Svetlana Besfamilnaya - a writer whoFavorite readers because of their books. A simple syllable, good jokes, a bit of magic and, of course, an interesting plot - this is exactly what is found in all Svetlana’s books.
Svetlana Besfamilnaya: “Samizdat”
The writer is the author of seven books, each of which was first published in the magazine Samizdat. Svetlana Besfamilnaya writes all her books in the genre of fantasy, fiction and a love story.

Already at the very beginning of his passion for writingSvetlana received excellent marks for her work, which undoubtedly indicates that readers like her books. Sharp plot, unforgettable adventures, passionate love - all this can be found on the pages of her books.
Svetlana Besfamilnaya: all the books that are loved by readers
Most of all, readers liked the book “ShardsArtifact ", which belongs to the literary genre of fantasy. In the center of the plot - a girl who fell into the world of magic and wizardry. The prehistory tells the reader how a power artifact was smashed thousands of years ago, and its fragments were scattered throughout various magical worlds. And since then, every hundred years, the strongest mages are sent in search of these fragments. So what adventures can wait for the main character, who by chance was among these magicians?

Another high-rated book authorwhich is Svetlana Besfamilnaya, became “Instructions: How to Train Your Dragon”, which is also written in the fantasy genre. Events unfold around the girl, who constantly gets into awkward and ridiculous situations. Having decided to flee, the main character falls into another empire, in which terrible and selfish dragons inhabit and rule. However, the girl is not lost - she is looking for ways to tame them and win respect from such proud creatures.
Also among the most famous and lovedreaders of the books include the novel "Academy of General Magic." A piece by genre is a mixture of a love affair with fantasy. It describes the life of a magical sorceress, who, having set herself a ban on concrete actions, violates all her principles and thereby radically changes her life. As changes lead to a series of difficulties, various obstacles stand in the way of a quiet life.
Other writer books
Svetlana Besfamilnaya has a job shewrote together with Catherine Bogdanova. The book was called “Bastards. Training and practice. It differs from others in that there are many jokes in it that create a positive atmosphere while reading. Written work in the genre of humor, a love story and fantasy. The writers themselves, instead of annotations to the work, write one word, which clearly explains the entire contents of the book: “Stebot”.

Еще одной работой, которая несет в себе черты fantasy and love affair at the same time, became the book "The Bride for three days." In the center of the plot - the girl who graduated from the training in the boarding house "Tea Rose". The fate of the main character has long been predetermined: a dignified future, in which there will be neither magic nor love, is only marriage and procreation. However, even before the predestined begins to be implemented, the young graduate of the boarding house meets a mysterious stranger who manages to drastically change her fate.