/ / Where is Chernobyl on the map of Ukraine? What is the distance from Kiev to Chernobyl?

Where is Chernobyl on the map of Ukraine? What is the distance from Kiev to Chernobyl?

Where is Chernobyl on the map of Ukraine,perhaps, not only every Ukrainian knows, but also every modern person who has experienced the consequences of this terrible technological disaster. Just a day in April 1986, the entire planet learned about a small city in the Kiev region.

Almost immediately the locals had toleave contaminated areas. The distance from Kiev to Chernobyl is small, so the main stream of refugees rushed to the capital. At the time, most of them did not realize that they were leaving their homes forever. It will not be possible to return or go on a visit, only memories and old photos will remain.

About where Chernobyl is located on the map of Ukraine, what happened there almost 30 years ago, as well as about how the city lives today, will be discussed in this article.

Accident 1986

Трагедия случилась 26 апреля 1986 года на the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. As a result of the explosion, the reactor of the fourth power unit of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl was completely destroyed, and a large number of reactive substances were released into the atmosphere.

This catastrophe in the number of dead and injuredbecame the largest in the history of nuclear energy. The vicinity of the station and the city of Chernobyl itself on the map of Ukraine, while still part of the USSR, turned into a so-called dead zone, where there are no people, almost no animals, even migratory birds, according to scientists, try to avoid these places.

distance from Kiev to Chernobyl

It should be noted that significant damage was also caused to the entire economy of the country.

Для ликвидации последствий были задействованы huge human and technical resources. More than 600 thousand people participated, of which 310 died in the first months after the disaster, and in the next 15 years about 8000 people died. Many suffered radiation sickness of varying severity. More than 100 thousand people were evacuated from the areas closest to the NPP.


Попробуем более подробно рассказать о том, где Chernobyl is located on the map of Ukraine. A small town (the Ukrainian name is Chornobil), where only 12.5 thousand people lived before the catastrophe, is located in the Ivankovsky district of the Kiev region on the Pripyat River, near the Kiev reservoir.

where is Chernobyl on the map of Ukraine

The name comes from the plant "Chernobyl"(sagebrush). Now the staff of the enterprises of the Chernobyl Exclusion and Resettlement Zone, as well as residents who have returned after the disaster, live here. From Chernobyl to Kiev, there is a direct distance of 83 km, and about 115 km along the roads.

The first mention of the city refers to the beginning of XII.century. For several centuries, these lands were influenced by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and only at the end of the XVIII century did they become part of the Russian Empire. The bulk of the population before the XX century were Jews. Also here lived Ukrainian and Polish peasants. In 1921, the territory of Chernobyl became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic. In 1936, the Polish community was deported to Kazakhstan, and the Jewish community was exterminated during the Second World War.

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant was erected 10 km from Chernobyl in the 1970s.

Chernobyl NPP

Chernobyl nuclear power plant them. VI Lenin became famous after the tragedy that occurred in April 1986.

Now nuclear power plant of Ukraine is stoppedand is subordinate to the Ministry of Ecology. To prevent the spread of radiation, work began on installing a sarcophagus over the fourth power unit, which should be completed by 2016.

Chernobyl on the map of Ukraine

The nuclear power plant was built in the northern part of Ukraine, 11 km from the Belarusian border, on the banks of the Pripyat River.

Today, the ghost town of Pripyat is located to the west of the sanitary protection section of the nuclear power plant, and 18 km (southeast) is the city of Chernobyl, populated by workers and auto-villages.

If you delve into the story, then quickly enoughyou can see that the first two Chernobyl power units were built over seven years - from 1970 to 1977. Work on the construction of the third and fourth power units was completed by the end of 1983. At the beginning of the 80s, the construction of the third complex began (the fifth and sixth power units), but after the explosion in 1986 the construction of the facility was suspended.

Chernobyl exclusion zone

Where Chernobyl is located on the map of Ukraine can best be shown by those who previously lived or worked in its vicinity.

In connection with the dangerous radioactive contamination of the territories adjacent to the NPP, it was decided to create an exclusion zone, where the administrative center is the city of Chernobyl.

Chernobyl NPP

Decontamination points were installed here and a strict dosimetric control of transport was introduced. The territory prohibited for access includes three zones:

  • special zone (ChNPP industrial site);
  • 10 km;
  • 30 km.

In the city are located the enterprises controllingthe content of radiation in the environment and supporting environmentally safe state zones. Also here are the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, guarding a closed area.

Ecological situation today

Even after so many years after a terrible accident, nature is exposed to radiation in small doses.

In the closed area around the Chernobyl NPP, the number of birds and insects has significantly decreased.

Chernobyl NPP accident

Other scientists believe, on the contrary, that the naturalthe environment is developing, and the radiation was dangerous only in the first two years, and over the following decades its level dropped significantly. In their opinion, wildlife flourishes due to the lack of human influence in the protected exclusion zone.

ChNPP Perspective

At the end of 2000, it was decided to discontinue the operation of the stopped power units at the Chernobyl NPP, which is an important event for the operation of any nuclear power plant.

To accomplish this task, the Chernobyl NPP left the company Energoatom and received the status of a specialized state enterprise.

Chernobyl NPP

На базе ремонтной службы в составе «Энергоатома» Atomremontservis is organized, with a staff of more than 700 people. Many of the employees are former employees of the nuclear power plant. Former employees of the Chernobyl NPP also work in the emergency center of Energoatom.

Whatever the fate of this territory in the future, the words “nuclear power plant. Chernobyl. Accident "will remain forever in the memory of many, many generations.