Water vapor

For the surrounding nature, water vapor hasgreat value. It is present in the atmosphere, used in technology, it is an integral part of the process of origin and development of life on Earth.

In physics textbooks it is said that water vapor -this is the gaseous state of water. Everyone can observe it, putting the kettle on fire. After a while, a jet of steam begins to escape from his spout. It is caused by the fact that water can be in different, as defined by physics, aggregate states - gaseous, solid, liquid. Such properties of water and explain its all-encompassing presence on Earth. On the surface - in the liquid and solid state, in the atmosphere - in the gaseous.

This property of water and the consequent transition of itin different states create a cycle of water in nature. The liquid evaporates from the surface, rises into the atmosphere, is transported to another place in the form of water vapor and there falls out in the form of rain, providing the necessary moisture with new places.

As a matter of fact, a kind of steammachine, the source of energy for which is the Sun. In the processes considered, water vapor additionally heats the planet due to the reflection of the Earth's heat radiation back to the surface, causing a greenhouse effect. If there was not such a peculiar "pillow", then the temperature on the surface of the planet would be 20 ° C lower.

As a confirmation of the above,remember the sunny days in winter and summer. In the warm season, the humidity is high, and the atmosphere, as in a hotbed, warms the Earth, in winter, even in sunny weather, there are sometimes the most significant cold.

Like all gases, water vapor possessescertain properties. One of the parameters determining such is the density of water vapor. By definition, this is the amount of water vapor contained in one cubic meter of air. In fact, this determines the absolute humidity of the latter.

The amount of water in the air is constantly changing.It depends on temperature, pressure, terrain. The moisture content in the atmosphere is an extremely important parameter for life, and it is constantly monitored by the use of special instruments - a hygrometer and a psychrometer.

The change in humidity is due to the fact that the contentThe water in the surrounding space changes due to the processes of evaporation and condensation. Condensation is the opposite of evaporation, in this case the vapor begins to turn into a liquid, and it falls to the surface.

Depending on the ambient temperature, fog, dew, frost, ice may form.

When warm air, saturated with water vapor, touches the cold earth, dew forms. In winter, at low temperatures, frost will form.

A slightly different effect occurs when the cold comes, or the air heated up in a day begins to cool. In this case, a fog is formed.

If the temperature of the surface to which the vapor condenses is negative, then ice appears.

Thus, numerous natural phenomena, such as fog, dew, frost, ice, due to their formation of water vapor contained in the atmosphere.

In this regard, it is worth mentioning the formation ofclouds, which are also directly involved in the formation of weather. Water, evaporating from the surface and turning into water vapor, rises. When the height is reached, where condensation begins, it turns into a liquid, and clouds form. They can be of several types, but in the light of the question under consideration it is important that they participate in creating a greenhouse effect and transferring moisture to new places.

The above material shows what water vapor is, describes its influence on life processes occurring on the Earth.