Today it is almost impossible to find a person withouthaving in his wardrobe jeans or clothes made from such fabric. It so happened that few people know, thanks to which the jeans have found their name. But in order for you to eliminate this gap, we wrote this article. You will read a lot of interesting facts, and you will also know the etymology of the word "jeans".
Italian weavers
In the XVI century, weaving was perfectly of the Italian provinces - Genoa. The materials produced were varied. Among the thin and exquisite fabrics was coarse twill with diagonal weaving. Naturally, the aristocrats did not buy it for sewing their elegant and expensive dresses, so this fabric did not even have a name. Who would have thought that the etymology of the word "jeans" is deeply rooted in the history of Italy and even other countries!
Popular imported material
After a certain amount of time, the demand for this material began to grow among the French. The purchase of goods took place in the city of Genoa, it was also called Gene.
So, the etymology of the word "jeans" leads us to Paris.French people liked the material, they called it janne. From France, this word unit “migrated” to English, where it was slightly changed - in jean. The word has retained its appearance and spelling to this day. That is the story of the word "jeans." Etymology (the science of the origin of words) confirms this to us.
Существует ложная версия о джинсах, которая It says that jeans originated from cowboys, American settlers, and horsemen. This opinion is a profound delusion, since this word comes from Italy, after many centuries it came to America.
And what have the cowboys?
The etymology of the word "jeans" is still preparing for youone story. In the XIX century, cowboys arrived in America for work. For them it was necessary to massively sew the form. Jeans was chosen as the main material. Leiba Strauss, known to fashionistas as Levi Strauss, acquired a patent for the manufacture of this type of clothing. It was he who developed and sewed a classic version of jeans. This was the beginning of a sensation in the fashion world. The model developed by Strauss had only 4 pockets: in front - 2, behind - 1, small in front for hours - 1. Such American trousers were dyed in rich blue color (indigo). During these years, their value amounted to one and a half dollars per item.
Fashionable synonym
Любители шоппинга всегда в бутиках и салонах Pay attention to advertising leaflets. And surely many of them met the word "denim". Popular sources, whether it is the Ozhegov and Shvedova explanatory dictionary or Evgenieva’s academic dictionary, interpret “denim” as a synonym for jeans. Its origin is no less fascinating.
Nondescript Italian fabric light brownthe colors did not suit the Parisian designers, they decided to make it more attractive. Couturiers agreed that the fabric will have to be dyed blue. This procedure was performed in the town of Nimes. Of course, you have already noticed the similarity of the word "denim" with the name of the city. Literally, de Nim means "from Nimes." Now the term "denim" refers to a certain color and tone, as well as clothing in the wardrobe of a man and a woman.
The etymology of the word "jeans"
Briefly summarize.The lexical unit of interest to us calls the type of fabric (jene) that was produced in the city of the same name - Genoa. The word migrated to France, then to the UK, where it found the final version of the spelling and pronunciation - jeans.
Thanks to our article, you have learned the originthe words "jeans", the amazing "journey" of the verbal unit, the origin of its synonym, and also the creator of the described fashionable clothes - Levi Strauss.