/ / The tub is a special accessory for a bath.

A tub is a special accessory for a bath

Most people love the sauna. Hot, with a park.And it is not surprising, because after a bath you become cleaner not only with your body, but also with your soul. And for the health of the bath - an excellent tool. After the bath, the soul becomes calm and joyful, as if all the troubles have disappeared, the problems are gone. Especially if it is a wooden, clean, bright, cozy bath. And if you still sweat fragrant birch, oak or spruce broom, the result of the bath will be just amazing. Of course, in the bath should be special bath accessories: washcloths, basins, woks and so on.

Tub is a necessary inventory

The soul of the bath is a stove and a wooden tub.The meaning of the word: a round wooden tub with handles in the shape of ears (hence the name). In these "ears" there are holes where they passed the stick for easy wearing - two people easily lifted the tub for two sides.

tub it

Initially, it contained no more than 4 liters of water, but later they began to make more volume. Usually cold water is collected there - for drenching after washing or hot - for steaming a broom.

There is a phraseological phrase in Russian.“Pour out a tub of cold water,” which means “hit someone with unpleasant news.” Use another turn - "pour out the tub of garbage," which means "to defile someone, slander."

Other bath accessories

In addition to the tub, there is another similar capacity,which is called a gang. Their difference is that the tub is a low cooper product with two handles, and the gang is made, as a rule, with one handle. Its volume is about ten to twenty liters, and use a gang for washing.

Also used in the bath scoop. This is a ladle, which is used for pouring, filling with water other containers and to supply water to the stones in the stove.

What are they doing tub from?

Previously, the tub was made from a tree trunk, gouginginside the tank. That is, the inner part of the trunk was removed, leaving only the bottom and cuts (ears) for threading the rope. It was a very laborious and long work.

Over time, people learned the art of boiling.Products began to create from special rivets, which were very durable. This skill is not easy to learn - there are a lot of secrets that are passed on from generation to generation.

tub meaning of a word

To be able to properly bathe in the bath - nowart. It is not surprising that such accessories as a steamer, a ladle, a gang and a tub are a kind of symbol of a bath event. They are the soul and talisman of this place.

Therefore, it is believed that as a gift to theirnear and dear, it is very suitable bath accessories. After all, for example, a tub is a product created from pine, aspen, and oak (it is made even from bamboo). And all the beneficial substances that wood contains have a healing effect on the person using it: soothing, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing.