/ / What you can talk with a guy: examples, questions

What can you talk about with a guy: examples, questions

You are going on a date and can’t think ofhow can you talk to a guy? It's very simple - be yourself. A tense girl who climbs to please does not make a good impression. You should talk about what is interesting to you, well, it would be nice to learn a few psychological techniques. See below for tips and advice.

Keep the guy in the spotlight

what can talk to a guy

Want to please a man?Think about what people like to talk about the most? That's right, about yourself. Therefore, if there is an awkward pause during the meeting, and you do not know what you can talk about with the guy, transfer the topic to him. He can tell about his successes, achievements, work, or just remember some moment in life. You can vary this topic as you like. The main thing - do not distort the conversation to yourself. Listen carefully and ask relevant questions. Even if a guy talks to you about how great he spent the past month at a concert of a popular musician, and you were also at this concert, do not rush to tell him this information. Let speak out. It is thanks to such long monologues and pertinent questions on the part of the opponent that trust and frankness are formed between people.

Make compliments

Люди любят не только разговаривать о себе, но им also like to receive confirmation of their uniqueness. Therefore, if you still have a question about what you can talk to the guy, make him a compliment. Do you think the compliment will not start a conversation? By no means. A person who has good self-esteem will take note of your praise. He will not make excuses or beg for other compliments. If you praise his mind or wit, the guy will understand that it is these qualities that you value in others, which means that they are in you. And it will help to continue the conversation on topics of interest to you.

Find common interests

what can you talk to your boyfriend

You do not know what you can talk to a guy?Find common interests. Then you can calmly communicate without making efforts to develop a conversation. Perhaps your chosen one likes to ski, and you also go to conquer the mountain slopes every weekend. Maybe the guy is playing the guitar, and you are also into music. It is very easy to talk to a person with whom you feel an emotional connection. It occurs when you understand that a person has the same interests as you. Therefore, in order to establish normal communication, you will have to try. You may have to jump from topic to topic for 10 minutes to come to what interests you and your boyfriend. But the topics should not ask you. Ask what's interesting to the guy. And if you understand that he is starting to talk about cars, and you are not interested in it, smoothly move on to another topic. Believe me, a person has at least three topics to which he will be happy to talk. Just need to find them.

Discuss movies

Если вы понимаете, что общих интересов быстро can not find, then what you can talk to a guy? An example of such a dialogue can be a conversation about films. All people love the movie, and everyone watches it periodically. And here it will not be so important, your tastes agree with the guy about films. You can jointly discuss one movie from different perspectives. If you do not like the action movie, and the guy is delighted with him, argue your point of view and ask your chosen one to do the same. This will help to establish contact, as well as show you from the best side. You can tell that in the movie you liked, for example, the game of actors, soundtracks. And then go to what you found frankly boring, for example, the plot and hackneyed shots of gunfights. You can discuss TV shows and cartoons, not necessarily attached to the movies.

Discuss books

what topics you can talk to a guy

Don't know what topics you can talk toboyfriend? If you are fond of literature, and your boyfriend, too, talk about it. Yes, today it is not fashionable to read, but if you find a person who is interested in this process, hold on to it. Books are a source of inspiration and knowledge. They can be discussed endlessly. And just like with movies, it’s not necessary that you like the same books. For example, your elect may be a fan of fiction, and you like historical novels. So talk about the similarities and differences of these genres. A universal theme is classic literature. Dostoevsky, Gogol, Tolstoy - these are the authors, all of whom were in school. And each person made his own opinion about their works. So share with your chosen one thoughts on this matter.


One of the inexhaustible topics on which you cantalk to the guy - this is your travel experience. All people love to travel and listen to interesting stories about other countries and cities. Talk about it. You will be interested to hear about Thailand, even if you were there. After all, it will be the opinion of another person. You can discuss the advantages of the resort and its disadvantages. If you do not go to rest abroad, you can share your impressions of traveling in your own country. Probably, each person had an exciting move from city to city. Perhaps you and your friends went on a holiday, to a museum or a water park. Of course, not everything in travels goes smoothly - sometimes some kind of trouble happens, but thanks to them the journey becomes exciting. About these little things worth telling.

