/ / How to keep guys and end the relationship only on their own?

How to keep the guys and finish the relationship only on their own?

Virtually every woman at least once in a lifetimethrowing a favorite man. Not so important - he went into the void or to another woman: the pain and resentment, as well as the feeling of disappointment will visit you anyway. How to keep guys and independently manage the development of relations? Is it possible for a loser to become a permanent winner?

How to become special for your man?

How to hold guys
If you feel that your relationship ison the verge, it's time to try to change something. The secret to keeping guys in is simple: men linger next to the women with whom they feel comfortable. Think you have a lot to limit your boyfriend? Are you trying to impose any personal views and convictions on him or to change his habitual way of life? This is the wrong tactic: if you really want to stay with him for a long time, you will have to accept and share all his interests and habits. In no case do not limit his communication with friends, try to join their company or quietly let him go to spend time in the men's circle. If the main thing is your desire: "I want to keep the guy!" - Try to imagine with what girl he would like to be together. Your main task is to support and understand him, and also to take care and not to bother him. You should always be different - do not be afraid to experiment, to offer the most unusual options for joint entertainment. If he is not bored next to you, it is unlikely that he will want to erase you from his own life in a short time.

How to keep a loved one

How to keep guys: add a little bitchiness

You must demonstrate self-confidence to everyone.its kind. Never be jealous of him unreasonably. Asking who comments on his posts on social networks or calls him, you show your fear of losing him and, accordingly, lack of confidence in its attractiveness and interestingness. But indifference is not worth showing. The best position is to demonstrate that you are very happy to be with him, but you will also experience a break. Do not forget about your friends and interests. If you are always together, then it will be useful for you to spend a couple of evenings a week separately. Very soon you will understand how to keep guys.

I want to keep a guy

All men are conquerors by nature, thereforeit should seem to him that theoretically you can leave when you so desire. In other words, not dissolving into each other completely, but leaving some free space for everyone, you continue to be interesting for each other people.

What if the opponent still appeared?

One of the most common women's issues:"How to keep a loved one if he already got a mistress?" Most importantly - without panic, the situation can always be saved. Do not make scandals, best of all do not give the kind that you know about his infidelity. You have to become better than your opponent and make sure that he sees it in time. Give him more attention, try to communicate on neutral topics and talk about his problems. Try to organize interesting leisure options, make small romantic surprises for him. Learn how to cook, if you did not know how, and try something new in bed. Most likely, having learned such a renewed, interesting you, he will not want to spend his time on someone else.