/ / Physics: what class does it start from? What is learned in physics lessons

Physics: which class begins? What is studied in physics lessons

Each student will sooner or later become acquainted with the natural sciences, such as:

  • biology;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • ecology.

But in this article we will talk only about such a subject as physics. What class does it start with, what does it learn, what is it to prepare for? All this is discussed below.

What is this thing?

Физика – наука о природе.All textbooks, teachers speak about it. But in fact, the definition is much longer, because this science studies almost all the laws that occur in the environment.

physics from which class begins

School children will find out why any body falls onthe earth, how water turns into ice, how different values ​​are measured (for example, atmospheric pressure, power and current) and so on. Physics (Grade 7) involves the study of many phenomena both in nature and in everyday life.

What topics are taught in grade 7?

First, students will be introduced to science itself,briefly tell about what it is. A good teacher will show or experiences, or interesting posters. You need to have an idea of ​​what physics is. What class begins the study of the mechanics and structure of substances? It is from the 7th, since these topics are the simplest and most accessible to understand.

Imagine that you are every daymove in transport or on foot, people go by. Another example: boiling water, brewing tea with sugar. During the lessons of physics, the teacher will tell how certain processes occur.

How to cause interest?

Any topic is related to real life.Ever since ancient times, people have sought to know the world, to understand how certain phenomena occur. It is possible that sometimes you also often ask yourself questions, such as how birds and airplanes fly, why everything falls down, how an electric current exists and why a magnet attracts everything iron or steel. All these questions will answer physics. What class begins the study of, for example, electricity? What about sound? Remember that this subject begins with grade 7, and ends with the end of school (in grade 11). Therefore, all sections will be considered over 5 years gradually. At the very beginning, the most elementary is studied. The main thing is to try to teach definitions with an understanding of the meaning, it will be easier to remember. Let's give an example.

The trajectory is the line along which the body moves.

physics grade 7

What is it about?Let us first remember that in any science there are terms that characterize something. You first heard the word "trajectory", maybe as a child from adults. But did not know what it is. Imagine that you go to school on a snowy path in winter. After you leave traces. Imagine the top view. Footprints describe your trajectory as you move from home to school. There is a phrase, for example: an asteroid has changed the trajectory. What does it mean? He moved in one direction, let's say from Mars to Jupiter, and then turned to the side.

On the structure of matter

You will get acquainted with the concept of "molecule", whichwill be found in chemistry and biology. This is a very, very small substance that can be seen only under a powerful microscope. In the office of physics there are posters showing the molecular structures of certain substances (for example, water, metal).

For the first time, students will have to meetlaboratory work, which requires a physicist. What class is the beginning of the study, the study on a particular topic of study? It is from the 7th. Be sure to listen to the teacher, write down what necessary tools and accessories to bring to the next lesson.

Interaction of bodies

You have to learn how the body interactbetween themselves. Learn a lot of new terms, as well as three Newton's laws, explaining how certain phenomena occur. For example, in a billiard one ball struck the other, both rolled back. Why did this happen? This will explain the physics in school.

In addition to definitions (terms), you need to study the units, formulas. It is very important to know mathematics well, so that when solving problems there are no difficulties.

Pressure of liquids, gases and solids

Interesting and helpful topics will be on learning.This section: atmospheric pressure, sailing ships and more. Despite the complexity, the large amount of information, it will be interesting to know why the ships do not sink.

what class do you study physics

Physics (Grade 7) offers to study onlywhat we see every day. Try to pay attention to everything around. For example, see the weather forecast. They will surely tell you what temperature is expected in the coming days, whether there will be precipitation and wind, and also inform you of what the atmospheric pressure and wind will be.

Work, power, energy

This section will tell you thathappening among us, but we do not see it. What does physics study in this case? What class begins the study of work, power, energy? Also from grade 7. Let's get a look. For example, the kid carries sleds along the path. What's happening? Work is underway. The kid spends his energy, especially if the sledge is heavy. Power also makes sense here, because it can assess how the child will cope with its task.

physics at school

Be sure to study each definition with real examples, drawings, diagrams. Remember the formulas and designations of those and other parameters. You will need them for further study of the subject.

Here we are with you and figured out which class are studyingphysics, with what to get acquainted. A lot now depends on you: in order for a subject to be given successfully, you need to start to get interested, to apply what is being studied in real life.