/ Constellation of the Eagle: scheme. Legend of the Eagle constellation

Constellation Eagle: scheme. Legend of the Eagle constellation

The Eagle constellation is in the equatorial region. It is one of the 48 constellations that Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer, documented in the 2nd century. The Romans called him "Flying Grief."

The constellation Eagle is located in the Milky Way.It is surrounded by the constellations of the Little Horse, Dolphin, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Hercules, Shield and Arrow. You can easily recognize him by three bright stars that are almost in a straight line on the left shoulder, back and neck of a huge bird. The Eagle constellation in the sky covers an area of ​​652.5 square meters. degrees It includes 119 stars that are visible to the naked eye.

Observation of the Eagle constellation

Above the horizon above all the constellation Eaglelocated in August and September at night. It is at this time to observe it most conveniently. On a moonless and clear night you can see with this naked eye in this constellation up to 70 stars. 8 of them are brighter than 4th magnitude.

Brightest star

The brightest star in the constellation Eagle is Altair, itsattributed to the stars of the 1st magnitude. If you mentally connect its lines with celestial bodies located near it, then you will get a figure that resembles a soaring eagle with spread wings. Not only the Greeks saw this bird of prey, but also the Arabs, who gave it the name "Altair" (that is, "flying").

constellation eagle

Altair (Eagle constellation) is one of the moststars close to our planet. Only 16 light-years makes distance to it from us. That is why it looks so bright. However, its size is only 2 times larger than the size of the Sun. Its radiation is 8 times more intense than the radiation of the Sun. Altair approaches the Earth at a speed of 26 km / s, but only after 12 thousand years it will be at a distance of 15 light years from our planet, that is, only 1 light year closer to the Earth. Altair, together with the beta and gamma Eagle forms the body of the constellation Eagle.

Beta, gamma, zeta, eta, epsilon and delta constellations

At a distance of about 44.7 light years from oursThe planet is a beta constellation eagle. Its apparent magnitude is 3.71. The scale of this constellation is a huge yellow-orange star. Its apparent magnitude is 2, 72. Zeta is a triple star system. Eta is a yellow-white supergiant, 3,000 times brighter than the sun. This is one of the brightest cepheids that can be seen with the naked eye. This constellation epsilon is a triple star system. Orange giant heads it. The atmosphere of this giant K-type consists of barium. The constellation of interest to us is a triple star system. Its main celestial body is an F-type subgiant. All this you will find, looking at the constellation Eagle, the scheme of which is presented above.

The fight of Zeus against his father, the help of Prometheus

festival constellation eagle

Стрела - это маленькое скопление звезд, located in the milky way. Mythology associates with the fate of Prometheus the Arrow and the constellation Eagle. For children, many books are being published today in which you can read a retelling of the myth about Prometheus. This story is really interesting, and not only for children. Recall it in brief.

When Zeus matured, he began to fight againstKronos, his father, to gain power over Earth and Heaven. This struggle was stubborn and long, as the mighty titans were on the side of Kronos. In them, Zeus threw deafening thunder and fire lightning. Summoning the help of hekatonheir, storukih, huge as the mountains, he still defeated the titans, sending them to the dark Tartarus. Only one of them - Prometheus - did not fight against Zeus. On the contrary, he helped him in the fight, and also convinced Themis, his mother, and the goddess Gaye to go to his side. Prometheus therefore could live among the gods on Olympus. He was allowed to descend to Earth whenever he wanted.

Prometheus solution to help people

However, the continuous feasts of the gods on Olympus and theirThe carefree life of Prometheus did not attract. He descended to Earth and decided to stay among the people and help them. At the sight of how unhappy the inhabitants of the planet were, his heart was breaking from pain - they froze in burrows and caves, they had no fire, they died from numerous diseases and were forced to defend themselves from wild animals. Prometheus decided that if people had fire, they would not be so unhappy. However, Zeus forbade him to give fire to people, because he was afraid that people would take power from the gods from the gods.

Prometheus improves the lives of people.

altair constellation eagle

Prometheus realized that he was waiting for him in the caseviolation of the prohibition of Zeus. Nevertheless, he could not calmly observe the suffering and distress of people. He decided to steal fire from the forge of Hephaestus, then gave it to people. Prometheus taught them how to use fire.

People's lives quickly changed for the better.They stopped freezing in the caves, they no longer ate raw meat, but began to cook their own food. However, not only the fire gave Prometheus people. He taught them to mine ore in the depths of the earth, to smelt them on fire and to get various metals, from which they then make plows and tools. Prometheus taught to tame wild horses and bulls, harness them and cultivate the land with them. He also tamed wild goats and sheep and gave them to people so that they could use meat and milk for food, and animal skins for clothing. In addition, Prometheus taught people to heal diseases.

