/ / What should contain the conclusion of the report on the practice?

What should be the conclusion of the practice report?

Обучаясь в среднем специальном либо высшем the educational institution, all students and students after each course undergo practical training. This may be a trial, industrial, technological, undergraduate or any other. But regardless of the name, the student must submit a report on what he learned during the time spent in a commercial organization or enterprise.

Each such document, as a rule, consists of:

  • an introduction that shows the history of the plant or organization the student visited;
  • the main part containing the information necessary for the subsequent implementation of the course or thesis work (project);
  • the final part.

The conclusion of a practice report requires special attention.attention. After all, it is on this point that the teachers pay the most attention during the defense. It is he who contains information about what the student has done and the conclusions about the information content and sufficiency of the collected materials.

Many approach to writing this work.formally. They are trying to simply provide a list of documents and information that they were able to collect while in the enterprise. However, this is not enough. In addition to listing the information collected, it is necessary to analyze it further and draw some conclusions. It is the latter that should contain the conclusion of a practice report.

Virtually every curriculum, regardless ofspecialty and level of educational institution, provided internship. During this period, students have an excellent opportunity to gain practical work skills, become familiar with the features of the workflow in a sectoral enterprise, study current information systems, and learn other specific features of work on the chosen specialty. All this should then be carefully analyzed, systematized and reflected in such a section as the conclusion of the production practice report. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the defense you may be asked why you came to this conclusion and on the basis of what you made such a conclusion.

If you want to reduce the number ofquestions to a minimum, preparing the conclusion of a report on the practice, try to be consistent in your reasoning, provide links to specific pages that contain this or that information or to literary sources. Remember that if your manager or any other member of the commission cannot find any parameters or indicators, you will be asked to provide the missing information.

Do not think that the conclusion of the report onThe practice should contain only an analysis of what you have already done. Here you also need to bring your thoughts about what you will do in the course or diploma project. In particular, it is necessary to reflect what has already been done at the enterprise, and what needs to be done. It is this information that will become the initial data for your future work.

It would be nice if you were writing a report.proceed during the internship, and not after. In this case, your manager from the enterprise will be able to give valuable advice on what could be further developed, and your head from the educational institution, having studied the conclusion to the practice report, will be able to decide whether there will be enough information collected to write a term paper or a thesis you need to return to the company and continue collecting information.

Thus, approaching responsibly to the implementationof this work, you will not only get the necessary professional skills, but you will also be able to significantly ease your studies in the next semester, since you will clearly and clearly understand what you need to do in your course or diploma work, and you will be able to do it excellently.