/ / "Who owns the information - he owns the world": an essay, a reflection on the current topic

"Who owns the information - he owns the world": reflection on the actual topic

Many people, especially if they are students of school,It is difficult to understand why the truthful expression "who owns information, owns the world." An essay on this topic will help find answers to any questions. The main thing is to think about the phrase itself. And then the meaning will find very quickly.

who owns the information that owns the world of essay

Topic definition

Before writing an essay, or anyanother text on this subject, you need to understand yourself what you want to talk about. Given the title, it remains to reveal it for yourself. Having the title “Who owns the information - he owns the world”, the essay should be started by mentioning that this phrase belongs to such a person as Mayer Amschel Rothschild. He is the founder of the bank in Frankfurt am Main and the largest international dynasty of entrepreneurs. Mayer did not just say that phrase. She was the principle of his life. In the same way as his five sons, who continued the work of his father.

To make an essay reallyinteresting and meaningful, you need to understand exactly what this phrase means for the author himself. Although there is only one option. Information is the most valuable thing in the modern world. Sometimes people have data for which they can kill. There is secret information, due to the leakage of which there can be unthinkable consequences. There is a military secret, implying the storage and non-disclosure of special sensitive data. Information is everywhere. This is all that we see and hear. And if a person knows really valuable, important data, he, using them, will be able to get everything he wants. This is the meaning of the statement “Who owns the information - he owns the world”.

 writing an essay


У каждой работы должно быть введение.It sets up the reader to further read the text. What is the best way to start such an essay? An essay may contain questions. It is even better than the usual entry. By asking questions, the author will be able not only to interest the reader in them, forcing him to reflect on a subconscious level. He also facilitate the work itself. Indeed, in the main part, he will need to give answers to the questions asked.

It might look like this:“Information can be visual, sound, olfactory. All that exists around us - this is it. Absolutely any information can be used in a particular field of activity. The main thing is to be able to do it. Some may say that information is not interesting to everyone. By no means. All of us at least once asked questions about who we are, why we live, why we were born, what we should do about it now, what is the meaning of life and should we even exist? Yes, definitely. And only information can help in this. ”

Entry in this spirit is a good option, as the thought given in it is very easy to continue further in the main part.

own the information own the world who said


What to write further in the work called“You own information - you own the world”? Who said this phrase is clear. It is also clear what is the meaning of it invested. It remains to reveal it from his personal point of view. In continuation of the entry: “Now information is the most valuable currency. And there is plenty of evidence. No wonder there is an information weapon. It is very powerful. Stronger than weapons of mass destruction. After all, it has a psychological effect on a huge number of people. On the whole society, on the worldview of tens of thousands of people.

The method of proper presentation can be customizedman in a completely different way, to subordinate him to other interests, to zombie so that he himself does not understand. And many still do not realize it. Although it is practiced very actively and everywhere, especially at this time. And the people who skillfully use the word really own the world. ”

In this spirit, you can write the main part. The most important thing is to prove that the given expression is true - "who owns the information - he owns the world". The essay is given precisely for this.

What is worth remembering?

Есть несколько важных нюансов, которые начинающий The author must constantly keep in his head. First, it is always better to make a plan. For each paragraph - on the point in which you need to specify a few key phrases or words. The author will be guided by them in the process of writing an essay and will definitely not forget anything he wanted to say.

And secondly, each statement must haveis the foundation. That is, having said something, the author is obliged to prove the correctness of his statement. Thanks to this, it turns out to create a semantic load and a logical chain.

saying who owns the information owns the world


In conclusion, you need to write a few short andcapacious phrases that would sum up the above. Since the topic is based on a phrase that says who owns information - he owns the world, the essay can be completed as follows: “Many of us strive to learn, are drawn to knowledge. And this is true because they are also information. However, knowledge in schools, universities, academies are available to all who enter there. Therefore, each of us should look around and not just notice what he saw or heard. It is important to seek information. That, using which, it would turn out to arrange the life ".

In general, in an essay on this topic, the most important thing is to prove or disprove the assertion. Fortunately, there is plenty of room for thought.