/ Amur River. Characteristics, description, mode. River of three states

Cupid is a river. Characteristics, description, mode. River of three states

Eurasia is rich in beautiful water currents,which fascinate every person. One of them is formed by joining Shilka and Argun. The regime of the Amur River, (so its name sounds) is unique. The reservoir flows through the picturesque places of Russia, seizing the border of the Federation with China. The length is 2824 km. The mouth is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, namely the Tatar Strait. According to ancient legend, the stream is called "Black Dragon", which defeated the evil. The basin of the Amur River covers at once three such countries as Russia, China and Mongolia.

cupid river characteristic


The watercourse is located between different geographical zones: forest, steppe, semi-desert and forest-steppe. In some parts of the river, the amount of precipitation reaches 750 milliliters.

The water stream flows in two Russian zones: Siberian and Far Eastern. In addition, the Amur River, a characteristic of which is very entertaining, is divided into three regions with the help of the Russian sailing ship:

  • From the source to Blagoveshchensk - the upper stream.
  • From Blagoveshchensk to Khabarovsk - the average flow.
  • From Khabarovsk to the mouth - the bottom stream.

the Amur River


The river basin occupies more than 1 thousand km2, which makes it the fourth in the ranking for the Russian Federation and the ninth in the whole world.

The current velocity in the upper part of the water flow is 5 km / h, on the lower part - 4 km / h, on the average - 5 km / h.

The hydrological regime of this watercourse is different in that often there are strong fluctuations in the water level in the river. This pattern is due to the constant monsoon rains.

As a rule, with respect to the intergeneration of water,up to 8, and sometimes up to 15 meters. With strong downpours the Amur River (its characteristic includes a detailed description of hydrology) is spread almost 30 km. The Flood can last about 100 days. At the moment, thanks to the hydrosystems, spills and water level changes are minimal, but the danger of severe flooding does not disappear.

Amur river basin


The course of the Amur River is divided into three zones.The lower part stretches for a distance of up to 950 km. Here the water flow crosses the Nizhne-Amur lowland, several small lakes and old towns. With its mouth the watercourse merges due to the Amur estuary. After connecting with Ussuri, a large tributary of the Amur River, the stream becomes full.

The average area is 1000 km. Here the river valley is particularly wide, the banks often marshy. Fusing with the Small Khingan, the river narrows, and the speed of the current increases.

The upper zone of the Amur is more severe than the rest.The river here acquires a mountain character, its length is 900 km, and the current rises to 7 m / s. Crossing Nyukha, as well as the Great Khingar, the water flow flows through mountains, rocks and other equally picturesque places. Closer to the settlements, he calms down and slows down.

These three sites are completely different from each other, but they all belong to a stream like the Amur. The river, the characteristic of which shows how capricious it is, is both dangerous and beautiful.

amur river regime

Swimming pool - Sea of ​​Okhotsk

Cupid enters the Sea of ​​Okhotsk basin.It, in turn, refers to the Pacific Ocean, from which it separates due to the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and the small island of Hokkaido. That is, it becomes clear that the sea is washing the Russian Federation and Japan. Its total area is 1600 thousand km2. The depth in some areas reaches 1,700 m,There are also areas where it reaches a maximum of 4 thousand meters. In the western part there are gently sloping areas. In the center there are small depressions. East is rich in hollows.

Amur is a river, the characteristic of which is closely connectedwith the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. It is from him that immigrate fish, dirty waters flow and more. It also produces hydrocarbon raw materials. The coast is always rugged. A large period of time the northern part of the sea is covered with ice, usually from October to May or June. The southern part of the glaciation is not exposed. In the east is the largest bay. A little lower you can find small tributaries. In some parts of the coast, how much is cut, that often form lips, bays, small seas. In addition to the Amur, Hunt, as well as Kuhtuy, flow into it. There are several ports on the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk

One hundred and thirty species of marine animals live inwater stream called Amur. The river (characteristic of its flora and fauna is amazing) is rich in commercial fish. Here there are cupids, carnivores, kaluga, tops and others. The length of sturgeon fish can reach up to 5 meters. In addition to this representative species you can meet Sakhalin and Amur sturgeon. Salmon is also not uncommon. Perch, yellow-cheeked, snakehead, killer whale-the inhabitants of the river bottom.