Linen wedding or, as it is otherwise called,wax, is celebrated after four years of living together. It's not yet an anniversary, but, nevertheless, it was on this anniversary that, for the first time, attention was paid not only to the relationship between husband and wife, but also to the home and the wealth of a married couple. It is believed that by this time the spouses had already accumulated some material benefits and could make their home cozy and hospitable, and the relationship between husband and wife became flexible, like wax, and strong as flax (after all, linen cloth is not only much more expensive , but also much stronger than calico). In the life cycle, many spouses simply do not pay attention to this date, celebrating it on the run or not celebrating at all, and yet the flax wedding has rich traditions that have survived to the present day since the days of Kievan Rus.
Gifts and congratulations for 4 years of wedding shouldcorrespond to the "linen" theme. If we talk about traditions and rituals, in olden times on this day the wife was to give her husband his own linen shirt, as well as weaving a linen cloth and sew a sheet for the family bed from it. Such a sheet was covered only once (on the fourth anniversary of the wedding), and then stored for many years as a family relic. The godfather of the bride was to be presented to a young family (or rather, his wife) with a spinning wheel or trunk, and the godmother - linen or home-made products sewn by hand.
Of course, in the modern world these traditionshave changed a little - very few people know how to weave today, a spinning wheel from a basic necessity turned into a museum exhibit, and even a few people will not be able to sew a sheet at one time. However, there are a lot of ideas about what you can give for a holiday, like a linen wedding. These are all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, towels, bed linens, clothes, curtains and linen made of linen, paintings painted on linen canvas or flowering flax in a small pot that will become a wonderful decoration of the festive table. Another interesting tradition, which can be fully transferred to our days, is the shedding of "linen newlyweds" with dried flax seeds mixed with sweets. Also, it may seem interesting to exhibit on the table figurines of linen, which must be kept for a whole year, and during the celebration of the fifth anniversary of joint life (which is called a wooden wedding) burn.
If we talk about the four-year anniversaryliving together, then gifts and congratulations on the date of the wedding can be associated not only with linen, but also with a wax theme. It is possible to present beautiful candles and products of beekeeping to the spouses (for example, honey, which must necessarily be on the festive table), as well as various cosmetics made on the basis of beeswax.
Really original and memorablecongratulations on the 4-year anniversary of the wedding associated with the theme of this anniversary, you can think of yourself (and not necessarily in a poetic form - the heartfelt lines in prose will please the initiators of the celebration no less) or to be found on various resources (on the Internet, thematic collections and books) . And you can also order the writing of such congratulations to professional authors who masterfully combine all the components in one work and make it unique, unique and intended only for this married couple.
Therefore, if someone thinks that a linen wedding- this is not the period of family life that deserves the organization of a memorable holiday, he is very mistaken. After all, this is another milestone in the life of the spouses, which shows that they have become even more intimate people and have learned to appreciate and preserve their relations, and also to yield to each other. Therefore, this is a very worthy occasion to cover the table with a linen tablecloth, lay out bunches of flax, light candles and arrange a real holiday!