/ Hitler's doubles: how many were there?

Hitler's doubles: how many were there?

For any politician, it's normal whenhe has twins. They were with Stalin and other significant political figures. This helped to ensure security, and the scheme with twins was developed and implemented secret state services.

Hitler's doubles


Did Hitler have doubles?This mystery began to be revealed thanks to the unique archives that surfaced in the late 90s in Switzerland. These are interrogation protocols of the SS chief Heinrich Muller. As it turned out, after the war he was secretly taken to the United States. There the prisoner reported a sensational fact: Hitler's doubles are a reality. They were prepared in dozens, but only those whom the Reich master claimed personally survived survived.

Hitler's Twins - Top Secret Weaponsdictator, they saved the lord of the Reich from bullets and bombs. With their help, Hitler staged his last grand spectacle in order to realize the flight from Berlin.

Hitler's double in Austria


Hitler's twins performed not only the functionsprotection. They were needed when there was no acute need for the presence of a real person at large public events, or maybe there was some threat to the person himself.

The selection of doubles began in 1933. Future substitutes for a dictator without a past and without a name. And only the similarity made it possible to save his life.

Today it is very difficult to say how muchIt was the clones of the Führer. His maid recalled that Hitler's twins were in many cities. It was a brilliant idea - to surround yourself with doubles and make them risk their lives. But Hitler considered himself invulnerable and believed that death would not reach him.

Hitler's double is arrested

Gustav Weller

Hitler's Austrian twin is most similar in appearanceon the Fuhrer. First, he worked at the printing plant in Breslau, from there he came to Muller. There is evidence that Gustav is Hitler's distant relative, but he never knew about it. Like the Führer, his twin was originally from Austria.

The dissimilarity with the leader consisted of smoking, which had to unlearn and adopt the basic manners of the German leader.

Gustav Weller was first introduced to othersin everyday situations: walking the dog. And after the first attempt on the Fuhrer, this twin took part in ceremonial events, took pictures with children and often glowed in public.

Adolf Hitler's Double


The most famous of all the doubles of Hitler.He lived a quiet family life and worked in Poland. Once during work, while he was cleaning the boots of soldiers on the street, his client, after serving, looked at him closely and signaled to his fellow servicemen. At that moment, they grabbed Selib and took the dictator to other clones to teach him everything.

Although he was much fatter than Hitler andshorter, for a couple of years they made a very similar copy of it. Selib was starved, taught Hitler's manners and habits, changed his hair and let go of his mustache. The Pole was even implanted in the habit of nail biting. And the problem with growth was decided by boots with thick soles.

По свидетельству военных, именно этот клон visited the front line, which took place on the territory of the Ukrainian USSR in 1943. There he willingly took pictures and shook hands with the soldiers, but did not utter a solemn speech. Then he was assassinated, assuming that it was the Führer himself. But the bodyguards saved the double.

Hitler's Austrian counterpart

Klaus Buster

1940 Concentration camp "Auschwitz", Poland.He looked at people in shape and trembled with his whole body, he prayed to God only about one thing so that these people would not notice him in the crowd. The hungry and exhausted prisoners of Auschwitz hoped only for a miracle that would save them from inevitable death in the gas chamber. The soldiers uttered names, and the frightened, intimidated people dragged them forward by force. They cried and begged for mercy.

And here his name was sounded, first once, thensecond. Klaus Bushter understood that he did not live, because he is a Jew, and the fascists exterminate them first. The prisoner could not have imagined that he was needed completely for another.

Several years passed, and he, along with nine other Hitlers, stood in front of the real Führer. But this candidate was worried that he could hear the sound of teeth.

The whole year the former prisoner fattened,coached and he turned out to be a very talented actor. But during the meeting with Hitler he could not control himself, because he knew that, having recognized him as a Jew, he would be immediately killed or sent back to the concentration camp.

The decision was made in his favor, and Klaus got the only chance to save his life.

Later, General Weidling will share hismemories of the twin. On that day, the general was awaiting execution for losing positions on the fronts of the war with the Soviet Union, but Hitler did not execute him, but appointed him commander of Berlin. It seemed strange to him that the Führer did not recognize him, because the real Hitler had a phenomenal memory.

It is surprising, but it is the Jew Klaus Buster.replaced Hitler in the last days of the war. Extracts from the GESTAPO cards confirm that this twin of Adolf Hitler regularly replaced the Fuhrer from March 1945. The environment of Hitler recalls that the changes affected not only the behavior and handwriting of the political leader. Graphologists confirm that the documents are written by completely different people.

did Hitler have doubles

Modern twin

In Austria, arrested double Hitler, whomauthorities searched for more than a year. He simply walked around significant public places for the Führer and even photographed against their background. The authorities regard such behavior of a young person as glorification of the Nazi regime, which is considered a crime in Austria.

Hitler’s double in Austria was not the first time brought about bysimilar articles to account. But apart from the typical appearance and characteristic outfit, the 26-year-old boy does not associate anything with Nazism and the dictator. But only a legal process can justify it.