/ / Developmental math riddles for preschoolers

Developing mathematical puzzles with answers for preschoolers

The development of knowledge in the field of mathematics is veryrelevant in our time. That is why, starting from kindergarten, it is necessary to teach kids the basics of this science. Various mathematical puzzles, crossword puzzles, riddles will help educators to instill in children the necessary knowledge.

Math puzzles for preschool children

math puzzles crosswords puzzles

The kids are still not available difficult tasksmath. Interesting for them will be various mathematical puzzles, with the answers to which will have to reflect a lot. The basis of such puzzles are quantitative, temporal, spatial characteristics.

Math puzzles with answers

  • "Two ends, the same number of rings, and between them a carnation." Everyone knows that these are scissors.
  • "Four friends huddle under a common roof." This riddle is about the table.
  • "Five friends in a common house live." This is a mitten.
  • "Antoshka is sad on one leg. As the sun rises, he looks in that direction." Here we are talking about sunflower
  • “I don’t have a leg, but I’m going, I don’t have a tongue, but I say: when to go to bed, and when to get up from it”. This puzzle is about watches.
  • "My grandfather is lying, he is wearing a hundred fur coats, and whoever starts to undress him, he sheds tears." Of course, this is a bow.

Comic riddles

math riddles with answers

This is what preschoolers like the most. In order to find the answer to such problems, you need to be smart.

Here are some comic math riddles with answers that are suitable for older preschoolers:

  1. "I am plus you, and you and me. What happens?" The child must answer "two."
  2. "How to show a triangle on a table with a single stick?" The correct answer is to put it on the corner of the table so that three corners are formed.
  3. "How many ends does one stick have? And two sticks? And two and a half?" Here you need to answer 6.
  4. "There are three sticks on the table, next to eacha friend. How to make the wand, which lay in the middle, was on the edge, not touching the other? "Move the last one - that’s what the kid should answer.
  5. "Three horses galloped five kilometers. How many kilometers each horse galloped?" Of course, 5 kilometers each.

And many other math puzzles forpreschoolers. There is a huge amount of them. Comic math puzzles for preschoolers are used to activate mental activity and teach to highlight the main thing between two or more subjects. Apply such riddles should be in the process of group conversations, observations on walks. The main thing is that they correspond to the topic of conversation or observation.

Features of perception of comic riddles by older preschoolers

From 5 to 7 years old, children are already good at joking andunderstand the jokes of others. Children of this age will be able to answer correctly such a comic riddle, with the condition that they understood it. If the sense of humor is underdeveloped, then the child will solve the problem by the method of simple calculations. And the answer will be incorrect. Answers to such riddles must be explained to the whole group by visual methods.

Such tasks are suitable as a warm-up beforemath lessons. This contributes to the good development of mental operations. The proposed mathematical riddles with answers can be used during the lesson in order to clarify the concept of any number.

math puzzles for preschoolers

You can also use comic riddles when moving from one activity to another to give the guys a little distraction and rest.

Math logic puzzles

math logic puzzles

This is a very useful exercise for the mind. Logical mathematical puzzles are quite complex - with the answers they have to think a lot. Here are some of them:

  1. Misha had a big but sour orange.And Vitya ate big, but sweet. What looks like oranges, and what makes them different from each other? They are similar in that both are large, and the difference is that one turned out to be tasty, and the second - sour.
  2. Friends Vera and Nastya looked at the illustrations. One of them was holding a book, and the second had a magazine. Where did Nastya look at the pictures, if Vera had no magazine in her hands? Of course, in a magazine.
  3. Vasya and Petya decided to paint. Car and tractor. What was on the picture of Vasya, if Petya did not want to draw a tractor? Of course, Vasya painted the car.
  4. Christina, Vitya and Slava lived in different-story buildings.Two of them were three-story, one - two-story. Christina and Slavik did not live in the same houses, Slava and Vitya as well. Who lived in what house? This task is more difficult. The answer is correct: Slava lived in a two-story house, and Christina and Vitya lived in a three-story house.
  5. Zhenya, Misha and Andrei loved readingbooks. One was interested in cars, another - stories about the war, the third - about sports. Who read about what, if Zhenya did not read about the war and about sports, and Misha did not read about sports? A seemingly complex puzzle has a fairly simple answer. Since Zhenya did not touch the books about war and sport, it means that he read about traveling. Misha did not read a book about sports, which means that he chose a book about war. There is no information about Andrei, but by the exception method we decide that he gets a book about cars. It's simple.
  6. Vera, Masha and Olesya loved to embroider.One - hearts, another - houses, the third - patterns. Who embroidered what, if Vera did not embroider hearts and houses, and Masha did not like hearts? Also quite a difficult task. Vera embroidered patterns, Masha - houses, Olesya - hearts.