/ / Admiral Levchenko: biography and photos

Admiral Levchenko: biography and photos

The ship's name is not an abstract name,invented by the builders at its bookmark. Admiral Levchenko is a real figure, a significant figure in Russian history. He was born and lived in the days of the emergence of Russia as a world power and all-Union state, and became the man who created her future.

The beginning of the way

His rapid career future admiralLevchenko Gordei Ivanovich started the school at the jun. A native of Belarus, a very small boy, Gordei entered the school of naval affairs - from that day his history of his life became inseparable from the pages of Russian military history.

После окончания училища в 1913 году ему сразу же "Was lucky" to become a participant in the First World War. Shells of combat battles fired in a very young boy a genuine love for military affairs. That is why after the events of the Civil War and the entry into the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), they decided to continue their education.

In 1922, Gordei Ivanovich graduated from the Higher Naval School and joined the officers' ranks of the Russian navy.

Rapid career of the admiral

Discipline, diligence,ambitiousness and diligence, which was endowed with Gordey Levchenko, helped him to swiftly rush up the career ladder, and 22 years after the release of the title of admiral.

A couple of years after the call to the fleet of GordaisIvanovich was appointed commander of the famous cruiser Aurora, and in 1933, promoted to the commissioner of the Caspian Flotilla. His track record was full of many posts, including the commander of battleships in the Baltic, the commander of a brigade of destroyers on the Black Sea, etc. In 1939, Levchenko received the post of commander of the Baltic Fleet.

On the share of Gordey Ivanovich fell a difficult time -war, revolution, change of the way of life of the country. However, he was always very brave. During the Great Patriotic War, the future Admiral Levchenko participated in the defense of the Crimea, Leningrad, provided the supply of troops during the breakthrough of the blockade.

The courage and courage demonstrated to them during the warplayed a significant role for career growth. Since 1953, he was appointed to the position of admiral-inspector of the naval forces of the USSR, and later deputy commander in chief for combat training. However, this was the final period of his lightning career. In 1960, Admiral Levchenko resigned.

History of ship construction

Ironically, laid down in the factory to them.Zhdanov ship originally had the name of one of the cities of the Far East - Khabarovsk. However, fate prepared for the great anti-submarine ship an outstanding destiny, full of success and victories, in connection with which the name for it required corresponding. Three months after the laying-off - at the end of May 1982, it was decided to rename the Khabarovsk BCP and assign it the name of the Admiral Levchenko BCP. This date coincided with the anniversary of the death of the admiral - Gordei Ivanovich died in late May 1981.

October 30, 1988 Captain 2 rank - the futureRear Admiral Yu. A. Krysov first raised the naval flag on the ship. From the end of October 1988, the history of one of the most significant combat units of the Northern Red Banner Navy and Navy of Russia begins.

antisubmarine ship Admiral Levchenko


The vessel had the following parameters:

  • The length is -160 m.
  • The width is 19 m.
  • Draft - 8 meters.
  • Displacement - 7 tons / (full) 7.5 tons.
  • Autonomy - 30 days.
  • The crew is about 300 people.

Admiral Levchenko

It has the following types of weapons:

  • Artillery AK-100; AK-630.
  • Rockets "Dagger".
  • Anti-submarine and mine-torpedo.
  • Aviation Group.

For the convenience of perception, the rounded figures of BBC Admiral Levchenko were given. The photos clearly demonstrate the power and strength of his weapons.

Admiral Levchenko

Pages of success

First year of service anti-submarine ship"Admiral Levchenko" finishes victoriously - the team wins the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the USSR Navy for the successful execution of the task of finding an enemy submarine. The medal laid the foundation for the future victories of the ship in the maritime field, which were many.

In the next 3 years - from 1990 to 1992, the team did not want to give up the palm branch of the championship to their colleagues in the service and 3 times in a row became the winner in the military training exercises.

In 1993 the ship was inspected by theMinister of Defense Grachev and brilliantly fulfilled the task assigned to him to descend the mooring lines and exit to the open sea, which once again confirmed the professionalism and high cohesion of the team.

After a short break in 1996, "Admiral Levchenko" again becomes the best ship for the preparation of diverse SV forces, and in 1997 again repeats the successful search for a nuclear submarine.

In 2004 - a brilliant search for the enemy's underwater forces in the search and strike group of ships and a new prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

In the years 2005-2006. already once again confirms and confidently retains the title of the best on the Kola Peninsula.

In 2014, another regalia was added to thea small ship - he completed a long-distance hike that began in December 2013, one of the longest that the modern history of the Russian Navy remembers. For 8 months "Admiral Levchenko" managed to visit the Pacific, Baltic and Black Sea fleets, conduct inter-Fleet exercises, as well as pass the Strait of Messina.

Admiral Levchenko photo

Military campaigns

Only 2 years after launching the ship "Admiral Levchenko" joined the ranks of Russia's advanced forces at sea and defended the interests of the country off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

During his career the ship managed to visit:

  • The Mediterranean Sea and Tartus Port in 1990
  • French Toulon in 1993
  • The English ports of Portsmouth and Plymouth in 1996.
  • The general polar archipelago of Spitsbergen in 2003.
  • Atlantic and the Mediterranean in 2007-2008, as well as Norway, England, France, Iceland and Tunisia.
  • Exercises with Turkey in 2009
  • In 2009-2010, he served in the Gulf of Aden, as well as off the coast of Syria.
  • Protected the interests of Russia in the Mediterranean Sea from 2013 to 2014.
  • Since 2014, he is an inseparable participant of a group of ships of the Northern Fleet, which monitors the situation off the coast of Syria.

Almost for 30 years of brilliant service BOD"Admiral Levchenko" managed 2 times to get up for repairs. However, each time the crew entered the operating mode with lightning speed and successfully performed the tasks assigned to it.

Admiral Levchenko's ship

Commander of the ship

Unfortunately, in periodicals and book editions there are no exact data on the commanders of the ship and a clear chronology of their service in office. According to the news bulletins, it was possible to recreate an approximate picture:

  • 1988-1995 - captain of the 2nd Rank Yu. A. Krysov;
  • 2005 - Captain 1st rank AP Dolgov;
  • 2007 - captain of rank 2 SN Okhremchuk;
  • 2010 - Captain 1st Rank S.V. Varik;
  • 2012-2016 - Captain 1 IM Krokhmal;

Admiral Levchenko Gordey Ivanovich

Today, "Admiral Levchenko" is not justa significant name in the history of Russia, this is a whole team of like-minded people who excellently fulfill the tasks of protecting the interests of our Motherland. This is the power and become the Northern Fleet. These are those who daily bear a heavy burden of service and guard our peaceful sleep.