/ / How to transfer from the university to another university: a step by step instruction

Как перевестись из ВУЗа в другой Higher education: пошаговая инструкция

How to transfer from the university to another university?Probably there will always be those who are interested in this issue. It becomes especially relevant at the end of the school year, when the session is handed over, the results are summed up, and the student is faced with a choice, whether to stay in the same educational institution, or try himself in something else, perhaps more appropriate to his goals and ambitions.

There is a rather persistent delusion inregarding the fact that transfer from the university to another university is almost unrealistic, which means that this project is in principle better to quit. This is not entirely true. Yes, it will not be easy, you will have to tinker with the paperwork and learn a lot of new material to pass the academic difference. But in some cases, such a game, as they say, is actually worth the candle.

This article is mainly abouthow to transfer from the university to another university. In addition, readers will receive practical advice and recommendations that, if necessary, will definitely help them more easily and quickly implement their plans.

Section 1. The initial list of documents required from the student

how to transfer from a university to another university

Before transferring from a university to a university, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the formalities.

First of all, you need to make an application with a request to issue an academic certificate and submit it to the dean's office or the educational department of the institution where you previously studied.

In the next 10 days, an order must be issued from the Rector to expel a student who submitted such an application from the university.

On the basis of this instruction, the student is given the original document of education, which is stored at the university since the student’s admission.

Section 2. How to transfer from the university to another university and what documents should be required from the previous place of study?

It should be noted that the academic certificate,which is a document of strict accountability (ordered in the state sign, has protection against fakes) must be issued within 2 weeks. That is, it will take some time, and it will not work in one day.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that all the disciplines studied by the student, as well as the course work and practice done by him, are necessarily indicated in it.

Section 3. Transfer Procedure. Student actions

from university to another university

How to transfer from university to another university and at the same time save time? Is it possible in principle? Surely!

Before drawing up an application with a request to issue an academic certificate to a student, it is recommended to decide in which university he will continue his studies.

The following should be considered:

  • currently there are state and non-state educational institutions;
  • possible training in a budget location, if any, of course, or with payment of the cost;
  • operating forms of education: day, evening, correspondence; in different universities and in different specialties (directions for bachelor) these forms may not be fully represented.

We need to pay special attention to these.points before transferring from a university to a university in another city. Agree, sometimes the distances are considerable, which means that traveling several times, specifying the nuances, will not only be very inconvenient, but also financially unprofitable.

After deciding where to continue training, you must contact the admissions office of the selected university.

If there are vacancies in the chosen specialty (direction), and if the other conditions suit him, of course, the student has the right to be enrolled in this educational institution.

However, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • gradebook copy or extractdocuments - they are made in the dean's office (this must be done before being expelled from the place where the training was started) in order to determine the difference in curricula in the selected university, which will serve as the basis for drawing up an individual student's training plan
  • personal application of the student with a request to transfer him to the university for further study.

Section 4. Transfer Procedure. School activities

how to transfer from university to university

Chosen by a university student in which heassumes to continue training, if possible, to accept a new student issues a certificate to him, which indicates that the student is admitted to the attestation tests and after successfully passing them, is enrolled in order to continue studying.

A part of the disciplines on the basis of certification is recalculated to the student, and a number of them will have to be studied independently and eliminated as academic indebtedness.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that respond tothe question of how to transfer from a university to a university in Ukraine or, say, in Belarus, is much easier if the transition is carried out within the framework of the legislative framework of one country. Otherwise, you will have to take into account the national characteristics of foreign educational institutions.

After receiving the above student referenceIt is necessary to apply to the administration of the former educational institution and write an application with a request for expulsion in order to continue studying in another place, as well as with a request to issue an education certificate and academic transcript.

Before the student provides all the necessary documents, he can be allowed to study only by order of the rector.

Приказ о зачислении издается после того, как the required documents will be submitted to the attestation commission of the new university. This document also indicates the need to eliminate academic debt.

In the new school form a personal matterthe student, in which his application is submitted with a request for transfer, a photocopy and the original certificate of education, as well as an extract from the order of enrollment in the order of transfer.

If a student is enrolled in a place with tuition fees, an agreement on the provision of paid services in the field of education is entered into the personal file.

Only after this, the applicant must be given a passbook and student ID card.

Section 5. List of documents submitted to the selection committee:

  • Personal application of the student to transfer.
  • Academic certificate on the results of training in the university, where training began.
  • The document on education, on the basis of which the student was enrolled in the university.
  • Extract from the order of enrollment in the university, where the student decided to continue their studies.
  • If the training will be held on a paid basis, you must provide an agreement for the provision of paid services.

Section 6. How to transfer from the university of Ukraine to the university of Russia, i.e. to a foreign educational institution?

how to transfer from a university to a university in another city

To transfer to a foreign institute or university, you must successfully pass an exam, the result of which will confirm your knowledge of the language in which you will study abroad.

An extract on the degree of mastering the curriculum of a Russian university, in which training was begun, is also obligatory.

All educational achievements of those who wish to continue their studies at a foreign university are taken into account.

You can choose another way to transfer to a university abroad - to study at the summer school, the results of which will be taken into account when enrolling.

Required copies of documents must be submitted by April. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the start of classes in foreign institutions is represented by more than one date, as in Russian universities.

how to transfer from university to university in Ukraine

You can continue studying from that semester, at the beginning of which a positive decision will be made on enrollment for study.

Section 7. Can a foreigner transfer to a Russian university?

Purely theoretically, such a procedure is quite real.

If between the state where the student startedtraining, and Russia has a corresponding agreement under which a transfer can be made, the procedure for transferring a student to a Russian university is possible and carried out in accordance with this document.

Section 8. What, above all, should pay attention?

How to transfer from a university in Ukraine to a university in Russia

  • When the transfer is carried out inside the university, the procedure remains the same as when transferring to another university, however, the academic difference is not required.
  • Delay for boys from serving in the armyduring the transfer, it is saved only if the transfer is first, and the period of study does not increase by more than 1 year (by the way, the university must have state accreditation).
  • When transferring from non-accredited universities to accredited ones, certification in the form of external education is obligatory, except for cases when this practice is not allowed.
  • As a rule, not all disciplines that were studied by a student are recalculated. Part of the disciplines must pass in order to eliminate academic debt.