Beautiful places

topics to talk to a guy

It's hard to think about what you can talk to a guywalking? From the theme of travel, you can smoothly move on to the theme of beautiful places. Every adult, and even a child, has a place in his hometown, with which much is connected. It can rightfully be loved. If there is no such place or it is very personal, then there is probably some beautiful view, for example, from the bridge to the river or from the mountain to the city to which you are not indifferent. Talk about such beautiful places. And if they are located somewhere near the area in which you are walking, you can visit them. It will be an interesting journey, and your favorite place will become special not only for you, but also for the guy.


What can you talk to your favorite guy?If your chosen one is keen on sports, then you can discuss matches and games endlessly. Guys love to discuss the last game, reflect on the strategy or tricks that athletes performed. If you have a passion for the same sport as your other half, feel free to discuss your general hobbies. Do not think that sport is a non-female business. If you really understand something in this matter, then you will be a pleasant conversationalist.


what can I talk about

Many people are afraid to be frank with each other.a friend. It seems to them that, hiding thoughts and feelings, it will be easier to live. But actually it is not. If there are a lot of reluctance and understatement in the relationship, you should not have a question about what you can talk to your boyfriend. Talk about relationships. Tell him how you see the common future and ask how he sees him. If your desires and thoughts on this score coincide - well, but if there are discrepancies, discuss them immediately. This will not destroy trust, but on the contrary, will strengthen it. Remember that honest conversation helps to avoid many quarrels due to understatement.

What to talk on the phone

what can you talk to your favorite guy

У многих девушек возникает проблема с разговором, when it happens not in live communication. In fact, you can find many interesting topics for conversation. But keep in mind that if you can communicate with your girlfriend two hours a day, telling her about your experiences, fears and unrest, then your monk will not like such monologues. What can I talk to the guy on the phone? You can provide a brief squeeze of events for the day. Speak about the most interesting, do not go into details. Ask how the day went by the guy. You can discuss plans for the nearest date or talk about what you really care about. You can even discuss a movie or a book. But try to finish the conversation on time. Do not hold your boyfriend on the phone for more than half an hour.

What can I talk on the Internet

what can you talk to your boyfriend

You and your boyfriend are active users.social networks? Then you need to keep in touch not only in face-to-face meetings, but also in the Internet space. But it is not necessary to discuss complex issues in social networks. The most optimal correspondence is a conversation on the case. You can write off about the time and place of dates, as well as it is permissible to exchange music and funny pictures. Do not write anything personal. Why? The fact is that a guy’s account can log in to his friends. You do not want to know the details of his personal life around. That is why you should not send letters of this nature. If you really want to write something nice, for example, “good night, sweetheart” - this is quite acceptable, but no more.

What questions can I ask

You do not know what you can talk to a guy?Questions will help in this. To find common ground, you need not be afraid to ask. At first, you can find out with the help of questions personal information: where the guy lives, works / learns, reads, dreams of. When you get to know a person better, it will certainly be much easier to communicate with him. Therefore, at this stage of development of relationships, you can already ask more philosophical questions, for example, what the guy would do if he had a million dollars, what three desires he would ask Golden Fishes about which is more important in life: family or career. Such questions can tell a lot about a person, his priorities and worldview.

What you should not talk about

In order not to be trapped, you always need to firstthink and then do. Well, to speak, of course, too. So, what is better to keep silent? On the former guys, in general, do not talk. The young man understands that you have a past, if you broke up with your ex, then you have a reason for this. And it makes no sense to express all their sorrows and insults to the new gentleman. Also, one should not complain not only about the former, but, in general, about the people around them. Weak people complain and whine, but you don't want to seem like such a person? Do not talk about their shortcomings. They still float out, but do not need to show them ahead of time. If you want to seem smart girl, then do not talk about things that you are incompetent. If you do not understand politics, it is better to admit it immediately, than to seem like a goo. What better way to shut up? On the secrets of other people, especially your mutual friends. No one likes gossips. If a person has entrusted personal information to you, manage to save it.