Among all school disciplines, and simply sciences,biology occupies a separate place. After all, this is the most ancient, first and natural science, an interest in which arose with the advent of man himself and his evolution. In different time periods, the study of this discipline evolved unequally. Research in biology was carried out using all new methods. However, there are still those that were relevant from the very beginning and did not lose their significance. What are the ways of studying science and what is this discipline in general, we will consider in this article.
Biology as a science
If you delve into the etymology of the word "biology",then translated from Latin, it will literally sound like a "science of life." And indeed it is. This definition reflects the whole essence of the science under consideration. It is biology that is engaged in the study of all the diversity of life on our planet, and if this is necessary, then outside of it.
There are several biological kingdoms of living nature, in which all representatives of biomass are combined according to common morphological, anatomical, genetic and physiological characteristics. These are kingdoms:
- Animals.
- Plants.
- Mushrooms
- Viruses.
- Bacteria, or Prokaryotes.
Each of them is represented by a huge numberspecies and other taxonomic units, which once again underlines how diverse the nature of our planet is. The task of biology as a science is to study them all, from the birth to death. Also identify the mechanisms of evolution, the relationship with each other and man, by nature itself.
Biology is only a general name that includes a whole family of subnauds and disciplines engaged in detailed research in the field of living beings and any manifestations of life.
As mentioned above, the study of biologyIt was carried out by people from the most ancient times. The person was interested in how the plants, animals, and himself are arranged. Observations were made on wildlife and conclusions were drawn, and factual material, the theoretical basis of science, was accumulated.
Achievements of modern biology generally steppedfar ahead and allow you to look into the smallest and unimaginably complex structures, interfere with the course of natural processes and change their direction. What are the ways at all times to achieve such results?
Research methods in biology
To gain knowledge you must usevarious methods for their preparation. This also applies to biological sciences. Therefore, this discipline has its own set of measures, allowing to replenish the methodical and factual piggy bank. These are research methods in biology. A biology lesson at school necessarily touches this topic, because this question is the basis. Therefore, these methods are discussed in the lessons of natural history or biology in the fifth grade of instruction.
What are the research methods?
- Description.
- The method of observation in biology.
- Experiment.
- Comparison
- Simulation method.
- Historical way.
- Upgraded options based onusing the latest advances in technology and modern equipment. For example: electron spectroscopy and microscopy, staining method, chromatography, methods of molecular biology and others.
All of them have always been important, and remain so today. However, among them there is one that appeared first and is still the most important.
Method of observation in biology
Именно этот вариант исследования является defining, first and significant. What is observation? This is obtaining information of interest about the object using the senses. That is, you can understand what a living being is in front of you with the help of the organs of hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste.
That is how they learned to distinguish elements of biomass.our ancestors. So research in biology continues to this day. After all, it is impossible to know how the pupation of the caterpillar and the emergence of a butterfly from the cocoon occurs, if one does not observe this firsthand, fixing every moment of time.
And there are hundreds of such examples.All zoologists, mycologists, botanists, algologists and other scientists observe the selected object and receive complete information about their structure, lifestyle, interaction with the environment, features of physiological processes and other intricacies of the organization.
Therefore, the method of observation in biology and is consideredmost important, historically first and significant. Close to him is another way of research - description. After all, it is not enough to observe, it is also necessary to describe what was seen, that is, to fix the result. This will later become the theoretical knowledge base about a particular object.
Let's give an example.If the ichthyologist should conduct research in the field of a specific type of fish, for example, pink perch, then he, first of all, studies the already existing theoretical base, which the scientists before him formed according to observations. After that, he starts the observations himself and carefully records all the results obtained. After this, a series of experiments are carried out, and the results are compared with those that already existed previously. So it turns out the question of where, for example, can these species of fish spawn? What conditions do they need for this and how widely can they vary?
It is obvious that the method of observation in biology, as well as the description, comparison and experiment, are closely related to a single complex - the methods of studying wildlife.
Этот способ характерен не только для biological science, but also for chemistry, physics, astronomy and others. It allows you to visually verify one or another theoretically advanced assumption. With the help of an experiment, hypotheses are confirmed or refuted, theories are created and axioms are advanced.
It was experimentally that the circles of blood circulation in animals, respiration and photosynthesis in plants, as well as a number of other physiological vital processes were discovered.
Simulation and comparison
Comparison is a method that allowsdraw up an evolutionary line for each species. It is this method that forms the basis for obtaining information, on the basis of which a classification of species is made, the trees of life are built.
Modeling the same method is more mathematical,especially if we talk about the computer method of building a model. This method involves the creation of such situations on the study of the object, which can not be observed in natural conditions. For example, how will this or that drug affect the human body?
Historical method
Underlies the identification of the origin andformation of each organism, its development and transformation in the course of evolution. On the basis of the data obtained, theories are built and hypotheses are put forward about the appearance of life on Earth, the development of each kingdom of nature.
Biology in grade 5
It is very important to instill in time the interest of students inconsidered science. Today there are textbooks "Biology. Grade 5", observation in them - the main method of research of the subject. This is how the guys gradually master the whole depth of this science, comprehend its meaning and importance.
In order to make the lessons interesting andchildren inculcated interest in the subject, should devote more time to this method. After all, only when a student himself through a microscope observes the behavior of cells and their structure, will he be able to realize the whole interest of this process and how subtle and important all this is. Therefore, according to modern requirements, an activity-based approach to the study of a subject is the key to the successful mastery of knowledge by students.
And if every process studied by children will be reflected in the diary of observations on biology, then the trace of the subject will remain with them for life. This is how the love of nature and the world around is formed.
In-depth study of the subject
If we talk about specialized classes,aimed at a deeper, detailed study of science, it should be said about the most important thing. For such children, a special program should be developed for the in-depth study of biology, which will be built on observations in the field (summer practice), as well as on constant experimental research. Children themselves must be convinced of the theoretical knowledge that is embedded in their heads. It was then that new discoveries, achievements and the birth of people of science are possible.
The role of schoolchildren’s biological education
In general, children need to study biologyjust because nature must be loved, cherished and protected. But also because it greatly broadens their horizons, allows them to understand the mechanisms of the flow of life processes, to know themselves from the inside and with concern to their health.
If you periodically tell the guys aboutwhat are the achievements of modern biology and how it affects the lives of people, they themselves will understand the importance and significance of science. Imbued with her love, and therefore, will love and its object - the living nature.
Achievements of modern biology
Those, of course, are numerous. If we set the time frame at least fifty years, then we can list the following outstanding successes in the field of the science in question.
- Decoding of the genome of animals, plants and humans.
- Opening of cell division and cell death mechanisms.
- Identify the essence of the flow of genetic information in the developing organism.
- Cloning of living beings.
- Creation (synthesis) of biologically active substances, drugs, antibiotics, antiviral drugs.
Similar advances in modern biologyallow a person to manage certain diseases of humans and animals, preventing them from developing. They allow to solve many problems that overtake people in the XXI century: epidemics of terrible viruses, hunger, lack of drinking water, poor environmental conditions and others.