/ / History of cross stitching in Russia and abroad.

The history of cross-stitch embroidery in Russia and abroad.

The history of cross-stitch embroidery has deeproots. It is believed that this kind of needlework was mastered even in primitive culture. Archaeological finds and ancient manuscripts allowed to learn about the existence of products with embroidery in many countries, the traditions of embroidery. People have long been embroidered from flax, cotton, hemp, silk, wool, used for embroidery veins of animals and natural hair.

Babylon was famous for its luxurious embroideries forgovernment nobility. In Byzantium, silk embroidery with gold and silver was common. Embroiderers of Iran and India enriched the embroidery with a variety of natural motifs and literary subjects.

The embroideries of Greece, on the other hand, were distinguished by their exquisite simplicity. The products were decorated with a small embroidered plate on the edges of the clothes.

The history of Russian embroidery is also rich in ancient traditions. Archaeological finds dating back to the ninth to twelfth centuries confirm the development of needlework in Ancient Rus.

During the Middle Ages the popularity of embroiderycross appreciably increased, which contributed to the Catholic Church. Embroidered church ornaments, Greek letters, Catholic symbols. Later, the cross was embroidered and clothing.

The appearance of the printed circuit for cross-stitch embroidery dates back to 1500. It first appeared in Germany, Italy, and then in France.

The cross-stitch embroidery became very popularwomen in the nineteenth century. The development of the textile industry, new fabrics and threads have served to the fact that embroidery has become a mass phenomenon. The first journals with color schemes appeared, the canvas, the first books on embroidery technique. The enterprises on manufacture of embroidery accessories were opened.

The history of cross-stitching in Russia is no exception. By this time (19th century), Russian embroidery has become popular (peasant) and urban.

One of the traditions of folk embroidery was learninggirls and preparing a dowry. Before the wedding, a show of products embroidered by the bride was arranged, and the future daughter-in-law gave embroidered presents to her husband's future husband-maidens.

However, the twentieth century for cross stitching becamecritical. Many women refused from her in favor of Richelieu, a smooth surface, white embroidery in white. And it was only at the end of the twentieth century that cross-stitching took on a second birth.

The history of cross-stitch embroidery in Russia testifiesthat the cross-stitch embroidered both household products, and ritual. Embroidered shoes, clothes (headdresses, shirts, sarafans, scarves), household items (ravens, tablecloths, towels, curtains, embroidered even horse harness.

The history of cross-stitch embroidery in Russia is widelyis represented in regional museums of regions. There one can observe how, over time, individual drawings were combined in traditional patterns for each locality and ornaments. The most common geometric, meander, plant, animal, bird, humanoid patterns. Ornament was selected depending on the structure of the tissue. Folk embroideries were often decorated with geometric or floral ornaments.

In cross-stitch embroidery technologies, woolen and silk threads are used, silver and gold, embroidered with paper, beads, beads, glass beads, pearls, precious stones, sparkles, coins.

The history of cross-stitching in Russia has been preservedpriceless techniques and techniques of embroidery. The vast expanses of Russia are reflected in their diversity. In addition, that in each area had their own embroidery techniques, and more masters made individual features in their products.

There are several types of cross stitching.The most popular is a simple cross (on the front of the cross on the purl - vertical and horizontal stitches). Embroider a cross on the canvas, on the canvas, on the fabric of a plain weave.