/ / Periodisation of history

Periodization of history

Periodization of world history happens severalspecies. There is a generally accepted division on which all the peoples of the world are based - this periodization is called classical. It distinguishes such periods: prehistoric, antique, medieval, early modern times, modern times and the newest.

Prehistoric period is called primitiveTimes, the study of the history of which is difficult due to the lack of written sources. Any research is based on found artifacts, which are discovered by archaeologists during excavations. Such related sciences as ethnology, biology, paleontology, geology, palynology, anthropology and archeoastronomy help to study this period. This period began to be called in the nineteenth century, when interest in studying history grew to a professional level and overcame historical amateurism. In principle, you can use this term to any length of time in which there was no written language. The disadvantage of introducing precisely this principle of separation is that writing appears in different peoples at different times, so there is no unified end to this period.

Periodization of history distinguishes after developmentwriting is the most enigmatic and one of the most fruitful periods is the antique. Usually it is identified with the history of Greece and Rome, but the beginning of the period is considered to be the beginning of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations. It is at this time that the first states emerge, economic and diplomatic contacts arise, for example, with the Ancient East. Writing arises. In the social sphere, one can note the advantage of the clan relations, the beginning of the processing of metals and, in connection with this, the rapid development of crafts. The same period is characterized as the period of construction of chic palaces and entire complexes. Periodization of the history of the ancient period ends with the fall of the Roman Empire.

The Middle Ages begin with the fall of the Romanempire. This period at the initial stage is characterized by a certain decline in social relations, economy. At this time, the barbarian raids on weakened states intensified, which led to the fall of Rome in 410. After this, one can note such outstanding events as the great migration of peoples, the formation of the state of the Franks, Scandinavia, Moravia and Kievan Rus, Portugal and Spain, the Byzantine Empire. For the period from the eleventh to the fourteenth century is characterized by a gradual crisis of the Frankish state, the subsequent formation of Germany and France. The appearance of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Early new time is a period that lasts from the endThe fifteenth century until the middle of the seventeenth. At this time, capitalism is born, although the feudal system still prevails. At the same time, there were many geographical discoveries, technological progress, the growth of trade and industry, changes in the worldview, the structure of society.

Periodization of history after the Middle Agesconsiders a new time, the ending of which is considered to be the end of the First World War. At that time, fundamental changes took place, various sciences began to develop, in some countries the crisis of absolutism came, parliamentary democracy was established.

The newest time begins with the end of the Firstworld war. The distinctive features of this stage are the Second World War, technical inventions, the formation of peacekeeping organizations, world cooperation, the development of diplomatic ties at the world level.

At the same time, representatives of the MarxistThe exercise has developed a different periodization of history, based on the methods of production. In Soviet times, it was significantly supplemented by historians, and therefore the periodization began to be called Soviet. According to this periodization, there is primitive time, slavery, feudalism, capitalism and communism.

Another type of periodization, the so-called"Planar", is based on the development of a particular country, for example, there is a periodization of the history of Russia, etc. In each specific period, those stages are identified that are important for the history of this particular country.