/ The most ancient cities of Russia: a list. What is the oldest Russian city?

The oldest cities in Russia: list. Which is the oldest city in Russia?

За время человеческой цивилизации возникало много settlements that became cities. But time, war, natural disasters have turned many of them into ruins. Some of them have survived to the present day. What are the oldest cities in Russia today? This question interests many.

Some problems

Determine the most ancient city of the countryvery difficult: the date of foundation of the settlement is not always known. Based on the data of the chroniclers or historians, the date can only be determined approximate. Reading the chronicles, historians pay attention to where a particular city is mentioned, with what historical events its mention is connected with. The ancient cities of Russia in those old times could have other names. Therefore, the exact date when they were erected, sometimes not to know. But it concerns the most ancient cities. There are also official statements about the day of the foundation, then there is no problem determining the age of the historical place.

To study the issue, historians turn toNikon's chronicle, which was compiled in the XVI century. We are studying information from Arab sources that are dated by the 10th century. The famous historical work “The Tale of Bygone Years” helps in this. The work of archeologists who excavate and help to determine the most ancient cities of Russia does not stop. Their list is changing, there are objects, masonry walls, pavements, which give new and new information to historians. Today it is Veliky Novgorod, Staraya Ladoga, Smolensk, Murom, Pskov, Derbent, Kerch.

ancient cities of Russia

Velikiy Novgorod

The history of the emergence of Novgorod until nowis unknown. Nobody knows the exact date of its foundation. All about. But the fact that it enters the most ancient cities of Russia is a fact. Recorded date of the emergence of Novgorod - 859 year. It is the chronology of the age of the great city. Today he is 1155 years old. But this is not accurate. After all, the year of its foundation was considered the date mentioned in the Nikon chronicle: the Novgorod elder Gostomysl died at that time. Hence, the city was founded much earlier.

ancient cities of Russia

Летописец Нестор в «Повести временных лет» писал about the most ancient cities of Russia. The list, which was called Lavrentievsky, indicated that prior to the arrival of Rurik (in 862) Novgorod had long existed. It was founded, according to the Ipatiev Chronicle, still Ilmen slogans that settled near the lake. They called him his name - Ilmer. They founded the city and called it Novgorod.

The Oldest Cities of Russia List

За свою историю Великий Новгород пережил много events: he was the capital of a free state, and was captured by Moscow, Swedish and Levon rulers. Alexander Nevsky, the Novgorod prince, fought back the Swedes on the banks of the Neva in 1240 and to the knights of the Teutonic Order - in 1242 on Lake Peipsi.

The oldest cities of Russia

Among the listed places that are consideredThe most ancient, on a par with all is Old Ladoga. Historians attribute this settlement to the VIII century. It is believed that this city was founded in 753. Historians suggest that it was from Ladoga that Rurik was called to rule and became the first prince in Russia. From the north, neighbors attacked the city, and the fortress suffered destruction and fire. But in the ninth century it was surrounded not by wooden walls, but stone made of limestone, and Ladoga became a reliable northern fortress - the first in Russia.

what ancient cities of Russia

What ancient cities of Russia can be put inOne row with Ladoga and Novgorod? That is Smolensk. In the annals it is also mentioned in the year 862. Through him, as well as through Ladoga, he passed the famous path “from the Varangians to the Greeks”. Smolensk became the defense of Moscow and withstood many wars and battles. There are still fragments of the walls of the fortress, which was built in the XVI century and was considered a miracle fortification technology of those times.

Муром – не менее древний город, который возник almost simultaneously with Smolensk. This city became so called from the tribe of Murom, of Finno-Ugric origin. His gaze is directed to the east: there was a constant threat of attack from there. That the Volga-Kama Bulgars, the Tatar-Mongols. Such ancient cities of Russia, like Moore, suffered terrible ruin, and for decades no one dealt with them. It was only in the fourteenth century that it was restored, and at the very beginning of the 15th century, Murom was already subordinate to Moscow.

Ancient cities can be listed endlesslyhow deep is the history of the country, so many historical places are there: Rostov the Great, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Vladimir. But there is one city that is over 5000 years old, and it still exists today.

Darband - narrow gate

Сколько бы ни спорили люди о том, какой город Russia is the oldest, it is Derbent. This is the territory of the Dagestan Republic, but it is part of Russia. So, Derbent is the most ancient city of Russia. It is located near the Caspian Sea: it is a narrow place that remained between the coast and the mountains of the Caucasus. It is worth noting that when the Derband settlement appeared, neither Kievan Rus, nor the Russian Empire existed. In the annals of Derbent was mentioned in the VI century BC. e., but the settlements arose even earlier.

ancient cities of Russia

Today, the fortress of Naryn-Kala,which is more than 2500 years old, and the old Juma mosque, built in the eighth century. Derbent controlled the Dagestan corridor through which the Great Silk Road passed. Many peoples tried to seize the city, stormed it, destroyed it. Throughout its long history, Derbent has experienced both flourishing and decay. The protective wall - a 40 km long fortification - has been preserved to this day. The UNESCO organization considers Derbent the most ancient Russian city.

What is the oldest Russian city?

Crimean peninsula

But there is one more fact that makes its own adjustments to the issue at hand: it is the return of the Crimean Peninsula to Russia. Therefore, the city of Kerch is added to the list of ancient places.

ancient cities of Russia

It is located on the shores of the strait of the same name,eastern part of the peninsula. It is believed that Kerch was founded more than 2600 years ago. The city has preserved ancient monuments of architecture, historical objects. Excavations of archaeologists confirm the age of Kerch, which was founded by the colonists of ancient Greece.

What is the oldest Russian city?

Разговоры о том, какие древние города России they still exist today, they can last a very long time: the country is large, there are many interesting historical sites. The main thing is that the history of the country should be studied and remembered, and the ancient monuments should be preserved for posterity.