Wrath of Zeus

constellation eagle legend

Zeus, of course, was angry with the disobedient titan.The servants of this god Prometheus were chained into heavy chains. They took him to the Caucasus - to the very edge of the Earth. From here, the rocky peaks rose to the clouds, and on the seashore neither a tree nor a blade of grass grew. Only formidable rocks were everywhere, on which sea waves with a deafening roar brought down their rage.

Hephaestus came here by order of Zeus and chained Prometheus to the cliff with an iron hammer. In his chest he hammered an iron tip. So many centuries passed.

Oceanides visit Prometheus

Однажды морские волны стихли.In the golden chariots with a breath of breeze, Oceanid, the daughter of Ocean, came to Prometheus. Hesiona, one of them, was the wife of this titan. The wise Ocean itself appeared on the winged chariot behind them. He wanted to persuade Prometheus to make peace with an angry god, but he did not want to hear about it. Only Prometheus knew the secret of what threatened his power on the planet.

Titan is immersed in darkness

One day, Hermes, the messenger of the gods, rushed tolearn the secret fate of Zeus. However, Prometheus was adamant. Then Zeus brought down thunder and lightning upon the rock with Prometheus, and she collapsed into the everlasting darkness. After millennia, God decided to raise the disobedient titan out of darkness and subject him to great suffering. The rays of Helios burned his body, the rock in the summer heat was heated white-hot. Rain and hail whipped on his emaciated body, and in winter snow fell in flakes.

Eagle Pecking Prometheus Liver

constellation eagle for kids

Zeus every day when on the chariot of fire onHelios appeared in the sky, sending his huge eagle to Prometheus. The eagle, rustling with powerful wings, flew up to the rock. He sat on Prometheus chest. With his sharp claws, he tore the titanium's chest and pecked his liver. Blood flowed in streaks, cluttering the rock. The eagle flew away only when Helios, on his knee, descended to the Ocean in the west. The wounds of Prometheus healed overnight, the liver grew, but the next morning everything was repeated. 30 thousand years continued these torments.

Hercules Frees Prometheus

Themis, his mother, once came to the titan.She begged Prometheus to reconcile with Zeus and tell him his secret. However, titanium remained adamant. He knew that the hero, called to put an end to his torment, was already born. It was Hercules, who has bypassed many countries, saved people from many monsters and disasters. He finally came to the far end of the earth. Hercules, standing in front of the rock, looked at Prometheus, chained to her, and listened to his story.

bright star in the constellation eagle

Вдруг послышался шум крыльев, огромный орел appeared in the sky above. He was already preparing to pounce on titanium. Hercules took a bow and lowered the string. The arrow whistled and pierced the eagle. He fell like a stone into the sea. Hermes, the messenger of Zeus, rushed from Olympus. He turned to Prometheus and promised the titan liberation, if he agreed to reveal the secret, how Zeus can avoid an evil fate. Finally, Prometheus agreed and said that the god of thunder would not marry Thetis, the sea goddess, as the gods of fate decided that she would give birth to a son who would be more powerful than his father.

Геркулес разбил оковы Прометея и вырвал железное spike from his chest. On summer nights and today Hercules is visible in the sky. He looks at the bloodthirsty Eagle, and the Arrow is above him. There is not only Prometheus in heaven, but people will never forget the one who gave them knowledge and fire - tools against the power of the gods.

constellation eagle contest

Legend of Prometheus in art and literature

Именно с этой историей мифология связывает constellation eagle. The legend presented above is very famous today. In art and literature, it is especially popular. Aeschylus, for example, created a whole series of tragedies associated with the name of the great titan: "Prometheus chained", "Prometheus-firefighter", "Prometheus liberated." Aristophanes wrote the comedy "The Birds"; Stocks - the tragedy "Prometheus". The humanistic features of this rebel-martyr's image were developed in poetry (Shelley, Byron, Ogarev, Gotye, Shevchenko, and others), in music (Scriabin, Liszt, etc.), art (Gordeev, Titian, etc.). In the drama "Enlightenment" by Calderon, as well as in the works of Beethoven and Goethe, the late antique version of this myth was reflected. Prometheus in it acts as the creator of the people whom he fashioned from the earth.

Festival "Eagle Constellation"

В городе Орле ежегодно, в ноябре, проходит festival named after this amazing constellation. It involves performers and creative teams from Russia and abroad. "The Eagle Constellation" is a contest of pop singing, pop and fashion theaters, choreography for young talented people from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Indonesia. There are 4 age groups - up to 6 years old, from 7 to 11 years old, from 12 to 15 years old, and from 16 to 25 years old. This competition over the years has passed a long way of becoming and has become a real exciting show. He gathers more and more spectators and participants, including thanks to his bright, memorable name.