such a demand among publishers, as other works that have become cult. For the first time "Fairy tale with details" was published in 1989. One of the heroes - the director of the carousel - tells the seven horses of a fairy tale every night. And now comes the time of the last, about the boy Fedya and his adventures, which, along with the details of the secondary characters, occupies the main part of the work.

"Monkeys of younger age"

Grigory Oster poems
A cycle of cartoons about monkeys, a script forwhich was written by Oster Grigory, includes seven series. In each series, five nimble young monkeys fall into different alterations, and their mother is forced to come to their aid and deal with the consequences. Then they run to the city, they save the pastry shop from robbers, they go on a country trip and get acquainted with the human family, then they participate in putting out a fire, then they disrupt the play, they pretend to be sick and steal an ambulance. The first cartoon was released in 1983, the last one - in 1997. It is noteworthy that one of the authors of the central song "In every little child" was the leader of the group "Time Machine" Andrei Makarevich.

"Harmful advice"

Gregory Oster is known as the author of severalChildren's books containing poems with harmful advice. In due time this work caused a wide excitement among parents. Some have stated that such advice can lead to poor behavior of children. Others spoke in defense of the writer and said that it would be easier for children to learn the rules of behavior in a comic form. To resolve the dispute, it required a survey of young readers who unequivocally stated that Grigory Oster's Harmful Advice is a fun and interesting book, but they are not going to do what is written in it. The characters of the book, according to the author, were written off from his children and neighbor children. Poems are written in simple and understandable to young readers language, equipped with cheerful jokes. All this allows children themselves to understand what actions can be considered correct, and which are not. This method of education, according to many psychologists, is much more effective than traditional.

Most modern children know the Sovietwriter Grigory Oster. Poems of this author are rightly considered a model of children's literature. In Soviet times, several writers came to her, who quickly became famous: Samuel Marshak, Eduard Uspensky, Grigory Oster. Their books are constantly reprinted, because they teach children good in an interesting, simple and understandable form.