/ / System approach: simple, with examples

System approach: simple, with examples

The most precious thing for a person is to hope for"Magic pill" - an illusory possibility to solve difficult situations simply. And what does "complex" mean? Have components that are related in one way or another. But this means that the situation has a structure that can be considered as a system. So, you can apply a systematic approach to solving the problem. This method helps to make the issue easier, but without compromising the effectiveness of the measures taken.

System approach - consideration of an object orphenomena in a variety of relationships that allow you to predict changes in the object of consideration. Elements of systems can be very much, and their connections are ambiguous. And yet, there are principles that help to make life easier for the scientist. They are called "principles of the system approach". With their help you can overcome the "curse of complexity." Let's illustrate ideas with examples from psychology.

Principle of purposefulness: the system does everything to achieve the goal, evenif circumstances change. As we see, this principle is easy to explain such a complex phenomenon as the conservatism of the individual. The fact is that the goals are not formed by the strongest aspects of our psyche, so we can not expect flexibility.

Principle of Tolerance: Only those systems that are capable oftolerate some deviation from the convenient parameters. In practice, this is manifested by the fact that the level of human achievement is related to his ability to tolerate discomfort. So do not complain about the inconvenience - you need to learn to tolerate or eliminate them, but do not despair. The systemic approach asserts that tolerance is highly paid.

The principle of emergence - each system has properties that are notwe can derive from the properties of the individual elements and the connections between them. When two people form a family, something like a new psyche is formed, common to family members (it's not for nothing that the new guardian angel is given to the couple). And the "spirit" of such a new family may be different from the "spirit" of each individual member of the family.

Principle of consent - the objectives of the system and subsystems should at least notcontradict, ideally, coincide, although it almost does not happen. Hence the mass of disagreements in everyday life. For example, the parents' goals are to give the son a higher education, and the son's goals are to get the maximum pleasure from life. And when there is a choice between entertainment and the evening of work, systemic contradictions begin. This is a conflict of values.

Principle of causality - any change necessarily associated with otherchanges. Let's take as an example a full woman: until there is enough reason to lose weight, she will not get down to business. And many of them live for years.

The Principle of Determinism - the system only changes due to externalreasons. And do not deceive yourself. Goals are set "outside". Let us take the problem of self-education. A person reads additional books not because he set himself a goal, but because he realized that he lacks knowledge. That is, the reason is still external, but the problem was solved by reading literature, the person himself decided. By the way, from this principle follows the existence of God. But this is a separate topic.

The principle of diversity - the stability of the system is due to the diversitycharacteristics of the elements. Of course, if there is no contradiction. In accordance with this principle, a family consisting of very different people is more likely to cope with a variety of problems than consisting of similar people with similar problems.

The entropy principle - an isolated system dies.Of course, it sounds sad. But the fact is that if a person loses touch with the environment, he degrades. We remember that goals are set from outside and are controlled from the outside. The system overcomes its imperfections. And if there is no interaction, then degradation is inevitable. So, if a person loses interest in life, then his mental activity gradually or immediately fades.

There are other principles, but the ones outlined are basic for understanding what a systematic approach is.