Every man has his ideal woman.Someone dreams of a leggy blonde with blue eyes, someone - of a passionate dark-skinned woman with a luxurious bust, and someone - of a modest librarian with a gentle look. But, as practice shows, the ideal of a man remains just an ideal, and he takes a completely different woman as his wife. So let's see: why do men love women? What do they value in women first? What pay attention to when meeting? And in general, what is the relationship between a man and a woman?
Men are attracted by well-groomed ladies

One may argue about which womenlove men. As they say, there are no comrades to taste or color: someone likes blondes, and someone goes crazy with brunettes, someone prefers girls of model appearance, and someone - women of low and appetizing. But you can safely say that all men love neat women. After all, beauty is not only slender legs and regular features. Beauty is, first of all, neatly laid hair, light makeup, fashionable clothes, emphasizing the dignity of the figure. It is unlikely that there will be a man who will pass by such a woman without paying attention to her. Therefore, when deciding what men love women for, it is possible to answer unequivocally this way: the powerful people prefer well-groomed women.
Moral principles are important!
If the appearance is more or less clear, thento understand which inner qualities attract men in women is much more difficult. But here there are a few general rules. First, there are few men who want to build a relationship with an affordable woman. In the imagination of a man, a wife is the keeper of the hearth, a caring mother for his future children and a reliable friend for himself. And this image clearly does not fit a slutty maiden, always ready for close contact with men. To the question: “What do men love women for?” - we are responsible: for their moral principles.
Attention and care is the main thing!
The next quality, which is so appreciated by menin women, it is their concern. It is no secret that by nature most men are egoists and proprietors. A man always wants to be the center of attention, wants to be cared for, listened to and supported. Even the appearance of children in the family does not change the situation in the opposite direction. It is important for the head of the family that he remain in the first place, so that the feelings of the spouse towards him do not cool with time. Knowing this, any woman can easily convince her lover that she will make it

The power of a woman is in wisdom
"And what about me? Who will take care of me?“- you ask, lovely women. The answer is simple: always remain a woman, weak, tender and defenseless! Let the man have a desire to take care of yourself. A wise woman will never show her lover that she is smarter and stronger than him. She will always keep in the shadow of her chosen one, but at the same time direct his thoughts and desires so that he himself will never notice.

How do you like the "oligarch"?
Now let's talk about what women loverich men. In this case, we can say this: an uncommon man who has achieved certain heights in life will like an independent and self-sufficient woman, but is ready to share with him all his hobbies and life aspirations. A woman will surely achieve respect and attention from a rich man, but on the condition that she learns well the scope of his activities so that at the right moment he can always ask for advice from her.
Be yourself and succeed!
All men are different and their requirements are different.And sometimes it is very difficult to meet them. Or maybe you do not need to climb out of the skin to please them? Just stay yourself. And then for sure, dear women, you will surely meet your only one who is destined for you.