/ / School essay on the theme "My family"

School essay on "My Family"

Why is it so important to learn about who were yourancestors? Biologists will talk about the inheritance of genes, psychologists - about the formation of the family system, historians - that the past of one cell of society is part of the history of the whole people. In today's world, few people in their family remember more than 1-2 generations. In many respects it depends on cultural traditions: some nationalities sacredly honor their ancestors and will easily tell at least about 5-15 tribes of a kind. A school essay on the topic "My family" can be a starting point for a thorough study of the family tree, and for someone to become the meaning of all life.

my family history

An essay on the "Family History"

It is very important to know who you are and where you came from, by whomwere your parents and their ancestors. Such studies will not only allow us to comprehend important philosophical concepts such as responsibility for one's actions and freedom of choice, the meaning of life, love and loneliness, life and death, but also help to cope with difficult life situations. A child who knows his roots grows up to be a more complete person. He feels the connection of generations and realizes that his life is part of something more than just the story of one family. The memory of who was and how the ancestors lived can warn against mistakes and wrong actions in the future.

«История моей семьи» (сочинение на эту тему) can be the first step to creating a family archive. In many families there are still old albums with printed, not digital photos. Many of the faces depicted on them are no longer recognizable, but often on the back of such photos there are inscriptions that help lift the veil of secrecy. Very old family portraits can be scanned, restored and given to old relatives - they will be happy with such a gift. If you digitize all the photos, you will create an electronic archive, a family tree or even a small site with a history of your family.

an essay on the theme of the family

Composition on "War in my Family"

His research should begin with a survey of relativesof people. Let mom and dad tell the student about themselves: about how they met and fell in love, how they got married, who their parents were. If other relatives are alive, it is important to interview everyone, as each member of the family clan can share various information, as well as their views on the history and relationships between relatives.

"War in my family" is an essay that canreflect not only the important theme of the Great Patriotic War, but also tell about other conflicts if the schoolchild's relatives took part in them. But the main theme will, of course, be the 1941 war. Obviously, there is no Russian family by which this terrible catastrophe passed. Unfortunately, with every year veterans, who could tell their grandsons and great-grandchildren from the first mouths why it is impossible to allow the repetition of hostilities, is getting less and less. Therefore, it is so important to interview those who are still alive, because their experience is priceless.

What if relatives do not want to talk about war

The military theme can also be a trigger for the openingnew, unknown facts about his family and its history. There are cases when elderly relatives do not want to talk about "War in my family". The writing can then be written by referring to the help of the Internet, since such an unwillingness to share one's experience should be treated with understanding. Great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers have a hard time recalling the horrors of the war, the loss of loved ones, hunger and difficult decisions that had to be taken to survive.

The study will be able to help a lot of sites,where in the open access there are documents on the personnel of the troops killed and missing. Knowing the names and names, as well as the approximate terrain where the relatives who went to the Great Patriotic War were killed or missing, there is a chance to find out not only their rank, but also the exact place where they are buried. It can be a mass grave, but this is enough to honor the memory of soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their homeland. Such work will help the student to better understand the impact on the history of the individual and the role of the family. The writing on a similar theme will be useful to read and adults.

writing for literature family

Another topic that elderly relatives,perhaps, they will refuse to speak, may become repression of 1937. Silence can be associated with many historical facts, because of which this question was preferred to be hushed up for years. Lists of repressed people should also be searched on the sites of various archives and in Books of Memory.

Family history as part of the history of the province

Some family clans live on oneterritory for several generations. Very often such families live in villages and villages. They honor traditions and keep a memory of the history of their land. The essay on "My family in the history of my land" will not only be an interesting historical, but also an ethnographic study. It starts with the history of his name and the description of the places where she often meets. In small settlements there are several genera with the same surnames, which are distant relatives. You can conduct a small study of local history to find out what role this or that relative played in the history of his native land.

composition on the theme of my family

History of the family relic

Well, if helping a student write an essayaccording to literature, the family will tell him about some subject passed down from generation to generation. It can be a jewel, an icon, a picture, a letter or an order - anything. Often one can write a whole book about the history of just one thing: victories and tragedies, love and separation, and sometimes even secrets can be associated with it. Such a theme will turn an essay on the theme "My family" into research work. To track the relics' journey through time, a schoolboy can conduct his own investigation as a real detective. This will allow him to learn more about the history of his family, relations between people and about various historical events that influenced the lives of his relatives.

role of the family

Family customs and traditions

On the territory of the Russian Federation residesa lot of nationalities with their customs and traditions. The composition on the theme "My family" can be devoted to the description of the traditions of their community, the peculiarities of its life and various national rituals. The schoolboy will be interested to learn about how family responsibilities were distributed earlier, how relationships were built, what the children were doing and what toys they were playing, how they were preparing for the holidays, and compare all this with the present.

war in my family

Why is the theme of the family important in the writings

Work on writing on a family topic canto show in the student not only the research abilities, but also to influence the future choice of the profession: many great historians, ethnographers, even archaeologists began their activity, not interested in some ancient artifacts or unexplored pages of history. It was important for them to understand who they are and where, where their roots are and more to learn about their ancestors. This topic is very important, and it is possible that a student who has seriously approached it will become a famous scientist or professor in the future.