The fact that a moving electric charge createsaround itself, is more complex than what is inherent in a charge that is stationary. In the ether, where space is not disturbed, the charges are balanced. Therefore, it is called magnetically and electrically neutral.
Let us consider in more detail the behavior of such a charge separately, in comparison with the motionless one, and we will think about the Galileo principle, and at the same time about the theory of Einstein: how real is it really?
Difference between moving and stationary charges
A single charge, being stationary, createsThe electric field, which can be called the result of deformation of the ether. A moving electric charge creates both an electric and a magnetic field. It is detected only by another charge, that is, by a magnet. It turns out that the resting and moving charges in the ether are not equivalent to each other. With a uniform and rectilinear motion, the charge will not radiate and will not lose energy. But since part of it is spent on creating a magnetic field, the energy of this charge will be less.
An example to facilitate understanding
It's easier to imagine by example.If we take two identical fixed charges and place them far apart so that the fields can not interact, one of them will be left as is and the other will be moved. For an initially fixed charge, an acceleration will be required, which will create a magnetic field. Part of the energy of this field will go to electromagnetic radiation directed to an infinite space that will not return as an electromotive force of self-induction when it stops. With the help of another part of the charging energy, a constant magnetic field will be created (under the condition of constant charge velocity). This is the deformation energy of the ether. With uniform motion, the magnetic field will remain in a constant state. If we compare two charges, the moving one will have less energy. All the fault is the electromagnetic field of the moving charge, on which he has to spend energy.
Thus, it becomes clear that in bothcharges state and energy are very different. The electric field acts on stationary and on moving charges. But the latter is influenced by the magnetic field. Therefore, both the energy and the potential are less.
Moving charges and the principle of Galileo
The state of both charges can also be traced ina moving and immovable physical body that does not have moving charged particles. And Galileo's principle here can be objectively proclaimed: a physical body neutral to electricity, which moves uniformly and rectilinearly, is indistinguishable from what is at rest in relation to the Earth. It turns out that bodies neutral to electricity and charged manifest themselves differently at rest and in motion. The principle of Galileo can not be used in ether and can not be applied to mobile and immobile charged bodies.
The inconsistency of the principle for charged bodies
Theories and works about those fields that createsa moving electric charge, today has accumulated a lot. For example, Heaviside showed that the electric vector formed by the charge is radial everywhere. Power magnetic lines, which are formed by a point charge during motion, are circles, and in their centers are the lines of motion. Another scientist, Searle, solved the problem of the distribution of charge in a sphere that is in motion. It was found out that it generates a field similar to the fact that a moving electric charge creates, in spite of the fact that the latter is not a sphere, but a compressed spheroid in which the polar axis is directed towards the motion. Later, Morton showed that in the electrified sphere in motion, the density on the surface will not change, but the lines of force will no longer leave it at an angle of 90 degrees.
The energy surrounding the sphere becomes larger whenits movement, than at the time when the sphere is at rest. This is because, in addition to the electric field, a magnetic field also appears around the moving sphere, as in the case of a charge. Therefore, in order to perform the work, the speed for the charged sphere will be greater than for the one that is electrically neutral. Together with the charge, the effective mass of the sphere will also increase. The authors are sure that this is due to self-induction of the convection current, which a moving electric charge generates from the beginning of the motion. Thus, Galileo's principle is recognized as untenable for bodies charged with electricity.
Einstein's ideas and ether
Then it becomes clear why Einsteindid not allocate space in the service station. After all, the very fact of recognizing the presence of ether already destroys the principle of the equivalence of inertial and independent frames of reference. And it, in turn, is the basis of SRT.