/ / Faience Wedding: How to celebrate the nine-year anniversary?

Earthen wedding: how to celebrate the 9th anniversary?

A faience wedding is a very important date inmarried life, which indicates a strong and sincere relationship between spouses. But how to celebrate such a significant day? What traditions should I adhere to? Which gift will be perfect?

What does the faience wedding symbolize?

faience wedding

Each year of life, spent together, is of great importance for the spouses. And it has long been customary to celebrate each anniversary, according to tradition. The same date means that lovers have been married for 9 years.

Earthenware wedding, of course, an important event.By the way, this anniversary was named so far not by chance. Faience is both strong and fragile material, as well as marital happiness. On the one hand, nine years spent side by side testify to strong feelings and devotion to each other. But, on the other hand, this date is a peculiar milestone, since it is considered to be considered as a certain turning point in the life of a married couple.

In some regions, this anniversary is takencall chamomile, which also characterizes the relationship between a man and a woman. After all, daisy - a symbol of warmth, sun, fun and love. This flower indicates that life together is still blooming and did not have time to reach its peak.

Earthen Wedding: traditions and customs

This anniversary is celebrated in the family andclosest friends. Like any other holiday, this date requires some preparation. In particular, it is advisable to put on the table earthenware tableware. Since the anniversary is also called chamomile, as far as possible you can decorate the holiday table with these flowers. By the way, if the husband gives his wife a bouquet of hand-picked field daisies, this can be considered a good sign.

9 years old faience wedding

The unchanged tradition on such an important day issmashing dishes. And here any old earthenware mug, saucer or plate is useful. As already mentioned, the nine years of marriage is a kind of transitional period. In recent years, each spouse has accumulated enough resentment. Therefore, after each broken circle, the husband and wife must make a sincere complaint.

Yes, of course, such a rite may beheld in a joking manner, in order to amuse the guests at the table. Nevertheless, it is best to really try to relieve the soul, sincerely forgive each other and let go of all resentment. Perhaps this is what will save the couple from the crisis in the relationship.

Earthenware wedding: what to present to spouses?

With empty hands you can hardly go toguests Therefore, many people are interested in questions about what should be gifts for a faience wedding. Of course, the ideal option would be the new earthenware, which will replace the old, broken during the ceremony. Quite often, a tea set or a table set is chosen as a present.

wedding gifts

On the other hand, you can make a married couplesurprise. For example, you can order special earthenware mugs with family photos - a similar service is offered in almost every photo salon. You can also donate large decorative wall plates with portraits of the spouses.

And, of course, as a gift you canto present various faience souvenirs that will decorate the house, make the spouses' room more comfortable and will always remind of a merry celebration. And if you decide to bring flowers, then this, of course, should be daisies.