/ / Democratic society, signs of democracy

Democratic society, signs of democracy

Democracy is that type of statedevices in which the dominion becomes the people's power. The main signs of democracy are the free will of citizens, their equal rights, the electoral basis of government, the accountability of state bodies and the separation of all power structures.

Right is the main form in which everything is realizedprinciples and norms of a democratic device. It is represented by a system of laws governing the life of society. Modern democratic society is significantly different from historical democracy. It is based on the political views of the Enlightenment and the New Age.

There are models of democracy that havemany subspecies. On the whole, there are about 550 of them. The theory of this type of social structure is divided into a large number of concepts and a number of models, but the main ones that currently exist are only two - this is radical-democratic and liberal-democratic. They arose while trying to find a solution to the Hobbes problem. What was it? The essence of it can be represented as follows: a person entrusted himself with a social status agreement, that is, he entrusted the authorities to administer it, but the state must guarantee its respect for rights. In this regard, the question arose of preserving the freedom of a person living in a particular society. How to do it? The answer to this question and stood before the authorities.

Политики свободу человека видели по-разному.Liberal Democrats assured that freedom is the human right to moral autonomy. Society acted in this case as the sum of all citizens with their autonomy, having a common interest. This type of state model of democracy restricted freedom, since it was based only on the law. At the same time, the branches of power must have had clear boundaries. It is noteworthy that the principle of voting was based on the results of the majority choice, but at the same time minority rights were necessarily defended.

Radical democratic views were basedon the fact that a reasonable person could exist outside of society, however, being in it, he becomes a social being. Radicals in the first place put the public man, who believed that the common good is a priority over the laws of the state, over the right. The principle of separation of powers, which was welcomed by the liberals, was denied by citizens of radical views.

In addition to these, in modern science there are other models, whose representatives see differently how a democratic society should develop.

For example, Y.Schumpeter believed: the democratic principle of the device is needed in order to be able to make political decisions by fighting among competitors for electoral votes, and classical democratic theory did not adhere to such an opinion.

Scientist and politician D.Held singled out the following signs of democracy: the system of an industrial society, strong executive power, healthy party competition, and restrictions on political decision making.

Э.Downe believed that signs of democracy must be present in the process of governance, namely during elections, in the formed coalitions, in the party struggle for votes, in the non-interference of the elected party in using the rights of the opposition.

Despite the fact that there are many of her models,The main features of democracy in society can be distinguished: a variety of views and interests of citizens, free access to party formations, free suffrage, control over the work of the government, consideration of the majority while respecting the interests of the minority and peaceful resolution of conflicts.