The answer to the question of who the Mormons, at different times sounded differently. The representatives of this religion themselves consider themselves the representatives of the only true doctrine. However, this is not surprising.
Apparently, the last since childhood was subject tohallucinations of obscure origin. He did not undergo a medical examination, so the genesis of his “visions” remained unclear. It is authentically known that growing up in a fervently faithful Christian family, from the age of fourteen, Joseph Smith received certain “revelations” that convinced him that he was “chosen”.
Fanatics like Joseph Smith at all timesthere were a lot. But the overwhelming majority of them have sunk into obscurity, and only for some circumstances have succeeded, making them "teachers" and "saints" for more or less significant groups of people.
Кто такие мормоны на самом деле, стало ясно после destruction by them of a caravan of immigrants who did not have the honor to belong to their religion. The morals that reigned among the Mormons are described by the Englishman Arthur Conan Doyle (Sketch in crimson tones) and American Jack London (Straitjacket).
The Mormon Church is not a monolith today.Some adherents abandoned the practice of polygamy - so as not to conflict with the laws of the United States, and some never practiced it. To date, the number of Mormons by the adepts themselves is estimated at about thirteen million people, most of whom live in the US state of Utah.
The answer to the question of who are Mormons,The Orthodox Church was also puzzled. Mormons are included in the list of totalitarian sects, compiled by ecclesiastical ideologists - they are included quite rightly, in my opinion. Mormons are a phenomenon completely alien to Russian spiritual practice. And management practices within the Mormon community are not very different from those adopted a century and a half ago.