/ / Princess Monaco Charlene - spouse of Prince Albert II

Princess of Monaco Charlene - the wife of Prince Albert II

Princess Monaco Charlene

Surely Charlene Wittstock, like all girls, inchildhood dream of a prince on a white horse. And now her dream has come true. Today she is the princess of Monaco. Charlene did not have the honor of being born into a high-born family, but fate decreed that she became the princess of one of the richest nations in the world.


Charlene, Princess of Monaco, was born in Africathe continent in Zimbabwe in 1978. Her parents were from Europe and professed the Catholic religion. Father Michael K. Wittstock was a computer company manager, and Mother Lynette Wittstock was a swimming instructor. As soon as her daughter began to walk, her mother taught her to swim and spent a long time studying with her. By the age of 18, the girl already had many sports awards. By this time, their family moved to live in South Africa, and Charlene won the title of champion of the country in swimming. Four years later, she participated in the national team of her country in the Sydney Olympics, but without special results (5th place). In 2000, during the competition in Monaco, she met the heir to the throne, Prince Albert, and in 2002 Charlene became the world champion in swimming. The second meeting with Albert, who by this time had already become the prince of Monaco, took place in 2006, at the opening of the Olympic Games in Italy. Four years later, they officially announced their betrothal. The following year, Charlene lived in Monaco. She began to study French and even the Monaco dialect. The best instructors on etiquette sharpened the manners of the future princess. After all, she was supposed to be the first person in the principality, to receive royal persons from all over the world in her palace, to appear at many secular receptions, etc. A year after the engagement, the future princess Monaco Charlene, together with Prince Albert of the Grimaldi clan, appeared at the wedding ceremony of the British Crown Prince William and Kate Middleton. Two months passed, and again the wedding. This time the whole aristocratic world gathered at the wedding in Monaco.


On the wedding day, the future eleventh princessMonaco Charlene, in her 33 years, looked like a real princess: elegant, seasoned and charming. Many compared her to Grace Kelly, her late mother-in-law, Albert's mother. Nevertheless, the most observant viewers may have noticed that the beautiful princess Monaco Charlene (the photos are presented in the article) was depressed and did not look happy at all. The fact is that her newly-made spouse, who is also 20 years older than her, has a very loving disposition.

Charlene Princess of Monaco

Over the years of his bachelor life, he managed to pampersuch secular lionesses like Brooks Shield, Claudia Slate and others. In addition, he is the father of two illegitimate children, who were later adopted by him. But this is nothing: right before the wedding, a third child was born to him, whose mother demanded that the prince should take a DNA test. Learning about this detail from the life of the groom, the future princess Monaco Charlene tried to escape from the crown. However, for the sake of decency and in order not to discredit the name of the Grimaldi family before the whole world, she returned and with a heavy heart went under the crown.

Princess Monaco Charlene (photo)
So sadly they spent their honeymoon,which was interrupted due to Albert's DNA testing. Nevertheless, the prince and princess constantly publicly confess their love to each other, and Charlene tells the press about his dream of giving birth to an heir to the prince. However, for two and a half years, she cannot become pregnant, and this may cause a break in their relationship.