/ / The largest waterfall in the world: TOP-6

The largest waterfall in the world: TOP-6

Lists love to do everything.Forbes magazine publishes a list of the most wealthy people on an annual basis. Children make a list of gifts for the New Year by sending it to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. In the music industry, lists of the best singles and best-selling albums are constantly being created. On the subject of nature, too, there are many lists. In this article we describe the largest waterfalls in the world. But in this case it is not the size that is meant, but their height.

A waterfall is a river that bypasses a rocky ledge andcreating a falling stream. Surely you have already seen this magnificent sight. And the higher the waterfall, the more beautiful it is. So let's get closer to the topic. Let's make a rating under the name “The biggest waterfalls of the world”. Photos of these giants will be attached to the article. So you can see these natural masterpieces at least in the picture.

1. Angel

The height of 986 meters gives him the title "The largestwaterfall in the world. " This natural wonder is located in South America on the Carrao River. The waterfall is hidden from all by the dense tropical forest, it is not easy to get to it. Additional complexity creates a complete lack of roads. Tepuy - so the Aborigines call the flat mountain, from the top of which Angel rushes down. Its full name is Auyan Tepui (translated as “Devil's Mountain”), and it takes its place in the Guiana Highlands among hundreds of mountains similar to it.

the largest waterfall in the world

The main characteristics of these dormant rocks:flat tops and vertical slopes that are continually destroyed by heavy rains. In 1910, the Angel Falls was discovered by the Spanish explorer Sanchez La Cruz, but this event was not widely publicized.

The official opening was made by the Americangold digger and pilot James Angel, in whose honor and named this miracle of nature. In 1935, he flew over the Tepuy mountain and landed on its flat top in search of gold. But the monoplane of James got into the swampy jungle, and the miner had to go in search of civilization on foot. It was then that he noticed this impressive giant and soon told the world about it.

2. Tugela

This is the second largest waterfall in the world.This is evidenced by its height of 947 meters. Tugela is located in the Natal National Park in Drakensberg (South Africa) and consists of five falling waterfalls. In the brightest colors it can be seen after the rain. To do this, just go through the main sightseeing road.

The biggest waterfalls of the world photo

Its name this giant was in honor ofsame source of the river, located near the cliff in the Dragon Mountains. By the way, the water in the river above the waterfall is clean and drinkable. In the winter months the cliff is covered with snow. At the same time, all the surroundings look like a postcard depicting a magical winter country.

Drakensberg is a separate worldloneliness and majestic landscape. Before the tourists opens the landscape of cliffs, farmland, river valleys and vast areas of untouched wilderness. Anyone can find rest to their liking. For outdoor enthusiasts there is hiking, mountain biking, mountaineering and canoeing. And lovers of passive pastime can choose scenic tours, day walks, bird watching or fishing.

К подножию водопада ведёт две тропы.The first is to the top of Mount-Aux-Sources, starting at the car park at Whitshi and the way to Futujabu, from where there is a short climb to the top of the Amphitheater. The total travel time (there and back) is 10 hours. Another path to Tugela leads from the national park. A seven-kilometer climb through the gorge winds through the local forest. Any tourist who has come to Drakensberg should definitely visit this wonderful creation of nature.

3. The Three Sisters Waterfall

The name of this beautiful PeruvianWaterfall, located in the region of the country Ayacucho, received by chance. It consists of three separate tiers. The top two are perfectly visible from the air, and the third is a huge pool in which water falls.

the biggest waterfalls of the world

The Three Sisters were discovered by a group of photographerswho came to shoot a completely different waterfall - Katarata (267 meters). Needless to say, they were glad to find. The Three Sisters are almost completely surrounded by forests with more than 30-meter-long trees. The very same creation of nature rises to 914 meters.

4. Alupena Falls

Этот прекрасный водопад расположен в США, но to see him, you have to go through a lot. All this is because its location is the most remote Hawaiian island of Molokai. Most people have never heard or seen this waterfall. Even among enthusiasts a significant part of the visual information about this giant was obtained using aerial photography.

olupena waterfall

Alupena Falls is surrounded on both sides by hugeby the mountains. Despite the fact that the giant does not have enough water for discharge, it is considered the highest waterfall in the United States (900 meters). Alupena Waterfall is multi-layered and extremely thin. Therefore, in the general classification, it is registered as tape.

5. Yumbila

The fifth largest waterfall in the world is located inPeru, near the Amazon River. The height of this giant is still contested. According to the National Institute of Peru, it is 895 meters. Other sources indicate an altitude of 870 meters. Yumbila - multi-level system with 4 descents.

Yumbila Falls

Previously, the highest waterfall of Peru was consideredGokta with its 771 meters. Therefore, the discovery of Yumbila greatly delighted the government of Peru. And the ministry of tourism prompted this event to develop a 2-day excursion, for which you can see all the largest waterfalls in the country. Tourists should take note.

6. Winnufossen

This Norwegian giant is not the biggest waterfallin the world. But the total height of 860 meters gives him the title of the highest in all of Europe. It is located in the municipality of Sunndal. Vinnufossen is cascading. 420 meters - this is the size of the largest step. The maximum height of the water fall is 150 meters.

Vinnufossen Waterfall

To feel Winna on your body, enoughwalk five minutes in his direction from the nearest highway. This giant is especially beautiful in summer and spring, when the river is filled with water from melt glaciers. In the course of its fall, Vinnofossen is divided into parts and flows among the trees.